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Posts posted by Cuzzie

  1. 12 minutes ago, Obra said:

    Here is my new one. 

    During the video, You can found parts with isolated bass or bass and drums. All the descriptions of gear used are in the text part of the YT video. Would appreciate Your comments on this one.


    You already know i love this one - nice work

    • Like 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    Used a pick when i was taking lessons for 18mths about 40+ yrs ago then changed to fingers since. Been asked on several occasions to use a pick for more attack (usually by guitarists). I can do fast parts with a pick when palying a lot of different notes across all 4 strings but struggle playing broken 8ths on same note for some reason. 

    I've gone down the route of growing my nails long enough to catch strings and provide enough attack that everyone is happy. I enjoy using my index finger as a pick. I find that quite a comfortable playing style altho the finger gets a bit painful under the nail after a while.

    I keep working with a pick at home as it could be a useful tool in future.

    I also get sore fingers holding a pick after about 20-30 mins but i'm putting that down to lack of practice with it.


    Gripping too tight - try Dava picks as they have a rubber grip area - joy to use and if you rotate them and hit strings with the rubber bit, it takes the click away and gives you more that Motown thud, granted being a bit more sticky on the strings

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Lfalex v1.1 said:

    I've heard that story. From a good but not unbiased source.

    And I've heard things about my good but not unbiased source from another good but not unbiased source.

    It's a competitive business. Companies will do whatever they feel necessary to remain competitive. Including, but not limited to;

    Upsetting their competitors in the pursuit of profit

    Launching budget ranges in the pursuit of profit

    Cutting costs in the pursuit of profit

    Farming out production to the lowest bidder that can meet their QC standards, in the pursuit of profit. 

    It's all about £ € $ and ¥. Just like any other business. 

    Yep - as Paul and Stevie said about a fingerboard/nut combination - there is good and bad in everyone - most of my bases i built myself, and i am an assssssssss - I probably shouldn’t use my own stuff.......

  4. 14 minutes ago, OliverBlackman said:

    The buzzard bass isn’t exactly mainstream is it? If someone was going to ruin a bass I’m happy it’s that ugly thing and not something good that the masses would want. 

    I really hope these Sadowsky basses turn out to be good value for money (which was likely the objective) and basschaters end up in a frenzy buying them up.

    We can then all look back and laugh at this ludicrous thread.

    Nope its not a mainstream - is Sadowsky mainstream?

    it turned an approx £5k bass available to anyone  into a £10k bass overnight, and more like £20k now, available to practically no one. It’s a phenomenal ergonomic and sounding bass in its Status form.

    Maybe the thread is ludicrous, maybe it will all get sorted and they will be stellar, but if i remember correctly from back in the thread weren’t the first lot on show a bit on the rushed side?

    Would Roger himself have brought out a ‘nearly’ prototype or would he have made sure it’s easy bang on before it seeing the light of day? The phrase less haste comes to mind and that is when concern creeps in for a loved brand and person, hence the thread ludicrous as it may be

  5. 5 minutes ago, Cat Burrito said:

    As a child of 80s rock / alternative, I learnt with a pick because all my heroes did. I learnt finger style early 90s because lots of people.(wrongly) said that was how.to play properly and more recently I have played more pick again. It depends on the style and song, and I am at a loss as to why it continues to be such a contentious subject. 

    Fear of the unknown and the love of moaning about stuff that doesn’t really matter, but its great to get knickers in a twist and have a good old moan

  6. 16 minutes ago, ped said:

    It’s nice to think a company you are personally invested in is aligned with your own values but I think any big manufacturer at this level has to be fairly ‘aggressive’ to keep a foothold. Personally I see the advantage of ‘liking’ the company or being oblivious to it. However I’ve owned basses by Ken Smith who everyone seems to hate and I’ve said before I don’t care if he’s an axe murderer if I like his basses. Mind you I met Mr. Maruszczyk and let’s say that’s out me off ever getting one! 

    Exactly, when it’s a non necessary purchase, which for me essentially what a bass is, i prefer my stars to align.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, Drax said:

    Genuinely never heard someone on here say they wouldn’t buy a bass because they don’t like how the brand runs it’s sales and marketing. 

    Can’t help feel this entire thread and strength of opinion would not have surfaced if they’d only launched with a regular Sadowsky headstock logo! 

    Thats fine, its a personal choice, as i said they do make some fine instruments, but there are plenty others out there as well. Same for what i choose to read for news - i know this is on a whole other level to basses, but i wont touch a news source from Rupert Murdoch after the phone hacking scandal, especially rated to Milly Dowler.

