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Posts posted by Cuzzie

  1. No worries - hopefully Konni is still there but the home one should work unless that was the one you tried before - must be difficult with on off COVID stuff, EU running at a different pace to us here and its a relatively small operation.


    Hopefully you will get an answer 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, EBS_freak said:

    Musicians are the most salty breed out there.

    The narrative, "we are all friends, we all support each other, we are all "good friends" etc...", meanwhile, they can't bring themselves to click a simple like button in support of others - and will go after your gig or use to their own advantage, whilst bad mouthing you to your peers and generally stabbing you in the back.

    Terrible isn't it?

    Society wide - jealous ones envy - fortunately I stay average so no one would want what I got  aside from the wife who is amazing and can more than handle herself.

    I liked the balance of that track - great vocals too

  3. 1 minute ago, Al Krow said:

    Worth also bearing in mind that the ST = 2 x SC i.e. you don't get the upper freq. response of the SM, which I think you are keen on in terms of your pairing options.

    I'm very similar to you in terms of stairs and wanting to protect my aging back etc. and for me the compromise was to settle on circa 30 lbs for a BB2 with padded cover.

    Tbf dark alley, Cuzzie and me, there would only ever be one outcome...😁

    I would run away - you are quite scary

    • Haha 2
  4. Just now, IvanBass456 said:

    @Cuzzie:  23lbs for their SM/SC ,  37lbs for the Super Twin, it's not quiet the same when moving it up the stairs :) But yeah the Super Twin the most lightweight 2x12 after the carbon fiber cabs from GR Bass.

    So, a 2x12" cab is more than probably convenient for the most of us, but I personally like more mobility and modularity. I speak for for my back + my house has tight stairs...


    I completely understand and you know your home/playing circumstances, physical status more than anyone.

    Its not a deadlift as it’s higher off the ground, has wheels etc.

    2 x 23lbs is 46 lbs so technically heavier, do you do it in 1 trip or 2 trips etc.

    Easiest thing to do is take a day trip to Brighton with your rig if you can and compare when they are open which is not long.

  5. There is a lot of talking about modular and not modular, when you will need one or 2 cabs, vertical and width dispersion.

    If you feel you need amp and cab for your situation and BF is your brand - get a Supertwin Gen 3

    If you want a tweeter get a super 12T, or a big twin.

    Honestly they are an absolute breeze to move around and are a pretty easy 1 hand lift and have wheels.

    You will never worry about it it’s too much or too little or too dispersed, not close enough to your ear - it will do the job and is a no brainer.

    If any doubt and you are better popping stuff through a good PA/FRFR,  it’s exactly as @EBS_freak says model your sound how you want with or without preamps, modellers, Effects units and bang it out through there.

    • Like 1
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  6. 2 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Its an odd one but i've always found i'm faster with my fingers than i could ever be with a pick but i hear a lot of players saying a pick is faster.


    I am trying to get Holy Wars Megadeth on Fingers and Pick.

    I can get them about the same speed but can play for longer faster with a pick

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, BillyBass said:

    The nails on my plucking hand index and middle finger I keep really short as I hate the clang when the nail hits the string.  Most of the songs we do work just fine with fingers but there are a few, stuff by the Stranglers, Decode by Paramore for example, where speed or tone dictate the necessity of using a pick.

    I would like to be as proficient with a pick as with my fingers, so I've just got to put the hard work in. 

    My journey is the reverse of yours - I picked up bass about 5-6 years ago and went for pick, partly because of fave players using one, but also old rugby finger injuries it was tiring on me old joints.

    I wouldn’t say I am proficient with a pick, but I am trying to get fingers up to a similar poor standard!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Wolverinebass said:

    I think what demos are missing is Patrick Hunter. Without his presence demos will sound different which will lead to bass players all over the world scratching their heads like confused plumbers.

    Soon, Patrick Hunter will be doing all effect pedal demos. Everything will sound the same. One clip of him gurning like a hyena with a particularly unpleasant rectal problem will become interchangeable with another. All pedals will sound like Darkglass. 

    Later, a sub culture of bass players who could remember the days before Patrick Hunter gather together round outdoor fires trying to pass on knowledge that bass doesn't always have to sound hyper distorted and played like a seal having a stroke.

    After elderly bassists try to teach the next generation how to use a chorus pedal properly, all bass pedal companies are bought over by Darkglass with Doug Castro selling a range of pedals which are all B7k Ultra pedals with stickers over them that say "flanger," "delay," or even "ring modulator." Patrick Hunter is brought in to ensure reviews are conducted in their usual "dog chasing it's tail" way.

    Soon Patrick Hunter becomes revered as a bass playing god by the younger generation. Any review causes Darkglass shares to increase by 10% in value so much that Doug Castro is able to buy Amazon and turn it into a bass pedal shipping company.

