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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. Looks like they've just been released....... https://www.fender.com/en-GB/electric-basses/other/player-plus-active-meteora-bass/0147393395.html Pretty much as we thought, Player Plus series, active and fairly spenny. It does look cracking in this Opal Spark though!
  2. I agree with Maude and think you run the risk of going down a very granular route with separate forums. However, some filters in a search option would be nice. You could set them up by left/right hand, brand, strings, scale, price, colour, pup type etc and that'd make searching for a specific feature a lot easier. I'm sure there are drawbacks like whether or not people will use the filters when creating a listing (we're all bass nerds, so probably would?), the question of what you do with unsold listings that were created before the filters were available and website functionality/upkeep etc, but I reckon that might be a nice option
  3. How about looking at some of the softer/thinner pick options? Can't say I've ever tried them (but now you have me thinking they're worth a go!), but felt or rubber picks might get you a tone closer to fingers? When I want a softer tone using a pick I go for either the Jim Dunlop .60mm nylons (it's just annoying they're a boring grey colour) or the red soft sharkfin landstrom. Both of those give me a rounder tone with less of the snappiness you get from harder picks.
  4. Looks like it could be a Jedson? No idea what they're like, but I think I remember that shape
  5. Chas n Dave have some really funny lyrics/songs and i always think they're underrated as musicians off the back of it, which is a shame. Spinal tap have to be near the top when talking about comedy tunes too. AC/DC tunes have a lot of humour in them too
  6. I used to always have the cover on and use it for a rest. However, I've recently started using the Ric for blues and have been playing with fingers more. I fancied a change, so took the cover off and replaced it with a bevel with a cove on it. Makes finger playing really comfy and there's now no massive hole in the middle of my bass! I haven't experimented loads with pic positions, but I generally play nearer the bridge and use my palm to mute slightly.
  7. Age. You know you're getting old when you have flats instead of rounds on your basses 😂
  8. Snap! But with a classic pro. Drop C and some gain and you're in thunderous heaven!!
  9. They're such great basses, I'm trying to get my one I sold back........hopefully it'll happen! When I originally picked mine up I had a go on a full fat Gibson and thought the Epi was miles better. Adding in the fact that they're chirpy cheap means I was guilt free when taking chunks out of it by playing with a metal pick!
  10. Melvins are really difficult to put in any pigeon hole and I think that's why I love them so much.. Really love that Steve McDonald plays Epiphone Thunderbirds too. Kyuss have a touch of grunge in them too, I guess a load of alt rock stuff at the time had snippets of grunge in it. Even KISS cashed in (surprise, surprise) with Carnival of Souls!
  11. Some great suggestions so far! Really love Robert DeLeo's work with STP and he creates some really interesting, melodic lines. A couple of other suggestions....... Soundgarden - 4th of July, Gun. Not really standout for their bass lines, but probably 2 of my favourite Soundgarden tunes just because of the riffs Mother love bone - I dig all of Ament's stuff really, another melodic player who isn't too busy. Cloe Dancer/Crown of thorns is a nice slow number. Half donkey monkey boy is more fun Temple of the dog - more Ament. Pushing forward back & four walled world are great! Mad season - liifeless dead, i don't know anything Jesus Lizard - I love everything about David W Simms, his playing is great (but not showy) and his tone is up there with Bob Weston's. Mouth breather, along comes dudley and monkey trick are all good fun Melvins - all of it. history of bad men is really simple, but one of my favourite riffs Big business - lonely lyle. We're bordering into more stoner doomy stuff here, but seeing I've mentioned Melvins, i couldn't leave this out And then to top if off........I wouldn't say Nomeansno are grunge at all, but seeing as you're open for more general alt rock stuff then I'll throw them in. Rob Wright has some fantastic lines. Rags n bones is a joy to play and It's catching up is a work out!
  12. Glad that you got it swapped over and sorted. A couple of years ago I tried out a G&L JB in Andertons that had the same issue with the bridge, it looked like the chrome was pitted and there were also a few issues with the binding on the neck. Maybe its a common QC issue?
  13. The Classic Pro is a beast of a bass for not a lot of dosh. Those pups have a really dark rumbly growl to them that I absolutely love. Tis the only bass I regret moving on. I was never really a fan of PJ's and thought they'd be a jack of all trades and master of none - it can do a P and a J sound all in one bass, right? Nope. After picking up a G&L SB2 I came to this way of thinking and reckon its the best outlook - essentially its a P with a bit more bite if you need it. I wouldn't use it solely with the J pup, but I wouldn't do that on my J either, so I'm no so fussed.
  14. If you haven't picked up that MIM PBass yet then this'd be my choice...... https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/180807331012008--gl-tribute-sb-2-black-frost-black-pickguard The SB2 Tribute has been mentioned before, but they really are great basses and guitar guitar have taken them down to £359. Same pups and bridge as a full fat USA, slim jazz neck, light body, perfect balance and a really cool matte finish. What's not to love?
  15. Oh, that'll be loud! I used to have a 1001rb and really loved that amp. They're so well made and have tone for days.
  16. Dave Peacock. Often under rated as a bass player and over looked in everything, but he has some great lines. Rob Wright. Is often over looked again, but Nomeansno have some great bass lines
  17. The pink looks good on the Gretsch site, but a bit washed out on guitarguitar, so it's hard to say where it falls. I like the Bristol fog (or whatever it's called, it's the one next to the pink), but still reckon Torino green is the winner in that line up
  18. When I'm in drop C I go for rotosounds 66 in 50-110. Had them on my tbird and jazz without any problems.
  19. Ooohhhh, yes and no. I do seem to prefer a 38mm neck, but I'm ok with it being bigger at the nut as long as it doesn't widen too much down toward the 12th fret. It's only really something I noticed recently when one band added 'Lost Woman' by The Yardbirds to the set and the other band started jamming 'Rags and Bones' by Nomeansno. My Ric(44mm) and SG (40mm) are both wider than a jazz neck, but they don't widen out as much as a P by the time you get down the dusty end. That and maybe the shorter scale length helps?
  20. I'll be honest, I haven't played it for more than 10 mins since the MIJ P turned up, so I'm not in the best place to answer that yet! However, they seem really nice. Not as aggy as the Roto's, but still pretty bright. I'd imagine Roto's paired with the MFDs would be aggy enough to end most bar fights
  21. Maybe the fact that 3/4 of the band are pretty much 60 would explain them having less energy than they did 30 years ago 🤔😂 There aren't many bands who still tear the derrière out of performing after 30 odd years
  22. I think inoffensive hits the nail on the head. I'm not a massive chillies fan, but this seems to just plod along nicely and wouldn't make me go out and seek more if it was my first exposure to them. Does Kiedis look a bit Chuck Norris there?
  23. The odd bit of neck dive doesn't bother me much and I'm more used to non fender shapes anyway. I think its good as is design wise, though agree that an upside down tele headstock would be better. If it was Player series and passive humbuckers then I'd be very tempted!
  24. I've got 2 that I'd hate to get rid of, even if I lost both my arms I'd probably still keep them and just learn to headbutt my way through songs. The Ric was my gigging bass through my 20s, I've had it the longest, it has the most sentimental value to me and I just love it. Plus, its probably the hardest tone to recreate unless I bought another Ric. The Ovation used to belong to John Entwistle, so I'm getting buried with it.
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