    Am i perfect in everything being ethically sourced etc. No, do i try my best, yes, and if i find out about something I don’t agree with i then try to avoid the relevant products, which is difficult bearing in mind so many big companies own lots of other things etc.

    This isn’t to call anyone else out, or demonise the choice of others - i was asked for examples and gave my personal opinion.

    On the crux of the issue here,it is why i believe that i and some other people think this arrangement may not produce the best basses possible - if i am wrong i will be happy to admit it.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, Sparky Mark said:

    When I switch to pick playing I have to reduce the amp volume. Is that my inconsistent technique or do other players have to do the same? I favour Dunlop 0.88mm nylon picks as thinner ones sound too "clicky" for me. My two main bass playing regrets are that I didn't learn to sing whilst playing or practice enough with a pick. 

    Nope it’s just different - that click gives you a cut through. You may be playing slightly harder or it may be that because you are using a pick it’s the slightly higher register sound which appears louder compared to your fingers.

    If it really loud louder use your bass on 75-80% volume with a pick and then turn up for fingers to max - that means you can control on the bass what’s going on.

    I do have to EQ differently for fingers vs pick though as my spring rolls are quite bass-eeeee, and also I naturally play closer to the bridge with a pick so there is a change in sound

    • Thanks 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Kev said:

    Any examples?

    Pretty much around what @AndyTravis is saying. He would ring up shops, and the shop floor guys, not the managers and be pretty aggressive and use these sort of bully boy tactics about selling his units. The guys on the shop floor would get an earful, dear for their jobs and that’s not right for them. Maybe it’s astute business acumen, I’d call it more a d1ck move and bully tactics and I won’t prescribe to it.

    As Andy also says, he is not alone, although in his case he does it personally instead of the company doing it. 
    Classic Fender example, Sandberg body shape (which is probably a great thing to happen in the end) changed in 2015 - why? Fender would ring round stockists of the Sandberg guitars and say, we are not telling you what to do, however if you continue to stick and sell Sandberg’s, we won’t send our products to you anymore. What do you do when your biggest seller does that?

    Bully tactics.

    Sandberg redesigned their line and here we are.

    My brother has 2 Warwicks, fine basses. I grew up Listening to Norwood Fisher in Fishbone and his Warwick sound and loved it.


    Those are a couple of my examples, that’s why I won’t own a Warwick, or condone their actions, or be surprised if they muck stuff up. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Kev said:

    What did he ruin about it?? Both the eighties and more modern Buzzard basses are outstanding basses and are snapped up whenever they rarely come available.  The Bolt-On wasn’t a great idea, but it was just a way of owning a more affordable one.

    The Status one was light years ahead of the boat anchor produced by Warwick. Once the rights were bought via a family member, status were ordered to smash the moulds used to create the all graphite one hence single handedly dramatically hiking up the price of existing ones, producing a crap alternative, consigning something to history that didn’t need to be and this ruined the opportunity for a more ‘normally’ priced terrific bass to be owned and played by more people.

  11. 6 hours ago, Reggaebass said:

    I’ve got no problem spending any amount on a bass if it’s something that I really want , But I’m struggling at the moment to part with the amount of money some are asking for vintage jazzes, which is what I like , the last 3 years has seen a massive increase in value 

    Shame you are not down the road from me my good man, or you could try my old shape Sandberg Marlowe DK - i reckon it would be right up your street and more affordable to boot!

  12. 1 hour ago, Al Krow said:

    That's a very good point and question! 

    I'm feeling exactly the same as your first sentence - so much so that I messaged a BC buddy of mine who is a pro bassist and was doing around 300 gigs a year pre Covid to ask him whether he took a spare bass to gigs, and he said "pretty much never" and was pretty relaxed on the basis that he looked after his gear carefully (which I do too). Made me feel a whole lot better with my measly 30 or so gigs a year...

    And i know a pro who takes spare stuff who also looks after his gear - so what does that mean?!

    We all know it’s about doing what makes you feel comfortable, and no one wants a failure, but if you are covered for eventualities with whatever then its cool, but if it happens to you and you are caught with your pants down, its not a nice situation

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Doctor J said:

    Have basses no-one here appears to have actually played yet ever been so unpopular?

    I don't understand the ire towards this project. Sadowsky knows his stuff. Warwick know their stuff. Despite the shaky embryonic stage we appear to have passed, I can't understand why anyone would think these are going to be anything less than superb.

    I think possibly it runs because not many people will get their hands on these basses to comment,  Roger is such a nice guy and HPW is a bit of a tool with a record of ruining stuff

    • Confused 1
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