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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. I find it hard to believe that Hohner ( whether cheap or not ) put out a bass from the factory with that awful G string angle. Something's not right there That headstock screams 4 in-inline like any P bass copies, though there doesnt seem to be any holes left after a machine head move Here's a photo of what looks like the proper location of the machine heads on a Hohner Arbor MX1
  2. Strings will make a difference, natch
  3. yeah that'll do nicely - more than enough
  4. There are scenarios for both muting and sustain, depending on the track, shirley ?
  5. https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/floor-monitors/rcf-nx-12-sma-stage-monitor?gclid=Cj0KCQiAyszSBRDJARIsAHAqQ4pxzAbXqc2BjftjCAFyTqfQhzsXS9Em8VMX7zZTrKZNlUMr3TH6lrcaAo-5EALw_wcB
  6. Yeah sure, i get that, but your own post for how useful it can be, is how it is. Its hardly a big problem. Some just want perfection
  7. You know he could end up as a mental toss flycoon ?
  8. Can't see what difference it makes. Sellers can bump their own threads if their for sale thread gets demoted to another page
  9. Those RCF 12's are not cheap. £1200 i've seen
  10. Good for you. Most times, probably with private sellers TBH, the buyer returning faulty goods has to stump up the return postage
  11. That could just be a sticker in the neck pup. Maybe not They're not origina though, nor is the bridge, or the control plate, or the knobs, or the body finish
  12. Will you be moving to Montana soon ?
  13. You could put a post in the Wanted section as well ?
  14. That thing is uglier than the south end of a north bound camel
  15. Yes its you. Pretty hard to debate personal taste. On man's gorgeous bass is another man's bonfire material. Ad infinitum
  16. Just in case you want one.. https://www.juno.co.uk/products/kenton-midi-usb-convertor-host-mkii/433906-01/?currency=GBP&flt=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAhMLSBRBJEiwAlFrsTvGj6uMdV_WoAXZdc9QmtsPCDPXpbcFcrixr0MFz0i8NhoxCw5kPexoCygoQAvD_BwE
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