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Everything posted by 4stringslow

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1455814013' post='2982688'] I agree that it would be odd to like or dislike merely on the basis of what someone else thought. However, I'd say it's both possible and not unreasonable to change one's mind on the basis of what someone else says. If it wasn't so, then there would be no point discussing anything. Warning: this would require having an open mind. [/quote] Yes, discussion is a vital part of discovery and I certainly wasn't advocating ignoring all other opinions. I've been introduced to many artists that I really like so in one sense I like them because others do as well, but that's not really the 'tribal' thing I was thinking about.
  2. Possibly because Dylan was a great poet but only an average musician? And let's not even think about his singing voice
  3. Another +1 for gary mac's suggestions. The wood dowel solution will be the most robust as the proper ones are 'grooved'. When used in a correctly sized hole with wood glue the result will be as strong, if not stronger, than the original wood. You can find 'dowel kits' that include the correct size drill bit in most DIY stores.
  4. Thing is, either The Beatles were the most original/innovative/wonderful/addyourownsuperlative or they weren't, yet why would that affect anyone's honest opinion about them - or are there people out there who only like/dislike them (or anything really) simply because of what other people think? In short, why should other people's opinion affect what we like or dislike? Another example of blind tribal behaviour perhaps?
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455756143' post='2982244'] 4string,I get up when I want and do what I want.And I answer to no one. [/quote] So you may think, but In reality you answer to the bar owners (and the band) and you have to play the same old songs for a living. If you really love it then that's great, but it's just another form of rut.
  6. Seems to me that playing music for a living must be a pretty crappy job, especially at the 'bar band' level - churning out the same old covers night after night to uninformed punters with low expectations
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455558621' post='2980219'] 4 string, it's not narrow, it's huge and diverse. [/quote] Come on! Now you're being plain daft - rock and roll, even with the Beatles' undoubted contribution, is just one narrow aspect of the wide range of artistic endeavours. Look, I get The Beatles. I've got all their albums. I listen to them regularly. I agree they had a massive impact on rock & roll and have been hugely influential. But they are most certainly not the be all and end all of musical innovation, never mind wider artistic innovation. All I'm saying is try to keep things in perspective. Perhaps it's a cultural thing
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455502000' post='2979671'] You have to understand The Beatles were a way of life. [/quote] As I said, I count myself as a Beatles fan and certainly accept they were, and are, hugely influential. But Dad's post is an excellent reminder that the arts are gloriously wide and diverse and, for my money, anyone who latches onto one artist or band as 'a way of life' is seriously depriving themselves with such a narrow outlook. It's also a recipe for artistic stagnation.
  9. I think it's more traditional to dissolve beeswax in turps (turpentine) to use as a wood finish, the point being that the beeswax is carried into the wood grain by the turps which then evaporates leaving just the wax behind. Olive oil is never going to evaporate and will likely leave things sticky and oily. http://cambridgetraditionalproducts.co.uk/blog/turpentine-versus-white-spirit-in-beeswax-furniture-polish
  10. I count myself as a Beatles fan, though Liverpool is one of the few cities in the UK I've never visited. I stayed in the Amsterdam Hilton once and noticed that the next door room had a brass plaque on the door stating that it was the room in which John & Yoko staged their 'bed in' for world peace (or something similar). I'm a bit too young to have seen the Fabs in concert but from the films I've seen they weren't great musical experiences so I don't feel I missed much.
  11. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1455389738' post='2978755'] I always hear this stuff about not wanting to play to drunken crowd or mob.Is it a cultural thing? I've been playing bars every weekend for years and never run into that problem. IMO it's an excuse for those that don't want to put in the work it takes to gig. [/quote] There's nothing inherently noble about putting in the work to gig, it's just a choice. Perhaps you didn't want to put the work in at school so you could pursue a professional career with a higher paid job and now have to live hand to mouth doing repetitious bar room gigs playing the same old covers? Who really knows, and who really cares? With respect, your (anyone's) opinion is really only of any worth to you (themselves) in order to help you make some sense out of other people's choices, something with which you build your own little world view - but it matters not a jot to those you judge. There are no right or wrongs about this, just personal choices and ambitions. The main thing is to be happy about your choices and their outcomes. I'm happy with mine and I assume you're happy with yours, so it's all good.
  12. I suspect Milord is right. Is there any such thing as 'cool' clothing plastered with logos and trying to send out some sort of message?
