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Posts posted by Cuzzie

  1. 54 minutes ago, krispn said:

    The cab and my amps. I find that the cab works equally well with both heads. One has a tube preamp with vintage fender tone stack on one side with a second dedicated tube overdrive channel (with a blend between the two channels) on the other. It’s got some neat options - a semi para eq and room balance (tilt eq). Most of these features are switchable on/off from the amps footswitch.

    The other head the top one has a very clean, quick pre with 3 band semi para eq. It's been likened to the Tunderfunk in terms of its overall voice/features so definitely a clean powerhouse! Both use the same power sections but one is lower output 600w and the other is full 1200w. From memory the cab is rated at 600w 4ohm.


    Proper sized amp on a cab that - Bravo

  2. 4 minutes ago, SumOne said:

    I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say. Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.

    You like watching Matlock don’t you

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, Staggering on said:

    Any time "I" is used instead of "me" to make a rhyme as in many songs where the line ends with " to you and I" or "for you and I" I tend to tense up and yell "me, you idiot" and have a private little rage. It won't change and some good songs use this ...sigh...🙄

    Like in Me for a Me and tooth for a tooth?

    That rages I as well

    • Haha 3
  4. The only band that have no crimes against Rhymes is Dio

    All of them are epic


    But Chris DeBurgh - this has always grated

    I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,
    They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance,

  5. 13 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    Sounds like we have a mutual love of 212s. What make / model are your 212 and 112?

    Yeah, trigger has been well and truly pulled. Agent Moscow-Bass :ph34r: cannily spied that the used AT212 at BD had been sold and confronted me with the evidence...my cover was blown (albeit on a forum currently suffering server outage issues)! 

    Was that from the planned Visit taking the BB2 as comparison or just buy and deliver 

  6. 26 minutes ago, greghagger said:

    To answer your last point first, the idea of this video isn’t to find out the cheapest way to get a bass.  But if you are up for making a video on that, I would watch it. 

    I brew beer, and I’m pretty sure I can buy it cheaper, but I love the process and also enjoy picking the hop profile and malts for the final taste.  That said, in regards to my bass, I knew I wanted Bare Knuckle pickups and if I had brought one of the brands you mentions and replaced the stock pickups, it would work out more expensive that way.  Essentially you can get a bespoke instrument that doesn’t cost the earth with sentimentally as well, which is very appealing to some people. 

    To start answering your other questions, I am going to hunt for my old neck and post a photo when I find it.  You will then realise why I replaced the neck.  I’ve give you one guess at what modification a teenager in the early 90’s foolishly thought might have been a good idea! 😂

    Thanks for the reply, look forward to seeing the neck!!

    I know it’s not about getting the cheapest bass, and I see your video is there to encourage others, it was more about contextualising for people out there and for increasing the content of the video.

    Regards company made basses, I get you about buying and swapping, but let’s not forget off setting cost with selling other parts, buying second hand etc.

    The main reason for the context is and @tegs07 (who also pops together a mean bass) has played a couple of my bitsa’s with judicious buying and patience - sometimes buying new you can get an incredible deal and bass. One I did was mainly new parts (aside from tuners) but it was very specific - however it cost less than a max fender new for example and I know would blow it out the water.

    Another I did would be equivalent or slightly less to a second hand mex fender - and again would hammer them (assuming my time is free and non charged)

    That was more the angle that may encourage more I was referring to, which I think is the purpose of the video if I am correct


    • Like 2
  7. Watched the video, but there are a few things that would help flesh it out if you can comment.

    You replaced the neck - was there anything wrong with the old neck? Is the new ones just dimensions you prefer? If the old had a gloss finish and you prefer Matt, would it not have been fine to remove the finish with wire wool? Was much pocket work needed for the new neck? A neck to neck comparison would be good.

    Same for the pick ups - do you replace the whole pots as well, cloth wires, audio tapers etc.

    We’re the tuners original or new ones? Gear ratio’s, feel etc.


    Essenitally the price of the upgrade is about the sam as you would pay for a second hand Mex Fender, Sandberg Electra VS4, Yamaha Pulsar etc. For that classic P Bas look - comparing them to it would guide people to trying it or not. I get the sentimentality, but that has to be only to the body in this case.

