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Posts posted by Cuzzie

  1. 13 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    I do, pretty much every day mate! 😉

    But I'm not lugging a 25lb head on the road to gigs with my dodgy back. I'll leave you 6' strapping youngsters to do that. I suspect I'm going to end up with a BIAmp for the road - been highly recommended by a dodgy mate of mine, who has a M6 at home 😁

    That amp is a behemoth-it’s almost entirely lighter than your cab.......😉

  2. 7 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    Ah ok gotcha. Two things (i) I don't currently have a Helix (ii) I would be (very pleasantly!) stunned if a Helix patch could closely emulate what a Mesa M9 (which you're right should be pretty identical tonally to an M6) does. I suppose the way to test it would be to bypass the preamp on an amp and feed the Helix straight into the power amp section of a clean amp such as a DG M900.

    Having said that - I would be less surprised if you had said a Kemper or the new DG Quad Cortex came close just based on their reputations.

    Calling @bassfan - dunno if you've come across the M9 patch on your HX Effects, buddy? But if you get a chance to A/B it with your Mesa M6, it would be interesting to see if it comes close.

    Why would the Helix family which is very bass friendly with its sounds not get it right, but Kemper or QC get it right?

    Would Fractal, Hotone  get it right?

    Trying to work out how you would get this conclusion, doesn’t sound like this was explored on your helixes?

  3. 15 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    I know, it really does tick a lot of boxes.

    A Carvin BB neck-through 5 string. Being brought round by the seller tomorrow night. Needs a new preamp, so all the recent chat about those & EQ has been very useful too! 

    The one I suggested is different so it’s fine

  4. 9 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Oooh that does tick a lot of boxes! Cheers gents.

    What's stopping me?...I may have just agreed to buy another bass literally 45 mins ago, lol! Can't really see my missus being too happy with two basses in one month, particularly as she has somehow found out about me and Cuzzie via another thread...

    I'm seriously intrigued that he's preferring his Spector Rebop though. Must admit I'm more than a bit partial to nice bit of Spector!

    I overheard your Mrs saying anything that keeps him locked in the music room is fine by me - crack on

    • Haha 1
  5. @Al Krow



    5 string - check

    reverse P - check

    Not aged - check

    black or white - check

    Not Delano’s-check

    likely Glock pre amp you have heard good things about - check

    Could be 2 band or 3 band, but recent revelation is 3 band no longer an absolute - check

    Has Midi - check (ooooooo nice extra)

    Hovering at the £1k mark - check

    No further mods - possible check

    Whats to stop you?!

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Don't think i've seen the Martin Mendez version. Off to google 

    UPDATE : had a listen to the Mendez Jazz but not so keen. Had another listen to the Marlowe and it just sounds so much nicer.


    MarloweDK is the absolute nuts

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Thought i'd run thru our set list today while standing for a change and started using my Jazz mainly because its always readily available and after about 45mins my shoulder and back started to ache so i finished the first set of about 60-70 mins approx.

    Took a break for lunch and decided to bring my Sandberg VM4 out its case for the 2nd set. I couldn't believe how light it felt compared to the Jazz bass. 2nd set of 80mins without issue. That is why its my gigging bass these days plus it just sounds and feels so nice. 

    Does leave me thinking i should try the Marlowe Jazz as suggested by @Cuzzie few months back. I love the sound of Jazz basses but the Fender weight could be a problem for a full gig now that i'm getting a wee bit older and gig lazy because of Covid. 

    Does the Marlowe Jazz compare with the VM4 with regards weight.

    Gout our first gig booked in October so once band all vaccinated its straight into rehearsals


    Shame you are a long way up the road and not down the road or you could have tried mine!

    Mine is old shape so has a bit extra mass but balances well and does not feel heavy at all, it is a little heavier than my precision’s, but I would think with the shapes as they are now it should be very similar to your VM4 in weight

    There is also the Martin Mendez sig bass which will be the same as your VM but jazzy picks

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Kev said:


    Anyone else notice the name change?  IE it is now ONLY called the Aggressively Distorting Advanced Machine, and all references to ADAM have been removed, including the name on the pedal?  Its almost like they've distanced it from being the Nolly signature pedal and instead are just calling it a collaboration, its a bit odd.  I mean, I get it from the perspective of people being put off buying it as they don't like the Nolly/Dingwall thing, but it can't just be that.  I've asked a couple of times on public posts and had no response...

    Or they have read our woke thread here.........but that is interesting, no harm in a gentle rebrand

  9. 5 hours ago, Kev said:

    First major Adam firmware update is here!

    Main feature, you can now get muchhhhh lower gain sounds, so it can now be used for grit, and it sounds great.