  13. There are bass players and there are bass collectors/investors. Nowt wrong with either but they won't have much mutual understanding. I guess the ultimate original bass would be one still in its unopened shipping box but as we all know, things start to wear as soon as they are used, so whenever 'originality' is being discussed (or when money is changing hands) a clear definition of what it means - to all parties - would seem essential. http://youtu.be/BUl6PooveJE
  14. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1455369202' post='2978485'] Just get new pots. Not worth the hassle if it needs more than a squirt of cleaner. [/quote] Yep - try a squirt of this: http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/servisol-super-10-switch-contact-cleaner-200ml-jp17t If that doesn't work then it's new pot time. Unless it's an historically important bass no one refurbishes a pot when a new one costs a few quid at most.
  15. No need to gig to pursue an interest in music. I prefer writing, recording and producing but we also gig, though only about 10 times a year so it keeps our hand in while not being too onerous. I don't feel the urge to 'perform' (probably why I'm happy to stand at the back playing bass ) and it's the creativity that does it for me. The thought of playing covers to a drunken mob week in week out doesn't interest me at all - it seems like the equivalent of repetitive factory work to me. That's the beauty of music - it can be experienced in so many ways that there's almost bound to be an angle for everyone.
  16. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1455093053' post='2975708'] I think the shop owner Carl has shown that he cares and it takes balls to reply to a "negative thread" . . . . . [/quote] Good point. Also a good example of the maxim "if you like what we do, tell all your friends. If you don't, please tell us so we can fix it". It's often when something goes wrong that a company's customer service is really put to the test and it can give them the opportunity to really shine. Surly staff must be every shop owner's nightmare.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1455026490' post='2975146'] Wakeman - Six Wives, Journey to the Centre of the Earth [/quote] . . . and The Myths And Legends of King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table In fact, Wakeman was something of a master of the concept album back in the day (and sometimes 'on ice' FFS ) No mention of The Beatles yet? Sgt Pepper's, Yellow Submarine, Magical Mystery Tour - OK, maybe not concept albums in the classic prog rock sense, but certainly albums with a theme.
  18. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1455014834' post='2974953'] Living in the hinterland, as I do, travel to a music shop is either a 22 mile round trip to PMT or independent store (both have cracking service) or the internet. I confess to liking having physical stores but disliking the journey and preferring the convenience of the internet. The very definition of hypocrisy. xxx [/quote] I wouldn't call that hypocrisy, more practicality. Why add all that time and cost overhead to a shopping trip when it can be done online? It's also a lot 'greener', if you care about such things.
  19. Flight cases may well protect your gear but have you seen the damage they can inflict on cars, vans, doors, walls and anything they come into contact with? That may not be a problem, but it should be a consideration.
  20. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1454950358' post='2974531'] The thing is though we all bemoan the closure of traditional music shops whilst buying everything cheaper online from companies with no shop on the high street to pay for and massive buying power... can't really have it both ways can we? [/quote] But do we all bemoan the closure of traditional music shops? I don't because it would be hypocritical of me as I buy most of my stuff online - and not just because of price, but because it's far more convenient and saves me loads of time. You're right that we can't have it both ways, but I'd dispute that anyone seriously thinks we can.
  21. If I can't decide which item to choose online I just buy them both (or more), wait until they arrive, check them out, decide on the one I want to keep and then send the others back. Time it right in the credit card billing cycle and the returned items are credited back before the credit card bill has to be paid. It must be very tough to run a shop these days but times change and trying to keep costs down by paying uninterested youngsters minimum wage isn't going to cut it.
  22. I remember buying his 'Nothing Rhymed' single back in 1970-ish and he was pretty big around that time. Last I heard he had an expensive legal run-in with his management company and he seemed to disappear for many years. Glad to hear he's still around.
  23. Bach concertos are a favourite, particularly the Brandenburg ones.
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1454436053' post='2969749'] . . . and accepting a knighthood even though you're a rebellious Rolling Stone ... [/quote] Keef had plenty to say about that in this autobiog. I certainly respect him more for turning one down. Still, there's no real reason why those who make such great music shouldn't also be complete @rsoles like Jagger. Most people never get to meet their musical heroes and frequently confuse liking their music with liking them as people when they don't have a clue what they're really like as a person.
  25. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1454369602' post='2969162'] Jeff Lynne likes 'em. http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/jeff-lynne-of-elo-performs-on-stage-for-bbc-radio-2-live-in-news-photo/455468934o Also Eric Clapton IIRC. [/quote] At this sort of level, isn't the choice more likely made by their guitar techs? They are handed a guitar already set up and they play it. Ask them what strap locks they use and they'll probably give a quizzical look and wonder what you're talking about as they can' t remember the last time they had a strap problem. Ok, I'm probably exaggerating, but you know what I mean.
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