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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. In case you couldn't guess where devil daddy is from... he's from Hell.
  2. The hired goons got new masks. They must have received a Cease & Desist letter from Ghost 😂 This is the first one I heard. The amazing thing about it all is that nobody appears to have said "Lads, this is shite, don't throw your money away on this. Buy a Lambo or a mountain of coke, just don't waste it like this."
  3. If that's the worst you've ever heard then you haven't heard their other songs. There's one about being the Devil... from Hell (well duuuuh) 😂 Truely woeful. He saw Ghost, tried to make his own version but in a bro-dude style and didn't have the talent to even carry that off. I hope he's not blowing his pension fund on this shite.
  4. The track list for the new (double) album. Harris must feel sick he couldn't stretch the 4th track to over 10 minutes like his other solo efforts 😂 "Senjutsu" (8:20) - Smith/Harris "Stratego" (4:59) - Gers/Harris "The Writing On The Wall" (6:13) - Smith/Dickinson "Lost In A Lost World" (9:31) - Harris "Days Of Future Past" (4:03) - Smith/Dickinson "The Time Machine" (7:09) - Gers/Harris "Darkest Hour" (7:20) - Smith/Dickinson "Death Of The Celts" (10:20) - Harris "The Parchment" (12:39) - Harris "Hell On Earth" (11:19) - Harris
  5. ...where all the instruments are blue with a chrome scratchplate because, let's be honest, the magic disappeared once that bass got painted white with the WHUFC logo 😂
  6. Keep the cover, just whip the pickup out, and put a strat hotrail pickup in there, wired in series. That'll make it growl.
  7. Practice playing. Every type of bass has been used for all those styles of music. The difference is the fellow or lady playing the thing. You can play all of that music on pretty much any reasonable quality bass. By reasonable bass, I mean something you can plug into a DI and it sounds good without any polishing on a desk, no amp, no effects, no EQ tweaks. Everything else is fluff. It's fun but it's still fluff. A decent player and any decent bass and you're good to go.
  8. If the embarrassment of bandmates on-stage could be used as fuel, Di'Anno's hired hands could probably power a medium-sized city.
  9. Levinson Blade have had them since the 80's. I think EBMM started using them late 80's/early 90's, too.
  10. Surely the important question is why would you have a foot in either of those places?
  11. There's no point sitting on stuff you're not going to use. If you're more into the recording side now, put the money into that. You might be able to get the hardware you want by trading, rather than selling and buying.
  12. No, I agree, it's a dreadful mix. The drums, in particular, are dull and lifeless. There's a bit more guitar than usual, which is a nice change, but once again they've put out something which sounds like a rough demo. It's not as if Shirley can't do good mixes. It almost as if when has Harris perched on his shoulder, he's guided towards this horrible, flat sounding mixes. It's another area where they peaked with SSOASS. NPFTD and FOTD weren't too bad, if nothing special, and then poor Blaze got lumped with these awful mixes which, BNW aside, have become the band's trademark ever since.
  13. New Maiden. Nothing here that will make me change my mind that everything after SSOASS is a pale shadow of went before it, sadly.
  14. It's not much, but it's a start https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57838473
  15. I had an Aria Pro II XRB series. I learned how to do setups on it, then fret levels, then defretting, then refretting, then chiselling out a hole and adding a big MB pickup between the neck and the P pickup and running it as V-V-V-T, then frankensteining another neck onto it, then sold it. Great bass 😁
  16. Yeah, solid player, great singer, always comes across as a genuine guy who just loves playing music.
  17. The Alvarez Dana bass looks like something Betty would have endorsed rather than Lita, however
  18. I thought they looked cool, always wanted one
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