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Everything posted by adamg67

  1. I find it interesting when I read about people replacing bass-specific cabs with FRFR cabs without adding something like a cab sim, I wonder if that is behind some of the harshness comments. I've got cab sims in the MB Multiamp and an IR loader pedal for cab sims in my "fly rig" pedalboard.
  2. This sounds a bit like what I've done, except I would say I've gone for an amp and cab that can work as a monitor, but I've never thought of using it as part of the PA. I've got a Big Baby 2, and a Markbass Mulitamp which can be used as a straight power amp which gives me far too many options really. The big deal for me is that what goes to the PA or desk for FOH is the same thing I hear out of the amp. So the DI from the amp goes to FOH and into a FRFR speaker, and they sound something like the same. Obviously if there's an engineer I might be better with an monitor and then I hear his fiddling as well, and that's what I'd do for that sceanrio, no speaker at all. For the PA no engineer scenario, without the FRFR speaker, ie using an old fashioned bass cab, FOH would get one sound and I'd get that sound coloured again by the bass speaker. So if it sounded muddy to me and I tried to brighten it up with the eq on my bass, it would end sounding harsh out front (and this really did used to happen)
  3. Just throwing this out there... since I bought a cab IR loader (with XLR direct out) I'm not even looking for a preamp anymore. The closest I have on my little fly rig board is a Darkglass Harmonic Booster which is very subtle, and gives me EQ. The IR loader does the rest, and there's a huge range of cab sims to go at. I'd definitley rather have a cab sim without a pre-amp than a pre-amp without a cab sim. I do have a JDI as well though, to use on it's own for a nice mellow vibe with my p-alike with flats.
  4. As in the title really, brand new set of unopened D'Addario XTs for 5 string, XTB45130, long scale / 34". These were my strings of choice for my Stringray 5, but that has now been traded for a 4 stringer so these are just surplus. https://www.daddario.com/products/guitar/bass-guitar/xt-nickel-bass/xtb45130-xt-bass-nickel-plated-steel-regular-light-5-string-long-scale-45-130/ £33 now £28 including UK postage
  5. For what it's worth, all the ones I've copied over have sounded good, there might be small differences though as you're using updated models. But, I very nearly just stayed on 4 because I'm not getting any new functionality out of 5, so I wouldn't say there's any big advantage to migrating, except that as I create new presets and update them they will work with 5 so more chance of working with 6 someday. They really have made a bad job of documenting the migration path and whether you need to buy 5 full etc, and also the pricing is stupid at the moment - you pay the same to upgrade from 4 full to 5 full as someone buying 5 from scratch. Lots of people complaining about how confusing it all is.
  6. You wouldn't want to do it for lots of presets, but have you tried loading a preset in 4, making a small tweak and saving it under a new name? That should give you an amplitube 4 preset which will work in 5. Alternatively, don't worry about it, use 4 and spend the time doing something enjoyable instead
  7. Amplitube 5 SE is free if you own Amplitube 4, and Amplitube 4 presets will work with Amplitube 5 (it's presets from 3 that aren't working for Dad). I just moved to 5 for free and all my gear works, and all the presets I've tried work, I just had to copy one folder across. Whether there's any difference is a different question Amplitube 5 standard should have a lower upgrade price from Amplitube 4 though. Same with 4 Max -> 5 Max.
  8. I like the Bias stuff, but had to pick one and already had some presets done for amplitube.
  9. Yeah, I did wonder when I was doing this if I'd get to do it again, or if it would be one version of backwards compatibility at a time. Sounds like that's the case.
  10. Darkglass Vintage Microtubes Ultra V2 These don't need much introduction and there are plenty of reviews out there. There is a minor issue with this pedal, it has an occasionally scratchy blend control, so when you're adjusting the blend there is sometimes a small scratching noise. It all works fine when playing, and it's not a loud noise, but I just wanted to call it out, and I've made an allowance for that in the price. It's not got any worse while I've had it. Funnily enough I saw one for sale (about the same price) with a scratchy master volume control, maybe it's a thing with some of the pots on these. I doubt you would even notice in normal use and I'm sure someone will be happy to get one a little bit cheaper with the price DG pedals go for second hand. Features: 4 band EQ with switchable frequency for low and high mids Distortion with drive control, blend, level and extra "attack" and "grunt" switches which really vary the way the distortion gets applied. Cab sim which can be switched on or off, any cab sim IR can be loaded via USB. Master volume Headphone out - great for practice. Direct out as well as a standard output, use it as a DI (works well with the cab sims) Ground lift Full details here: https://www.darkglass.com/creations/vintage-ultra-v2/ Boxed with USB lead. Has velcro on the base but the self adhesive rubber feet are included (they've never been fitted). Apart from the blend switch described above, it's all in excellent condition. £195 including UK postage (RM 2nd class)
  11. Are the presets still there in Amplitube 4?
  12. This is pretty specific but I can't think of a better place to post it, so just dropping it here. For any Amplitube 4 users (I use it for, ahem, another stringed electric instrument a bit like a small fiddly bass), if you are confused about upgrading to Amplitube 5, and lots of people are because IK have made it confusing, it's actually pretty simple. If you own Amplitube 4, you get Amplitube 5 SE free, *and* you get upgraded versions of all the gear you already own and they all work with SE. SE is basically slightly knobbled to have the features of Amplitube 4, and if you just want to move to 5 to have the latest version of everything, that is free. Just install IK Product Manager and you will see 5 SE in there ready to activate and install. Once installed you should have all your normal gear. Presets can be copied across, you just have to find the Amplitube 4 presets folder where they live now and copy them to the new Amplitube 5 folder. For me that meant copying from Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 4\Presets to Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5\Presets There are a few new features in Amplitube 5 that don't work, but the equiavalents of all the things that 4 did will work in 5. The only reason to buy any of the Amplitube 5 versions beyond the one you get free as a 4 user is to make extra features work (tri-amping, who knows what else, I havn't come across anything I need that doesn't work) or to get the extra bundled gear that they now have. None of that was obvious to me from the IK site.