    They’ve added the option to move the cab sim to the end of the chain, rather than just the distortion side.

    They’ve added attack/release controls to the compressor in the suite (so the comp now has ratio, threshold, attack and release controls, which is awesome)

    They’ve formally announced the next update will include a built in noise gate.

    This has pretty much resolved all the issues people have had with the Adam, fair play to Darkglass for listening to their customers! 

    Does that mean they can call it MADAM now

    Mildly Aggressive Distorting Advanced Machine

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  10. 3 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    The DG AO is an excellent amp, but paired with a BB2 lacks the warmth that my Mesa M6 delivers.

    Guess I'm on a quest for "bottled Mesa M6" in a lightweight amp, very probably hybrid. I've been told by folk in the know that the Berg BIAmp could be the ticket and I'm looking forward to A/Bing one post lockdown.

    Those Berg BI Amps are really good - it’s got a very nice UI where all your tweaks, setting your own centre points of frequencies, levels of compression, dialling in the drive you want can be done in the LCD screen, flicking through the menu and saved, also you can store Cab profiles on a memory stick and upload them to match what (if) Berg cab you are using. Firmware updates done via memory stick so you don’t need to be connected to a PC, download it on to a stick, transfer across.

    It also has filters - you can literally do everything on the unit.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    Just had a look and it turns out he's made a couple like that. The body wood is just listed as "Custom High-Dense Ply", so I don't suppose its anything special in terms of "tone wood".

    Full details can be found here.

    It’s a great piece of art.

    I am not sure though anyone has said the ply isn’t tonewood - so it still is!

  12. 2 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    In that the "plywood" thread I also posted these basses:


    This bass is made by Jens Ritter who is a well-respected high-end luthier. I know that it's not standard plywood, but it is made up of multiple thin layers of wood rather than a single piece of "tone wood".


    And this one is by Bas Extravaganza, and is actual plywood bought from his local DIY superstore and built to show that it perfectly possible to make a great sounding bass out of very ordinary materials.

    What were the bits of wood used in the bass by Jens?

  13. 25 minutes ago, tegs07 said:

    My favourite bass is turdburst ... it even has a tort pick guard and an ashtray over the bridge. 
    In its defence it is in keeping with the era it is from. Overall churning these out these days is akin to choosing platform shoes, psychedelic brown and purple carpets and Ford Cortina’s.

    Oh dear - if I didn’t know you and quite like you that would be an unfriend moment - I’ll wear gloves like scott to play that

    • Haha 1
  14. 30 minutes ago, tegs07 said:

    I guess this would also depend on the band and music played. If you’re creating something loud and raucous with a load of distortion, overdrive whatever would small factors like what wood the bass is made of have any impact?

    I think this topic is highly subjective, personally I don’t get the objection to the term Tonewood it’s like being cross about the words Decking or fencing because there are no boats or people with Collinders on their head. It’s just a collective name.

    Nor the idea that brands are try to fleece you. In my experience things are generally made with profit being a driving factor. If basses could be made of turds encased in plastic waste with no impact on sound then they would be.

    Turdburst - i keep telling people that’s what those basses are made of

    • Haha 1
  15. 16 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    Of course you need to. Otherwise there would be no point in buying pickups of the supposedly the same design from different manufacturers.

    Also how do you know that the pickups are the same? And if they are what are the manufacturing tolerances in terms of number of windings and strength of the magnets?

    Well the Aguilar range isn’t massive. They look very much like the AG 4P 60’s (which seems to be their current offerings on the web site although they have done a 50s style), all the pole pieces look the same size so I don’t think that one bass had the Hot ones in compared to the standard ones.


    No doubt you will berate that the actual figures of tolerance and tightness are not published across ‘x’ number of pick ups, but I am sure i could pick a fight with my own finger nails as well.

    It seems as if the discussion goes, everyone agrees there is a difference, but it then comes down to there is not enough difference for everyone, but for some people there is, but actually there is a difference be it 1% or 20% - there is still a difference.

  16. 11 minutes ago, PlungerModerno said:

    Nice A/B/C shootout. Pity there's no blind section, but somebody could make one (put a static image on screen, put them in a different order, calling them A, B and C).

    I suspect the 3 different pickups in the same bass might sound subtly different, I would say other factors are at stake than wood species, given these are 3 different (albeit very similar) basses, you have the whole system being compared (tone circut, strings, setup, etc., on top of the variables of playing).

    The pick ups looked to be the same Aguilar ones - are we also adding in in difference in manufacture of pick up per pickup despite being the same model?

    They do look very nice basses for sure!

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