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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Likewise, had my (albeit a Recurve) short (or rather medium) scale ACG for three days now, loving it too.
  2. ...remember to remove any rings beforehand.
  3. Agreed, you’ll not find anything better unless, of course, you can stretch your budget just a little more and buy the best... https://www.roballenguitars.com/new-products/mb-2-koa-5-string-fretless-bass-1324
  4. I am. I managed to attend all last years Bashes (apart from the Precision-y one that no one knew about) and I’ll be doing the same this year so I’ll be there.
  5. There was brief engagement just before bed (that sounds wrong) but leaving it until Friday when I can put it through the K12.2 and the Stomp and have a really good delve.
  6. Right, you lot have made me very curious, I play a lined fretless with dot markers in the usual positions, I’m very interested to try an unlined fretless, anyone nearby (or not so nearby) who has one I can try out?
  7. Well I’m wondering if my FRFR setup will be enough, will soon find out!
  8. Not now, the band in the video packed it in in the late nineties. That particular video was a one-off get together to support our (then) local music venue (The Square in Harlow). I currently play in a duo with a woman who sings and plays acoustic guitar, we write originals but obviously it’s way removed from the thrash nonsense above. We recorded and filmed eight or nine tracks back in December, I’ll post some once they are mixed/edited. Having said that I am currently in discussions with a guitarist I used to be in a band with thirty eight (christ) years ago, hoping to get some kind of slow dub/noise thing underway, obviously if it gets underway I’ll post about it on here.
  9. Let’s hope so. I did my usual with a new bass, cleaned it, did this post and then sat on the sofa watching cr4p tv, I shall engage with it tomorrow.
  10. Only because your Spector is in the background! 😉
  11. Thought so. I’m working under the delusion that I’m going to use these purchases as a guide towards perfecting my own custom build requirements but it’s all bollo, I just like ACGs, might as well just face the fact.
  12. Acquired an ACG from @Clarky this morning, hassle free transaction, great coms, easy peasy. One of those rare things these days, a gentleman.
  13. Took a pleasant drive in the sun to chez @Clarky this morning in order to relieve said gentleman of his ACG Recurve 4 short scale. After a buffing with some carnauba wax it’s looking lovely in the afternoon sun, unlike me. This takes my count of @skelf instruments to two, it doesn’t stop there does it..?
  14. The manual should tell you the temperature parameters that are safe for the cab.
  15. Minor annoyances with gear? The cnuts attached to them usually.
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