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Everything posted by dave_bass5

  1. At home I’m just using the built in one. I will be using an external one with the band. It seems the issue is only related to Xair. Even with it on my MacBook (which is the phone app) I get the same (Non) result. All my devices can see the XR18 fine, Mixing station works on all of them without any issues.
  2. Thanks. Yeah, I have a MacBook but so far not used it for this. As I’ll need to use the iPad at gigs I thought it easier to get to know that app. I can’t actually find the X Air on the App Store for Mac. Maybe I need to look again. I do have an old iPad that seemed ok with the xair app until I got the mixer. Even though I’m connected to its wifi the app doesn’t even bother to register that it’s there. Won’t connect at all. Yep, it’s just the FX side that’s causing issues now. I’ve figured out the feedback thing and can now get to almost were I want to be with it all, but still getting stuck on a few things. I can’t seem to find how to use the FX sends post fader, so that the FX is EQ’ed to match the sends. I’m using a delay and the delay tone is not getting the EQ. Probably a simple setting that’s deeply buried. Thats a good idea about practising with the settings after the event. Cheers for that.
  3. Thanks. So fat I’m not. It’s being a nightmare with Mixing station. At first I thought it was fine. Getting sounds out etc was easy, but I was up till very late trying to get the FX sends and returns working, and also getting Links working for my keys.
  4. The XR18 just turned up. Big grin on my face when I saw how compact it is. Can’t wait to stay up all night figuring it out 😂.
  5. Thanks. As i said, Mixing station (which ill use as i cant use the Behringer app on my main iPad’s) does have a mode where each of the band members are locked in to just the monitor bus. When they start the app they can start in restricted mode and choose what bus to control. It’s a much simplified layout as well which will work for them. I still think it’s a bad idea letting some of them loose with it, but it takes the pressure off me, especially for the IEM users. The drummer has said he wont use IEM’s but he has a decent monitor, and its more for hearing the keyboards. I am looking forward to using it with the band. i can now ditch my own mixer system, and my singers can now benefit from my ambient mic set up. Ive got 14 channels set up already so im glad i went for the 18 and not the 16.
  6. Thanks. Ive since found out the Mixing Station actually has modes that allow people to run the app with only the Send bus showing. It’s pretty cool as each person chooses which bus they want when starting the app, and all they can really do is adjust the sends on that bus. Less room for mistakes.
  7. Ive got a question (many really, lets start with an easy one). Im trying to figure out the best strategy as far as all band members having access to the XR18. Not a good idea to give full access obviously. What do you guys do? Im thinking of making a full layout for me, copying it to the phone, and creating a custom layout that has more minimal control. for example, take off the Master fader, and only have one send, which will be relevant to the person i give it to. That way it keeps their screen clearer, and means they wont click on the wrong Aux and much someone else's mix up. Im not sure i can disable or take off the main faders. Does this seem feasible and possible with Mixing Station?
  8. It’s not something i was too bothered with, as what i do now with a small digital recorder has been working well for years, but the thought that i can almost re mix a gig with just a little more effort is quite appealing. The drums normally come put quite loud on the recording anyway, but with a bit more though (like Jack said, put it closer to the kit) and running the recoding through something like Spectralayers to separate out the drums from everything else should produce much better end results. I guess id uses my iPad Pro at gig for this. Ive been looking fro a reason to get Logic on ipad. Would probably start off with rehearsals and use my MacBook pro though.
  9. Thanks., ive yet to receive my XR18, but i see you can set the phones (Monitor) out to get its feed from anywhere. I have a mixer template already set up that directs Aux 5/6 to the phones. So i can use this in the same way as the Aux outs, but with just my usual TSR to XLR cable. It does take two Aux’s, which leaves the band with only 4. Still, i brought it so i can do what i want lol. Ive always recorded gigs and rehearsals, always from the stage, with but as you say, this opens up a whole new level of options. I do plan on using the multitrack out in to my iPad or MacBook at some point. Logic will handle each track as a separate track so i can mix later. Like you it will probably be minus the drums so I’ll do as you do, still use my digital recorder on stage in front of the drums. Obviously going to be a lot of spill but having the ability to mix in directly recorded instrument's sounds really cool.
  10. Well yes, but thats adding more stuff which was what i was trying to avoid. Id be more inclined to use adapters if and when necessary.
  11. Thanks. Yeah, i can see the potential. its just a shame that although it will work really well, its still overkill for my band. I am looking forward to recording some gigs and rehearsals through it, straight to Logic.
  12. Thanks a again for the reply. That all makes sense, especially the disservice’s between the two. Although i have gone for the XR18 (already on its way from Thomann's) i still think the M18 is the better of the two as far as set up and usability. As you say, the router is not going to need help, and the app seems really good. Between the two it seemed the M18 won on not needing an external router, but wound need more adapters for the Aux outs. It’s easier and cheaper for me to use the many unused XLR’s that we have in the gig bag. Same with the non XLR inputs. Not the end of the world that they arent XLR, but we don’t have many jack to jacks spare. As for the app. Im finding Mixing Station to be very comprehensive, but a nightmare to set up. It seemed easy enough for the very basic stuff, but ive run in to a few very time consuming issues. I have had help from the dev though, which gives me more confidence over an app that haven’t been updated for almost 5 years. Ive now got quite a simple mixer set up, and prertty much a lto of the extras aren’t used. Considering what ive used in the past, this will be like a breath of fresh air. I’ll even be able to give up using a sub mixer and use the XR18 for all my monitoring. That will make life easier for me.
