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Everything posted by dub_junkie

  1. snce got another Sterling and swapped the necks out cant decide which one I like more they're both fantastic!
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='84769' date='Nov 7 2007, 09:19 AM']What sort of condition are they in? Sorry I'm fussy and I don't want to put anything scratched or bent on my pristine Sterling.[/quote] the one that came with the white sparkle sterling is in A1 condition so happy to sell the brand new one I got a couple of months back from Strings &Things.it was on my other sterling for a few weeks till I put the tort one I got from basschatter tonyf on it cheers
  3. just bought another sterling and now have two white mop scratchplates.both are ebmm ones and not 3rd party.looking to swap one of them for anything other than tortoise shell or black. would particuarly like clear,abalone or black pearloid. let me know what you got DJ here's the plate on the Sterling,before it made way for a tortoise shell one
  4. theres a brand new natural oil $$ thats been listed on ebay a couple of times in the last month with a BIN of £529. The seller is a shop in Northampton i think. if they list again and go for 3rd time lucky... or if you go into a sound control i'm sure you'll get a Czech Spector Rebop for the upper limit of your price range DJ
  5. NOW SOLD! thanks to those who expressed interest cheers DJ I've realised I'm neither confident or good enough a singer to get the best out this unit so its up for sale. here's the blurb from the TC-Helicon site [url="http://www.tc-helicon.com/VoiceLive"]<a href="http://www.tc-helicon.com/VoiceLive" target="_blank">http://www.tc-helicon.com/VoiceLive[/url]</a> there's audio and video demos there of what it can do GAK page on the VoiceLive [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/voice-live/12830"]<a href="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/voice-live/12830" target="_blank">http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/voice-live/12830[/url]</a> It's an incredibly clever piece of equipment and sounds amazing when my band leader uses it. Me,well I'm resigned to just sticking with the little bits of singing I can cope with (no Eagles covers - yay!) It's in near mint condition,boxed with the manual and also has the optional TC Helicon expression pedal which is also as new and boxed £300 to Basschatters. It's going up on ebay in the next few days with a BIN of £350 delivery by 24 hour courier is £10.00 would ideally want paid by cash on collection or personal cheque cheers DJ
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  7. werent these the model up from the Energy basses? I've had a couple of Energy 4 strings in the past and they were easy worth that amount.I'd say that is a bargain price for the Eclipse. DJ
  8. couple of weeks back I aquired an earlier 5 string version of yourss with the solid maple body wings I - from tonyf here on basschat - and its absolutely lovely to ogle,inspiring to play and sounds the dogs danglies - awesome stuff !! and I'm glad I did cos it kind of broke the whole MM/G&L spell cast on me many moons ago DJ
  9. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='79158' date='Oct 25 2007, 12:20 AM']One thing I do sometimes, especially if I'm finding it difficult to find something complementary to what's going on, is to sing my parts. Unless you're on the top of your game, I find that it is much easier to create musical parts by singing in your head.[/quote] totally in agreeament with this. I used to work with a songwriter who had his own studio.He couldnt play bass but he'd sing out the bass ideas he had floating around in his head to me,and we'ed use those as a framwork that I could flesh out..some phrases were like brass parts,others like something a piano would do.everything was almost upside down compared to how I'd ever written a bass line before and in all honesty his "basslines" were something I'd probably never have come up with off the bat.the point is they worked,were very musical and made me realise that I needed to start listening more and that even if I had all the technical ability in the world (didnt then and still dont now),it still was no match for his instrinsically musical soul. so if its in your head it will out eventually DJ
  10. I remember it and it was a good tune..and then they spoiled it all and done that awful AEIOU DJ
  11. the X3 Live is my next "must have" kit. DJ
  12. [quote name='tonyf' post='74343' date='Oct 14 2007, 11:44 PM']Howdy Kier, Absolutely loving the ASAT, it's such a great bass and I'm so glad we did the bass-swap styleee! Put the tort plate on ur Sterling yet? T[/quote] yes it is and its looking great.some pics of it and the Spector will be on my photobucket later this week thanks again keir
  13. Tony, glad you're liking the Asat,great bass..as are the others too. the Yamaha is a real beauty btw. lol do you mind if I copy your collection?just a flea and NE to go Keir
  14. lefty loosy righty tighty its the same as when the adjuster is at the headstock end and viewed looking down through the neck towards the body. I believe Warwick may have(had)some rods that worked in the opposite direction DJ
  15. [quote name='Telebass' post='71088' date='Oct 8 2007, 03:45 PM']But if [i][b]that[/b][/i] smell made you heave, we had to repair an electro-acoustic, and on asking why it looked so bad inside, were told, "Oh, I got drunk and threw up in it..."[/quote] my god,that is just wrong. DJ
  16. thats quite a rare bird the SUB Sterling. very nice too but for that kind of money I'd get the full blown Sterling. You'll thank yourself for doing so,believe me DJ
  17. what's going on here indeed? I'm looking at it,made an enquiry and yet its got one string too many and its not out of California strange times DJ
  18. to clarify the £750..it was an ebay auction that dawsons run and no one else bid on.the listing finished at 9.45 on a sunday morning when most bass players (myself included)are still in their bed.that morning I wasnt and saw it 15 minutes before it ended.borrowing the money afterwards was the difficult part lol I can only imagine I got it trade + VAT ^_^ DJ
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