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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Not a funny name but i've seen a Whole Lotta Led ansd they were sheer class. There's also a great femal LZ trib called Zepparella - who are damn good too
  2. I guess i wasn't looking for one back in November I play through a similar 1x15 combo at rehearsals, courtesy of the guitarist, but its not an smx - this one has no compression knobs
  3. That'll be a right bar steward to play, what with some of the frets disappearing round his neck
  4. There's an ABCD trib act. And a Bon Jovial Dread Zeppelin are real as stated earlier and i have their first album, and it's a killer. If you haven't seen or heard them, the singer , Tortelvis , dresses and sings like... well , you know. They cover mostly LZ tracks but done reggae style. Weird and brillliant This cracks me up..
  5. Reminds of those that shop for supermarket food online. You ask for a punnet of grapes and they have none, so they replace them with kippers in butter
  6. Very cunning - i thought i had you foxed
  7. I'll take soup as long as it's served in the basket
  8. Blimey - when did that sell ? I'm after a 15" 300W GP12SMX combo, as its smaller than my TE 4x10 combo, But naturally now i want one, there's none around
  9. I found it in the Sold listings, but in the url, it will still link to the Wasburn. Yes, i can see it went for £500
  10. I'd buy that in a heartbeat. Just need to do a post office blag
  11. I got some from Ebay many moons ago, so i cant remember who, but they've lasted fine
  12. er... roads, sanitation, medicine, education, wine , irrigation
  13. We try to keep our tracks in a similar genre . I've been in a band where they tried to be all things to all people and cover many genres but it ends up as a mish mash. So in this band we stick to jazzy funk groove tracks, and that works well for us
  14. Cheers pal Dyad and double stop appear to be the same, but it's quenched my need to know
  15. Without trawling 6 pages Si, i'll take a guess and say it doesn't have a name other than ' double stop. Shame
  16. Skidder , thanks mate but it doesnt tell me the technical name for it. Like guitarists get weird chords - demolished flat 13th sus etc etc
  17. I was wondering about part of the bass line for Steely Dan's track Peg, and specificully the intro, ( i can already play the bass line ) Its like a chord but only 2 notes. Just wondering if there's a techincal name for it
  18. Yup, i clocked that. Band needs..... everyone, it seems
  19. Mine was that model but dark mahogany sort of colour, but yep, that is the bass i mean - cheers for that vis
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