    • Like 3
  8. 22 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

    I know our resident expert @Cuzzie will be along shortly and answer all things Sandberg but from what i know they do Delanos which have that name on them and then Sandbergs own with the 4 dots on them. They also do Black Labels and a couple of others but i'd need to go back thru this thread for names and details and its vino time so my focus is fading. 

    Seems quite a few people aren't keen on the Delanos but i have no exxperience myself of anything other than Sandbergs version with the 4 dots.



    On 03/04/2021 at 17:27, petebassist said:

    Anyone rate the Delano or black label pickups that you get on the recent TT, TM, VS, VMs, or Californias? Particularly, can they cut it live? I hear about people having to swap out the stock pickups but I don't know whether that's on earlier models from years back with different pickups or still an issue with the latest basses. Advice welcome. Thanks.

    A few pages back, actually a few times in this thread I have given overviews on the pick ups (I should save the long reviews!)

    very Broadly speaking 

    Delano - Modern and hi-fi, but not sterile

    Sandberg - More vintage, lower output

    Haussel - vintage with higher output, quite hot esp large pole ones

    Sandberg Black labels - slightly More modern than the Sandberg originals, punchy as hell

    The key to this is what do you want and what is in your chain?

    Do you want it active or passive? -  On Board Pre-amps the Glockenklang 2 band is most common but the 3 band is out there on basses. Noll’s are used and are slightly more aggressive and of course there is the Darkglass Tone Capsule

    Next question is what else are you using?

    Pre-amps, pedals, amps, effects.

    All of these pick ups play differently with everything.

    They are all really good pick ups, When you get your cocktail together then you will get it right for you.

    • Like 3
  9. 20 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Fair points, however I was responding as simply as possible to the specific query raised by a fellow Yammy owner, with an explanation of how it's been measured for easy comparison (which was measured unfretted). I'll leave him to make use of it, or otherwise.

    That was read and considered  - hence my reply to put into context, and some detail.

    If it’s buzzing on an open string the set up is severely wrong, I think most people would be thinking about when the buzz comes on once fretted - which nicely corresponds to his answer - but it will completely depend on how you set your relief.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    My (approx i.e. within 0.5mm) was measured above the fret, as opposed to above the fretboard.

    I think what @krispn means is the string being fretted as in playing a note rather than it being open.

    When you are setting up and measuring the relief you tend to fret the string at the first fret and where the neck hits the body and check with a feather gauge how much relief you need in the neck.

    General parlance is measuring from the fret to the bottom of the string at the 12th, to set saddle heights and string height, then at the first fret for filing the nut.

    Measuring the string height without fretting a note is not great as in general unless it’s stupid low, or you have set relief as such it shouldnt buzz

    the string heights will vary across the strings slightly being the norm, or not depending on your flavour, but they tend to

  11. 9 minutes ago, ped said:

    Good lad. I’ve always done it I think, feels really weird playing in E. strangely fine switching to a 5 string though but then again my five string is 16” scale so that’s the least of my worries 

    A lot of my fave artists were in drop D, so its a natural ear for me and its really freeing in how you get about. I do have a hip shot on my fave basses just for ease, but its always drop D usually down half or a whole step as well

    • Like 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, ped said:

    Another thing I like about David’s playing (I call him Dave, we’re mates) is that he plays a 4 string tuned to drop D, which I always do too - it makes his lines easier for me to play but mostly only cool people play in D

    For which i am a firm club member

    • Like 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Err not quite, but fair enough in terms of confusion!  The Carvin BB has a Carvin preamp that bore some similarities to a TonePump, but it's not (e.g. it's a 3 band for a start). I'd be fine with keeping it but it's fucked in terms of the 3 band EQ, so it's going to get replaced with a Glock EQ. That particularly journey on swapping out the Carvin pre for a Glock is reasonable well-trodden and been apparently done with some success.

    How come potty mouth Krow gets no censorship 

    • Haha 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, AndyTravis said:

    They’re ace. 

    Ive done some recordings with mine to try and give an idea of sounds.

    I’ll upload shortly - not that I wanted to put this stuff out there, but - what the heck 😂

    the top one (soundtrack one) takes a while to get going, “Trav cruises” is a stupid joke I did with @Cuzzie and “Skylines” was more about getting used to a new guitar.

    it’s wearing well worn sadowsky rounds.

    It’s a stonewalled hit

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