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Everything posted by sunburstjazz1967

  1. Kick the knob end singer/guitarist out instead then, they are the easiest to replace ime!
  2. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1454356049' post='2968956'] No nerve touched at all. If something as petty as that upset me, an Internet forum wouldn't be the place I'd choose to come ;-) I just put that response because Basschat is text and it's difficult to convey sarcasm at times, so just wanted to make it clear I was just having a laugh. As for you buying basses you think are 'uncool' but like anyway, that's 'cool'. Like I said, live and let live. It's your money, not mine! [/quote] Fair enough :-) I don't think everything I buy is cool even in my eyes, sometimes it's what works or is available or within budget, goes for anything from clothes to cars etc. I don't like six string basses but if I was sight reading in a theatre every night I'd buy one, in no way would I think the audience at the Tickled Trout would think it (or I) was cool compared to a guy with a beat up P bass, you can think the whale hump with LEDs is cool but it just isn't.
  3. I see JTUK is milling around other parts of the forum but no update regarding the gig on saturday :-( I was hoping he'd rise to the challenge, I'm not after a bun fight! :-)
  4. Ooh touched a nerve? Gone for the old 'no intention of buying' line which I'm afraid you are wrong about, I already own and or would buy basses featured in my list but I'm man enough to admit that those things are not 'cool'.
  5. ^a man who knows which side his bread is buttered clearly!
  6. Did anyone go and see the windmill gig then? How did it go?
  7. The pattern in the tort matches spot on, I presume they are cut from a large sheet rather than a printed design that could be duplicated?
  8. Firm uncool things that are not subject to debate :-) Gold hardware. Loads of control knobs like that Brubaker. Any kind of fancy top, spalted or other dead rotten wood. more than 5 strings and 5s are pushing it. Anything with a 'signature' on it. Headless. Short strap to raise bass up as a chin strap. LEDs. Fretless. Single cuts with the top horn near the 12th fret. Fanned frets. Jazz basses with a chrome plate but no guard, rear route should be law there. Feel free to add to my list. People will take offense to any of those that applies to them but I'm affraid joe public would not class anyone sporting those basses as cool, Ricky on a medium length strap played with a pick is always going to be cooler than a spalted apple tree topped, gold hardwared, multi knobbed single cut worn just below the chin. You can tell me I'm wrong and thats fine but deep down you know its true!
  9. Exactly, the guy with a crap technique at muting the B string mentioned earlier would still have a crap technique muting an E on a 4 string!
  10. Doesn't look like much of a touring grade PA system to me?
  11. Is this your handy work JTUK? never heard of him but I quite like it. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ8F4VqoD4E"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ8F4VqoD4E[/url]
  12. I suppose if anyone is in Kent they could pop down and support JTUK tonight and hear the touring grade PA complete with more monitors than most at the Windmill? [url="http://www.windmillinnashford.co.uk/event/grand-slam-jts-allstars/"]http://www.windmillinnashford.co.uk/event/grand-slam-jts-allstars/[/url]
  13. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1454138765' post='2966780'] I need extra monitors, what's that all about?! Wouldn't get many gigs round my end doing that, probably zero. [/quote] That's exactly the same quantity of gigs that would be dished out around here if you rang The tickled trout asking for a minimum of 8 db or (d and b?) monitors!
  14. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1454111707' post='2966685'] I saw a local band recently where the bassist kept failing to mute the B-string when he wasn't playing it, and the resulting low rumble was just enough to subtly mess up the whole sound of the band. That's never been a problem for me, but clearly it's one more thing to think about with a five. [/quote] He should have played on the B further up the neck, no difference to a crap technique and the E ringing out if he played a four string I'd imagine?
  15. Just arrived home from my pub gig, it was a pair of those Bose tower things they sounded great, until the sound guy (land lord) started messing with knobs but the punters were happy and they want us back so what can you do? £50 each and next time I'll just use a DI box so one lead and one bass, essentially a jam night where we play all night and get paid, fine by me regardless of what pa they use!
  16. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1454107994' post='2966651'] Short answer to "Could you turn your backline down a bit?" is NO. Band runs the show, not the soundguy. He will not get sub lows coming off the stage. We can haz shelving EQ cutting off any subs from the bass stack on stage. Why do we need a 250w all valve head? Because we can and it sounds dope. Next. [/quote] This attitude will get you far, go forth and prosper, lol.
  17. Fwiw I have not called to see what pa he has either! I won't be lending my RCF pa to close friends or band members either never mind touring bands short on kit that happen to be passing thorough my town!
  18. I've got brand new 7 series RCF kit right here and DB monitors (roughing it for those! ) that said I'm just about to set off to my gig and the landlord is doing the sound, saves me loading mine up!
  19. I suppose the gigs you turn down due to a brand of pa you dislike or the fee is not enough you might call "the ones that got away"?
  20. How bad is bad though? A brand new well cared for over specced Behringer with a guy that knows how to run it is better than a tired EV rig with an incompetent crew operating it imo.
  21. Criky imagine the neck dive on a Ricky with an extra tuner added to it!
  22. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1453989300' post='2965022'] More than I'm willing to pay is more than I'm willing to pay whether it's pennies or hundreds. It's a very simple concept. I've tried sniping, it's more hassle than its worth. My way is simple and there's no risk of doing something stupid and getting caught by an adrenaline rush. [/quote] If your bid is at what I deem its maximum value the same as you I wouldn't even bid on it, if anything I've found that if I bid in advance I've got more time to talk myself into upping my firm set maximum price.
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