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Everything posted by Nicko

  1. Funnily enough the Aria copy in your link is a bolt on, whereas this is a set neck job. If it had been bolt on I'd have sent the whole bass to Jon for him to work on as I could have shipped it much easier.
  2. That's interesting as I was actually looking for an old Avon/Rose Morris SG Bass copy in the loft when I decided to make some use of the Ripper copy.
  3. As I said, not strung through body. The strap button is in the wrong place (at the neck joint not on the upper horn) and I'm not sure if the tort pickguard is right. The jack socket is a fender strat type arrangement rather than the tele type on the ripper but it's possible my brother modified that because he was a leftie. Other than that it looks a pretty close copy from what I can see on the net.
  4. I have managed to get the neck off the Tanglewood, No sign of the SG Bass but I also stripped some parts off an old Gibson Ripper copy. If you PM me your address I'll get them packed up and shipped.
  5. I was given a crappy old bass guitar that belonged to my late brother. There's no brand name on it or on any of the parts, and I assumed it was just a cheap bass that he'd picked up. I've just stripped it down to donate the parts to @Useless amateurand its the first time I've really looked at it. The headstock is Gibson shaped so I started looking there. It's also got quite an unusual pickup, mounted direct to the body by two screws which sit in line with the pole pieces and a rotary pickup selector. All looks like the Gibson Ripper except its a top loader. Any ideas what this was? ps. the scratchplate stripes are bits of tape that someone added on and the bit of wood is what I attached the pickups to.
  6. I was given a crappy old bass guitar that belonged to my late brother. There's no brand name on it or on any of the parts, and I assumed it was just a cheap bass that he'd picked up. I've just stripped it down to donate the parts to @Useless amateurand its the first time I've really looked at it. The headstock is Gibson shaped so I started looking there. It's also got quite an unusual pickup, mounted direct to the body by two screws which sit in line with the pole pieces and a rotary pickup selector. All looks like the Gibson Ripper except its a top loader. Any ideas what this was? ps. the scratchplate stripes are bits of tape that someone added on and the bit of wood is what I attached the pickups to.
  7. I'm happy enough to cover the cost of sending them, but I'm more worried about how to pack them. I assume you want them as they are (ie whole) I'll take a look and PM you. Might be a few days or more.
  8. Are you talking about a real synth or are you looking for something virtual? There are free synths such as Dexed VST that have a huge library of presets. Also since its a DX7 emulator you should be able to recreate any setting for a song with a DX7 if you can find the setting on line somewhere. Theres definitely a few youtube vids showing settings for some songs.
  9. I definitely have an old Tanglewood elecro/acoustic bowlback guitar (an Ovation copy). The neck/body joint is damaged and the guitar is unplayabe but the neck might be salvageable. I'm not sure how you could access the joint as there's no proper soundhole. If not the machine heads/control knobs etc could be use for parts, There may also be an old Rose Morris SG bass which is more or less complete although the pots/knobs have been modified. If I still have it it's lurking in a crawl space in my loft. I'll know for sure if I get the above guitar out of the loft. Not sure how I'd get these to you either unless someone here is passing both our doors.
  10. I have a mark 7 Golf estate which easily takes a bass, a small 2 x 10, amp and a full PA. I chose the Golf specifically because the boot is not "tidied up" around the wheel arches meaning the bass fits across the width behind the wheels. My previous Golf was a Mk 6 hatch and the bass fit in easily widthwise too. I suspect the standard Mk 6 golf would have accomodated the bass and a small cab. I also owned a Merc SLK which accomodated the bass in the boot but the cab would need top go in the footwell.
  11. Two songs I rehearsed and never quite got confident with in different bands that split before I nailed them: No One Knows by QOTSA I'm Just a Girl by No Doubt And one which was seriously considered A rock version of Rio
  12. Here it is. Pigeons. Dirty, Dirty things. I hate them. The death of Lee Scratch Perry was in my mind when I started this, so you'll be pleased or not to discover an attempt at Dub Poetry in the comp. Technical details. I didn't really know how to do the dub effects in Cubase, so the dub vox, guitar and piano are all on separe tracks - I assume I should have sent these to an FX channel but I wanted each dub effect to be slightly different. Dub guitar is a tape echo simulator, and the others are mono delay from the Focusrite suite, with the dub piano having autopan as well. Otherwise its pretty much as usual, Patricke Eggle New York is used for both guitar parts, and a Fender Precision for the bass into Amplitube with Fender amp sims. The Bass is heavily compressed. The VSTs are MT Powerdrums, Xpand2 for horns and Dexed for the piano.
  13. No. I don;t speak Russian at all. More to the point I know one of the translations pretty well.
  14. This. My band used to develop the setlist for a gig and play the setlist as we were going to perform it a couple of times before gigging. We already knew the songs the rehearsal was simply to make the changes smooth. Our singer was a little uncomfortable ad-libbing any intros so I used to get him to practice those too.
  15. That's what I thought, but what about the translation?
  16. Are you scared of sunburst, swirly carpets and wood chip then? 😀
  17. I absolutely despise the Fender sunburst. It reminds me of every cheap copy that you could buy from Freemans. CAR is the colour of choice. Gibson Cherryburst or Honeyburst on guitar are a different matter.
  18. If I was in that band I would be arranging with the others how to start a song so the the guitarist has a choice of polishing his knobs or playing. Covers bands shouldn't try to recreate the sound of the original guitarist anyway as they inevitably fail. I'm looking for that Peter Green sound - hold on while I swap my pickup around the wrong way.
  19. I'm currently working on a track and contemplating using a short excerpt from a poem written in the early 1920s. The poem is foreign but there's a few translations of it. The track wont' be comercialised but may be on soundcloud if it works out. What is the copyright position?
  20. Playing in a indie covers band I go via a small pedalboard which has: Tuner Compressor Graphic EQ Octaver I rarely use the pedals. The compressor is used to fatten the sound a bit on certain songs The graphic is used to cut through really noisy songs where the two guitars are fighting the bass. The octaver is used for a couple of songs where the original is double tracked. I never touch the amp during a set to adjust my sound.
  21. I'm not normally a glass half full kinda guy, but the alternative take on this is that: You can slap but don't do it very often because you don't want to play slap. Take the positive away from this that you escaped getting into a band where you didn't actually want to play the songs.
  22. To be fair theres plenty of members that could do with some help.
  23. Me either. I have one precision in Black/maple/white/dot inlay pickguard and one Black/maple/black/block inlay I prefer the look of RW for necks and don't really like block inlays but both play well and when they are hanging around my neck I can't see them anyway. I can live with it and at least neither is tort or sunburst - if they had been I wouldn't even have picked them up to try them. Given the choice I'd have CAR/RW/Black but the only one of those I saw in a shop didn't feel or sound as good as the one I bought. My guitars are Eggle: matt cherry red stain with rosewood and black pickguard. They only made the model I bought in one colour. Mex Tele: cream/maple/white - wasn't fussed but passed on a cheap US in sparkle silver cos I thought it looked dreadful. ES339: Cherry/RW/black. I wouldn't have bought anything else. S&P acoustic: Satin spruce.
  24. Nicko


    Gear4music have similar own brand packages cheaper than the ones on Very at £140. Given that they're a music shop I'd trust them to sell something playable over Very. I have an amp going free in the marketplace/recycling section here if you can collect (London) - that way you can spend your whole budget on a better bass.
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