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Everything posted by dave_bass5

  1. It’s not something id really want to do, i want to stay wireless, but i can see the advantage of having something small like that sitting on my keyboard.
  2. Cool. Im already using midi live. I wouldn’t say im an expert but if it will work, i can figure it out.
  3. Ohh, i just remembered i have a Korg NanoKontrol2. It’s got real sliders but is very small. I wonder if i can utilise that.
  4. At the moment we have 5 mics (all sing apart from me). Nothing else other than keys go through the PA at the moment. The drummer has a fancy little box/mixer thing that has a set of mic’s that he can use (although doesn't, as he is too loud as it is). Thats just a stereo jack to jack out. ‘Modern’ guitarist has a Helix type box (much cheaper) that has DI we could use, but doesn't need to be XLR on each end. Bass can DI (love that it has a MarkBass Amp sim in the M18). Again, doesn't need to be XLR. Id use mic cables for those above until we need more XLR, but i cant imagine we will. I like that all 3 of these mixers have a stereo headphones out, which i would use for my IEMs (i need stereo for keys). Ideally the singer will have her own Aux, the drummer his, guitarist (if he sticks with IEM) and me. Drummer will never go IEM. That leaves ‘dinosaur’ Guitarist and bass player. They can share an Aux that will run to a second stage monitor until they decide to go IEM. We will never go amp less. Cheers for that. I’ll have a read. Yes, it seems strange that all the Aux outs are jack based, but in a way that doe make it easier for me to connect things up.
  5. Since my last post Ive watched a few videos on the Ui and it does look cool. I would be worried about the wall wart as far as damage goes, but I’ve got many devices that already use them. Then I came across the RCF M18. This appeals to me more. Inputs and outputs are more than adequate. Has the right number of Aux outs (yay, one guitarist is going to try IEM at the next rehearsal. I’m getting there) and I like that it seems smaller. It’s lacking some of the fancy stuff the others have, but seems perfect for us. Any thoughts? I appreciate this has been discussed already.
  6. Thanks. That looks quite cool. I hadn't even thought about the Soundcraft Ui16, but its £100 cheaper than the X18 and seems to have enough of what i need. The main compromise for me seems to be the Aux sends, but i cant imagine 4 wont be enough for my band. It seems quite a bit larger than the X18, but thats not a deal breaker. Until the Luddite of the two guitarists decides there is some milage in Digital (as well as starts using a decent tone) im apprehensive about mic’ing him up, but the other guitarist seems on top of his sounds and i am going to try him in the PA at the next gig. We are just a pub/Social club band with a vocal PA (1x15+horn each side) so don’t need too many pro features, but of course its better to have them rather than not.
  7. This is pants on all fronts, but I don’t often have anything to post. To quote REM, that’s me in the corner 😂
  8. Yeah, i can see the advantages of hardware sliders. I rarely need to touch our desk during a gig, but i can see that its a lot easier to quickly grab a slider rather than slide a finger on a screen etc.
  9. Yeah, i felt the interface looked a bit less ‘fancy’ than the Behringer, but i can see its potential and it does look very comprehensive. I may put at least one guitarist in to the PA at some point soon, as he now uses a multi effects box, but at the moment his volume levels are all over the place. It’s safer to only have all that coming out of his amp for now. The other is a firm ‘old school’ guy who thinks digital is just a fad.
  10. Ha. The idea is to cut down on boxes and cables and be able to do sound remotely. As impressive as that looks, it’s totally the opposite of what im looking to do. Very cool though.
  11. Cheers Guys. This all sounds quite exciting. Ive had a look at Mix station and it seems a but more daunting compared to the Behringer app, but not out of my comfort zone. Ive watched a few YT videos and it looks like it has a bit of a learning curve to set up, but pretty straight forward once it is. The idea is, at this stage, just to use it for vocals and keys. We dont put the guitars through the PA as they are still too random, volume wise. All our monitors are powered, so each singer (5 of them do it) can have their own tailored monitor mix, and the singer can also have control during the gig. I cant see us actually having or needing 5 monitor mixes though, at least not until IEM’s are in use. The drummer likes his loud, with loads fo keys, so for him it’s ideal. I’ll take a mono sub mix of the vocals and run that in to my stage mixer, which i can then blend in with my keys for my IEM’s. Id say 3 monitor mixes will be fine. Having something like this should, in theory, help speed up sound checks, as im hoping once its all locked in it will just be a case of doing minor tweaks at each gig. (Side note. Last gig the lead guitarist was 90 mins late so we didnt get to sound check. He lives 20mins away 😡) Definitely looking to go wireless as ive just worked out how to play one of my keyboards over Bluetooth from an ipad, so having that ability and the ability to stand in the middle of the room at sound check really appeals to me. I have an old Nighthawk router I’ll use, im aware of the internal Wi-Fi’s issues. The band are keen to get it, but im not keen for us all to pay for it. Me and the singer (we live together) are going to buy it between us.
  12. Thanks very much. I must admit I thought it strange the app was closing like that. shame about the iOS thing. I did see Mixing station, ill and have another look. MacBook is an option but we have a few iPads and id rather take those out.
  13. Got a quick question about the X18, actually its iOS app. My band are thinking of getting the X18, as it ticks every box we can think of. I downloaded the app to see what it looked like, and it has a demo mode. Clicking on most of the settings closes the app instantly. I just wanted to ask if there are any issues with iOS 16. I appreciate the demo might be acting up because there is no hardware attached.
  14. They have a UK base as well. I recently ordered some software from the website. I got confirmation etc from them but needed to cancel. I didnt really get anywhere with replying to them in Germany (this was over a. 24 hour period) but contacted them in the UK and they sorted it out instantly.
  15. Gotta ask, why impose your way of doing things on those that are happy with how they are doing things already? Don’t get me wrong, I see the pros and cons of both sides and would love my lot to got IEM, but I’ve yet to be able to make a concrete case for it (even im not convinced it’s the right way to go).
  16. We use 2 of those Lidl ones. Very handy for running various stage lights across the front of the stage.
  17. Finally got the new band to do a demo. Took a lot of mixing time though. https://on.soundcloud.com/tjBdhtvNgchat2p5A
  18. I always fine the term ‘less than’ to mean ‘no more than, but pretty much as much as’ 😁
  19. I’ve been using Comply foam tips for a few years, but recently started using these. They are much cheaper, and the shape seems to fit my ears better. These are rock solid as far as fit goes for me. They feel quite similar to the Comply’s, but don’t have a wax guard. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B09L7F73YC?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
  20. For mono you can use any Jack to Jack. The P2 has a mono/stereo switch. You can also use a TRS from a headphone out and get stereo, or mono if you use the switch etc. I personally use a Jack to XLR these days, as it locks in. It will also do stereo but works fine in mono as well.
  21. I finally got my current band to go in to the studio and do a demo. We managed to record 6 tracks, which was quite a surprise. Ive been given the task of mixing them all, so had to learn Logic Pro, which means its not perfect. This is the first track I’ve finished. Quite pleased with how it came out. This was my first time in a studio on keys, although the keys have all been re recorded at home as they got recorded in mono for some reason. We based our version on Imelda May’s version, but it’s not quite the same. More to come. https://on.soundcloud.com/R7HXr1mL5pjFodK76
  22. Yes, that's what I found as well. I still didn't get on with the new ones, but I did prefer them over the originals
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