  13. Ah, damn. I'm out. Just made a deal to part ex my Stringray 5HH stealth black for a Sandberg Forty Eight. I've been wanting one for ages, and even though it's one bass in and one out I'm still having to spend money. I can resisit pedals, happy with my amp and cab, but I couldn't resist that Forty Eight.
  14. I didn't want to comment without knowing anything about it but given the laptop spec I was wondering if the giveaway version was "knobbled".
  15. Does the AI version have the VST performance window: https://steinberg.help/cubase_pro_artist/v9/en/cubase_nuendo/topics/optimizing/vst_performance_window_r.html ?
  16. This is very true. "i5" on it's own is fairly meaningless, they've been around for 10 years or more now and at the same clock speed a new i5 will absolutely destory an old one. Check out the CPU benchmark comparison for a couple of different i5s @3.3GHz ish: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-i5-10600-vs-Intel-i5-661/3750vs76 (yes, I know that just shows how they do at benchmark tests). I ran a comparison between an old core-2 quad Q9650 and an i5 for some cpu intensive stuff a few years back, when i5s had been around a year or two, and the Q9650 won easily. That was almost certainly because it had more than double the L3 cache, which for many tasks makes more difference than the clock speed. Plus obviously some of the older ones were 2 cores not 4. As @NickD says, don't buy an i5 laptop without knowing the CPU model and checking it out, and watch out for some of the mobile CPUs. My laptop has a desktop class CPU in it (but it is a bit of a chunky thing). Also, PCIe SSD rocks.
  17. I think using multiple tracks for different instruments within a "part" is pretty normal, not just for drums either. If you were doing it for real and you had a drum kit and then some other percussion for another section, you might still want them on different tracks anyway, so you can treat them differently. Sometimes I have different VSTs for left and right hand for a piano part, if the bottom end of the piano VST seems like it needs different settings. Two copies of a virtual instrument with different settings is normal - loading presets isn't an instant thing and you don't want it happening during recording or playback. For a drum VST you're probably talking about loading samples etc. There are ways to make a single midi track play multiple VSTs but I would say it's easier to go with the flow and do it the way the software is expecting. I always program all the midi parts in the DAW, never in the plugin.
  18. I'm another who has gone mains free for my nano board, with a Palmer Batpack 8000. It lasts longer than I'll ever need and can be plugged in while in use for extra peace of mind. Fits nicely under the nano as well.
  19. I bought a nass that had with TI flats on a 35" scale neck and really liked them, so that's what I have on my 5 string Maruszczyk now. I've always assumed that the tension is just slightly higher because of the longer scale (about 1/34th higher if it's a linear thing), probably not enough to notice. I really like the feel and the tone, and that "clear-sounding" thing.
  20. I'm in, I've got to at least try after I failed spectacularly last year with 2 new basses (I did sell one as well) and about 10 pedals but that means I definitely have everything I need now.
  21. I did this, middle finger on my right hand, same thing with the finger in a splint thing for what seemed like a long time but I'm guessing was about the same. That was about 6 years ago. Mine was the tendon that pulls the finger straight rather than the one that pulls it curved, put my hand out for a minor stumble and that finger just got caught on something and folded round and under enough to do it. Obviously it doesn't gaurantee anything because I'm just one other person but I had forgotten that it even happened until I saw your post. That finger does not extend quite as straight as the others by a tiny amount, but other than that I don't even notice. I wouldn't hold my plucking up as the greatest ever (I use a pick half the time anyway) but that's lack of talent and practice and nothing to do with the tendon. Been learning piano recently and still didn't remember I'd even done it. It does take a while, mine kept improving even after the splint was off, so you will definitely need your patient (in both senses of the word) head on. Make sure the splint fits properly. Hope it heals well!
  22. I looked up the difference between office and gaming chairs recently, apparently a lot of the gaming chairs have a lip to the front edge of the seat, or slope up towards the front edge, a bit like a bucket seat in a car. I don't know if there's some advantage to this for gamers, but it's a bad idea for a chair you might sit up to a desk in for any length of time. I had an Ikea one which was fine but the gas lift leaked oil after not a great deal of use. I like folding arm rests as well, but they are hard to find. I just bought one of these: https://www.chairoffice.co.uk/alabama-mesh-office-chair/?gclid=CjwKCAiAoOz-BRBdEiwAyuvA66GO3cTUP14BFC_97X1hYB3_k3cOAvZh08M3SVWOmaLUAFBjKRNOaBoCVZ0QAvD_BwE and although it was fairly cheap you can see why when you get it. Also, it didn't quite go up high enough for my desk, so I ended up swapping the gas lift for a decent quality longer one with a gaurantee on it.
  23. Yeah, probably... my amp can do strange things (send / return is a slot in the DSP chain so can go anywhere) so I couldnt' remember where it normally is.
  24. One more thought, does your amp have effect send/return? line level balanced out to effects return might also work.
  25. When I was in a box room I went for the kind of solution @Dad3353 suggested and just built everything from readily (and cheaply) available desk legs, tops and shelves. I also used Amazon Basics monitor arms for my display monitors, which frees up desk space as they effectively "float", and can easily be repositioned. Using a shelf with audio monitors and my laptop on and then arms for display monitors means pretty much all the desk space is free for keyboard, controllers etc. I've stuck to pretty much the same idea in the bigger room I have now.
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