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Everything posted by Hellzero

  1. No, it's for the guitar player, of course. Just to remind him not to try to start soloing.
  2. Just took a look and I must admit, there is something wrong as this bass is advertised 4 times by the same seller in 4 different locations, just like everything else advertised : https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=hjleners&_osacat=4713&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.X1966.TRS0&_nkw=1966&_sacat=4713 I knew that eBay wasn't in good financial health, but there is also no more control at all. Bankruptcy is close.
  3. Parker and Wal : a man of good taste, for sure.
  4. Their first three albums were made using conventional instruments and the spirit was already there. Listen to them : Kraftwerk, Kraftwerk 2 and Ralf und Florian. Don't forget that the two founders were classical musician interested in electronic music of the time (1968) so they knew what they wanted to hear and started with what they had : conventional instruments. Ralf und Florian is the beginning of the "massive" use of "synthesizers". I would also recommend watching the Swedish film "Sound of Noise", very Kraftwerkian approach.
  5. Then he wouldn't be Mark King anymore but Mark Single.
  6. Amazing how measures are related between them. Why can't they simply say 9/16" instead ?!?
  7. Is he allowed to chew gums when playing snooker ?
  8. I knew I read it somewhere, and it was in Mick Karn's autobiography. Don't want to start finding the page as someone already gave the answer in the other TB : https://www.talkbass.com/threads/when-did-mick-karn-switch-from-travis-bean-to-wal.833442/#post-11862761 You can tell your guitarist that he really is a guitarist : not reliable. 😁 From TB : In his autobiography, he states that while in the studio, extreme temperature changes were causing the aluminum neck to shift and not hold tune. It just so happened that the Wal factory was down the street from the studio. They let him borrow a bass to get through the session, and that was it.
  9. I don't which one is the good one and if there's one, but Mick Karn remained loyal to Wal even when he could afford another Travis Bean or when he played a Klein fretless bass...
  10. So do I, as well as French, Italian and Dutch. Don't be afraid, I don't bite (that much).
  11. By the way, who is Mark King ?
  12. Are you sure he didn't look at it once ?
  13. I know, I'm giving you too much... That's the way I am.
  14. As stated above, look here : https://onlybass.com/topic/91068-ashdown-abm-king-combo/?tab=comments#comment-1700126
  15. I've played Marcus Miller own bass, Alain Caron talked to me, I also played John Entwistle's personal Buzzard bass and I owned Jonas Hellborg own Status sixer. Would you trade that cable for a certificate with all this mentioned and one of my right index fresh cut nail that has touched these strings ?
  16. Percy Jones was (and still is) way more interesting than Jaco Pastorius, but he was British, not American, so not selfish and not playing louder than the other members of the band. He also had nothing to prove to anybody as Brand X had enough notoriety for their members. That said, I like Weather Report when the 'Phons was on bass, ahead of his time in his approach, but without that “hey look, that's me playing“ bad habit of Jaco Pastorius. I'm a fretless player, but my main influences are Percy Jones and Mick Karn, and I'm proud of it.
  17. A real King Combo sold in France for ... €450 Euros, yes around £400 GBP : https://onlybass.com/topic/91068-ashdown-abm-king-combo/?tab=comments#comment-1700126 Not sure about what the guy is telling in the Superking Combo ad : Valve? Yes, in the preamp section... 1200 Watts ? Where is the proof... It's only an EVO II 900 head. 8x12" ? I know there is an 8x10“ version (see above), but tvere is no evidence even by Ashdown of such a cab. Superking ? Again no proof nor evidence. Price is ridiculous.
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