    The population's needs are soon insatiable for more reviews and pedals. Dissent from anyone not playing a Dingwall/Darkglass combination is crushed mercilessly by Getgood stormtroopers. Anyone over 40 playing "Mr. Pink" on a Status Kingbass is executed immediately as an enemy of the state.

    Patrick Hunter is elected as Secretary General of the UN which by this point is nothing more than an extension of the Darkglass empire.

    All music is now controlled with Patrick Hunter limiting it to only songs which have Darkglass products used on them. Djent and Metalcore experience a resurgence in popularity.

    However, underground, a small group of p bass players using flats have managed to survive. Classified as terrorists, these bass players have avoided the Getgood kill squads and are now trying to bring down the system, by exposing the population to Jaco Pastorius and Kajagoogoo.

    Despite information being tightly controlled, they plot furtively in the shadows for the end of the Darkglass/Hunter hegemony imposed now by Getgood stormtroopers. As part of their published manifesto, they insist that all "Youtubers" will be prosecuted for crimes against humanity with trials being held in Silicon Valley. With these revolutionary ideas gaining traction, the one pedal state is planning a crackdown....

    I am just happy someone managed to get Mr Pink and Ring modulator in a fantastic piece of prose.

    Will these Getgood Stormtroopers be just as crap at shooting and not hit a cows bum with a banjo 

  9. In short-well built, symbols are no issue to deal with for function of each dial. 
    clean channel is very very good, drive channel is also very good, fuzz channel was not quite me, but I am not a massive fuzz fan.

    You can certainly get some very decent sounds out of this, but it was almost as if the drive had to have a bit of fuzz to get the best out of it.

    Yes it is designed to go infront of an amp rather than be a DI preamp type box.

    Depends what else you own and what you like as to whether it’s different enough and sits with you, but it is responsive to style and aggression of playing 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 minute ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Oddly enough i find my little finger and edge of my palm muting the strings automatically as and when required. Also finding that i use that "slanted pick" thing without thinking about it and i haven't used a pick since 78.

    I do occassionally use my index finger as a pick so maybe its all just rubbing off from that.

    Even tho i bought the picks i'm not really happy with the sound they give me so i need to adjust my EQ to accomodate plus i'm getting an awful lot of fret noise with a pick but i keep my string height quite low but i wont be adjusting the height and will try and lighten my pick strength.


    That happens - I don’t worry too much snout fret noise, when U r back playing with the band it may make no difference or add to the sound!

    • Like 1
  11. 18 minutes ago, horrorshowbass said:

    Holy Temple of Syrinx!!!!


    Anyone on here own an Electra TT? Was looking at Fender Player series for my next jazz bass but they could be a contender.

    Not owned as after getting my MarloweDK I knew I needed no other jazz, I am sure someone here will pipe up, but if you look at the process.

    The parts are made out east, but all final QC, assembly, wiring etc is done at HQ in Germany - incredible value for money and incredible basses

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, stonevibe said:

    You guys all have some really interesting insights into this and it's nice to hear what you all do/struggle with. I'm just a luddite guitarist, that needs to record and play bass and so good to find out from 'real' bass players what they are doing.

    I found that having a slightly loose grip with plectrums also helped me as a guitarist and that seems to translate well to the bass as well. So don't be too rigid and relax into it.

    Yep - I have a loose pinch as well tips of thumb and index not against the side of the index finger.

    Part of it is born from how I play standing which is low slung, straighter arm as if I bend my elbow my nerve gets pressured and my little finger goes numb



  13. 24 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    All good points, cheers Gav. Having looked at the options again I think I may well end up with either the very well regarded Glock 3 band, which I'm coming back around to, and several BC'ers have already mentioned works well for them including @BassBunny who swapped in a Glock 3 band into his Carvin BB and said it works really well, which is obviously directly relevant to my bass and model. My take is that the Glock is pretty transparent and allows the tone of the rest of the bass, strings and pups to shine through. It's also around £125 + fitting so at the more affordable end. Or a more versatile East which would likely add a further £100 on top, for the reasons you set out very well above.

    I'm going to get to know the bass a bit better first in terms of feel and play and can come back to putting in a pre-amp post lock down ending / gigs restarting. 

    That’s spring time end of May then 👌🏾👍🏾🤘🏾

  14. 2 hours ago, ead said:

    NBD :)

    Arrived this morning.  It's basically an "if Geddy had visited Sandberg" bass.  Satin body, the Black Label Pickups and passive VVT electrics.  Nice and light at 8lbs too.  Could decide on pickguard so got a couple of spares...





    Sweet baby dear mother of Christ - that is an absolute corker - congrats

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
    • Haha 1
  15. 32 minutes ago, tegs07 said:

    There is a a third camp. Tonewood is a generic name for wood used to make instruments. It may make a difference or not but it is still known as Tonewood. If ply is used to make an instrument it is Tonewood!


    No one has said wood makes no difference, people have varied on the level of difference

    But a difference is a difference - that’s about it!

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