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Everything posted by NickD

  1. I suspect there's an 'element' (🤣) of disinterest in the process that's colouring things here. the elements version is far from crippled. I've not yet tried to sync music yet, I've just done soundtracks and editing, (cuts/transitions/effects/titles/credits/incidental music fades/etc) on videos with the kids, by way of learning (I'm not interested in stupid video work, but I am interested in the kids, so it creates a bit of motivation at least). But ultimately I want it for music video stuff once our recording is finished, so I've spent a fair bit of time on Youtube going further than I've needed to do just yet, and it seems pretty straightforward. Just a 'sync audio and video on Premiere Elements' search throws up some really clear simple tutorials.
  2. It doesn't. I just had PSE Elements 10 and got the discount upgrading to the PS/Premiere bundle. 😊
  3. If you've already bought Photoshop Elements there's an upgrade reduction. I had Elements 10 years ago and it's come a really log way since then so I bought the Photoshop/Premiere 2020 Elements bundle. I've only done a few movies with the kids on Premiere, but it's really flexible and easy to pick up. I believe they've just released the 2021 bundle now.
  4. If you haven't already got an interface, whatever you buy will come with a stripped down version of whatever DAW they're allied with. I bought a Steinberg because I'd previously worked with Cubase and knew it was dead easy. I did eventually upgrade to a 'better' version when they made me an offer too good to refuse, but I really didn't need to. The free version had pretty much everything I needed.
  5. We've 2 pairs of 'music' headphones in the studio (by which I obviously mean living room stuffed with music stuff). We've a set of Sennheiser HD280 Pro and a set of considerably cheaper Audio Technica ATHM20x. Of these, for practicing and recording I always go for the Audio Technica. The Mrs prefers the Sennheisers for electronic drums, but if I try to use them for mixing I find they're too coloured. Using the Audio Technica I find I get a much more accurate picture, and when I play whatever I've mixed on various devices things are much more balanced.
  6. IBTL No-one knows.... except yes of course prices will increase, plus the pound will be worth nothing. On the upside we can fly goods over on the Unicorns we're all getting! 🤪
  7. In The Horne Sections' joyful country tale of pea production down on Grandaddy's farm, specifically regarding his quality control, and his rejection of grade B and Grade C peas, ensuring the customer only ever receives grade A peas.... Grandaddy checks the A-ness, so you can taste the Pea-ness, Grandaddy checks the A-ness, so you can taste the Pea-ness, Grandaddy checks the A-ness, so you can taste the Pea-ness, In your mouth.
  8. My entry to the Basschat October Composition Challenge, inspired by the picture chosen by September's winner, Dad3353. Drum loops courtesy of MrRobot on Looperman, bass courtesy of Maruszwassit, geetar courtesy of Vintage, all through the Helix into Cubase Elephants.
  9. Probably sacrilegious.... but Lizzy's Live and Dangerous, as beautiful as it is, would have been better if it was shorter.
  10. It's as it it's always been. While the music industry has changed almost beyond all recognition, one constant remains in that for every person creating something, there a thousand cheesy wankspangles trying to make a few quid of the back of their efforts while contributing nothing.
  11. I've not had anything from Beige (😭), but the only things I have on Soundcloud are Basschat composition challenge entries, and every time I upload a track I'll wake up the following morning to a few messages from producers, promoters, blog owners, influencers and various other chancers telling me that my tune is just what the world needs (i mean.... Last Tango in Barnsley FFS?), and with their help promoting/producing/mastering/blogging or whatever, I could really kick off my world domination attempt. I've always just assumed that they think everyone on Soundcloud is a young hopeful, dreaming of stardom, and they don't imagine they're messaging a 50 year old cynic who has heard all this cow poop before.
  12. I had a couple of 5501s, and (debatably) the neck was out on both of them in that where the neck meets the body on the underside there's a small lip. Everything else was lined up accordingly so they played fine, but this meant that the A string didn't consistently line up with the central dot markers on the neck. It bugged the hell out of me to the point I got rid of them. Every 5501 I've seen is the same. Otherwise they were great. I was looking at a 5502 too but found that was the same. I guess they're marketed at people less anal than me. 🤣
  13. Either that's insane, or the Mrs drugged my coffee this morning!😎
  14. I was doing a side by side with the Sansamp version on the Bass Fly Rig, and I couldn't get it right. I think the most annoying part (for my purposes) was that the drive sound had an abrupt, unnatural sounding decay that died off leaving the unaffected note ringing. Probably not a problem for many, but completely messes up one of our choruses. Wierdly, the closest I got to the sound I wanted to replicate from the Sansamp was using the WhoWatt amp sim, and the BK7 clone came pretty close too.
  15. Made it.... Just! Here's my entry to to the September 2020 Composition Challenge, inspired by the picture selected by August's winner.... er, me. When taking pics like that there's sometimes a sense of being watched ('ere Ron, that idiot's out in the garden again, shining a torch on the tree!), so I ran with the idea of being observed from beyond. All recorded in Cubase Elephants, using my Jake 5 and my Westbury Standard through the Helix. Standard Cubase plugin thingys, drums from the Mrs, and my unschooled wing and a prayer mixing method (and I don't even know what mastering means, so none of that exotic stuff).
  16. Looks like it's makeyermindup time!
  17. What's the cut off date? 🤣 MIne has been a dreamy fingerpicked ballad, a trippy spacerock adventure, a philosophical, Floydy meandering, and a quiet/ loud/ quiet assault on the senses, 2 of which I'm likely to filch and modify for the band.... Gawd knows what I'll actually end up submitting though.
  18. Chris bought my Tech 21 Flyrig. Great, friendly communication, and a real pleasure to deal with. Thanks Chris!
  19. This was at the heart of my board for ages, but since the Helix came along it's not getting used. Plenty of great reviews out there in YouTube land, the best, most in depth one being by our very own Dood. Great condition, working perfectly, comes boxed with introductions, rubber feet (currently has velcro on the back), and a Rock Power power supply. £185 delivered in the UK please.
  20. Naked Ash bodies, or translucent colours over ash, Maple boards, black hardware and growl.
  21. Now £140. Ibanez Gio 7221QA, 7 String in a rather fetching transparent blackburst over quilted maple. It's subtle, but really comes alive under lights. I bought it for a couple of studio days, so it's had that and a couple of weekends working out the parts at home. Plays lovely and sounds great, typical thin, satin Ibby neck. Holds its tuning nicely too. No paint chips or anything like that, but some light swirling in the laquer from pick/finger contact as is typical of mega shiny finishes. Strung with a brand new set of Slinkys (9-52), with an additional spare set of the same unopened. No case, so it would need to be pick up or meet up, I'm in Bushey, Herts.
  22. If we're talking just one bass and amp I'd probably end up with things I already have. It'd be my Jake 5 and a MarkBass 121h.
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