  13. Our needs are really quite modest. We have been doing ok with a standard mixer for years, only using 8 channels, so the P16M would really be overkill at the moment. I’d rather no one in the band fiddles with anything while we are playing, but with me stuck up at the back, and levels going up during the gig it makes sense that the singer and drummer have control over their monitoring. The rest of the band , not so much. Hoping to start putting more instruments through the PA, starting with one guitar for now.
  14. Thanks Phil. I’ll reply in length later. The comment about the headphone out is because I normally use a TRS to XLR stereo cable for my IEM’s. It feels a bit clunky if I have to use two XLR outs. 6 in total is more than enough for the band.
  15. Thanks, thats a good way of working. I dont think I’ll need to many snapshots etc, but i wanted to make sure others can get the same info as my device without to much effort. They are a bit backwards when it comes to tech.
  16. I started off using my Air 1 but when i got a Hammond App it just wouldn't run. Ive been very impressed with the ‘cheap’ iPad9’ I think it was the last ipad to have a headphone out which is cool. Love my 12.9 pro though. Its old, got it in 2020 during the first lockdown, but i use it everyday. I thought my MacBook Pro would take over but that mostly just sits on the desk. I do plan on using it at gigs at some point, but so far it’s not needed. Ive ordered the Air XR18 from Thomanns. It’s out of stock but listed as hopefully in stock in about a week. I wont hold my breath. Everywhere else is saying early July. If it gets to mid June and i don't have it I’ll cancel the order and the the RCF M18.
  17. The old iPad I found at home can only go up to iOS 15 so seems to be fine with the Behringer app, but I’m warming to Mixer Station now so will probably use my iPad 9. I originally got that for running soft synths and although the screen is smaller than my pro I think it’s good enough. I plan on setting it all up using the pro and use the iPad 9 for gigs.
  18. Yeah, I’m going to order the X18. Cheers. Good to know. Now the long wait starts as I have no idea when it will turn up. At least I can play around with Mixer Station in the meantime. Thanks all for the help 👏
  19. Haha. Have you tried to leave BC? 😂 I do plan on going back to bass as soon as I find time, but just having a break. Actually, as I’m also a bass player my left hand is very inactive most of the time. I cover my lack of ability to do two things at once with the notion that I’m staying out of his way 😎 Ok , last question before I pull the trigger. When using the app, does it save everything to the mixer or just the app? Reason I’m asking is I can’t figure out how someone else can have control with a different device other than by me sending the set up file to them. Is that how it works or does the mixer transmit the layout etc?
  20. Thanks, that makes sense. Im not aiming to get more Aux’s, just to make sure i can get stereo out of the phones. I use a P2 (sometimes a P1) wired. The stereo thing is a way of getting the sounds i program in, and use at home, to sound the same at gigs. I play/practice at home with headphones, in stereo obviously, so i want that at gigs. Im not doing any sweeps, and in fact on the whole i dont care if FOH is stereo or not (it is though), but playing Piano for instance sounds a lot more natural having the left and right spread in my ears. Same with Leslie swirl from my Neo Vent. There is also the danger of phase cancelation when going down to mono which i have heard at our rehearsal studios on occasion. Bottom line though, im happy with my current monitoring, but if im going to spend almost £600 it cant be a compromise or step back.
  21. Probably down the line i would stop taking it, but to start off id keep it handy. Our speakers are powered so it would make a good back up, at least to get the keys and some vocals.
  22. There is still a lot to take in, but am i correct that with both the X18 and M18, i can use the phones out as a stereo aux, with almost as much control as the normal Aux’s have? Id have my keys going in in stereo (so 4 channels), and I’d like to have my own IEM mix with the keys in stereo, and vocals etc in mono (for now). This seems possible but if one doesn't do it then thats out of the running.
  23. Yeah, that makes sense. I’ve been using our current Begringer desk for almost 9 years. Various bands, but this one has the most mics. If it wasn’t for possible move to IEM for some, it wouldn’t be an issue. I would still take my Sub mixer as a back up. It wouldn’t handle everything but it’s better than nothing.
  24. Thanks for all the GAS, I mean replies 😂. I still want the RCF M18, especially after Phil’s fantastic review, but stil have a few niggles. I tried the App on my iPad Pro last night and really liked it, but it did crash once. Not a big deal, but I see it hasn’t been updated for about 5 years. That makes me a bit nervous goi g forward. The biggest plus for the M18 for me is the app. Might be a non issue. The amount of mic inputs wasn’t an issue until today. Guitarist is well up for the IEM route now, but we have discussed setting up and ambient mic. I currently use a Behringer B2, which has to be phantom powered, going in to my sub mixer, but I’m planning on letting the PA mixer do all that once I get it and I’ll ditch the sub mixer. With that, plus the 5 vocal mics I think I might reach the limit sooner than expected. I found an old iPad Air at home which worked ok with the stock Behringer app, although I guess I really should get to know Mix station. The biggest plus for the M18 though, is I can get it this week. The X18 seems out of stock everywhere until July. Thomanns seem to think it’s just a week or so, but we know how that works. I may just order the X18 from Thomanns and see how it goes. Next gig isn’t until 8th July (we have one this weekend but I wouldn’t use it as it’s too soon).
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