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Everything posted by dub_junkie

  1. I've had 3 Bongos (got a 5HH and used to own a 4HS and a 4HH). I find them very inspiring to play with a great range of (modern) tones but I still, and will always prefer my Stingray 5. It has a lovely growl and warmth to the sound,sadly lacking in the Bongo which sounds hi-fi by comparison. I do a fair bit of recording with my Bongo and its excellent for that, but the very few times I gigged one weren't exactly "plug in and play" if I'm honest.Boomy,overpowering,endless fiddling with pan and EQ - all just a bit too much really So it stays at home.
  2. dub_junkie

    G&L JB2

    I've not seen more than a couple of JB-2s on basschat. I cant recall any Tributes on here of late but there was a silver flake USA one on sale a couple of months back. belonged to Mansfield,maybe best giving him a PM? Theres a number of JB2 players on talkbass. do a search there and you'll probably get the info you need fwiw I have a L-2000 (and recently sold a SB-2) with the same neck as the JB-2. I find them really playable,very much like a jazz bass or MusicMan Sterling. The Tribute JB-2 has the same neck profile as far as I know. I'm not familiar with the JB-2 though I wanted one for a long time - I think the alnico pickups would make a nice change from the MFDs on all their other basses. Looking at the website it says that both Tribute finish options use swamp ash for the body. any USA G&Ls I've owned and were ash tended to be quite heavy but I'm not sure if thats the same with the offshore ones. I used to own a Korean made ash body L-2000 which was nice and light and after a set up,played every bit as good as a USA one imo a real nice alternative to a Fender Jazz
  3. thanks for that. I still cant afford it but good to know they're not as expensive as I previously thought.
  4. lovely! I like Stingrays with rosewood fingerboards - from my experience the maple boards with the wax/oil finish dirty up too easy and look terrible after a while.
  5. what a fantastic bass! I've wanted one of these since they first came out but the price new will be way beyond my means. I did own a '94 pinkburst Albert Lee guitar for a number of years (only let it go to get a Steve Morse Y2D)-and I always loved the looks of the guitar. same story with the bass. Not looking for the price you paid, but was it less than your 25th? When both models were first announced a couple of shops here were showing the same rrp for both the 25th and the Big AL. I couldnt understand that at the time as the AL wasnt a limited model and it didnt have a fancy maple top. I'm guessing the price of the Big AL is maybe somewhere between a Stingray 5 and the 25th?
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='774019' date='Mar 14 2010, 12:20 AM']I wouldn't expect to get a 100% P or SR tone from a G&L2000 but if im reading this right, as long as i dont expect to nail either tones the G&L might be better for me as a 1 bass does it all.[/quote] correct! the MFD pickups do have their own sound and the tri-tone circuit is a bit quirky (no mids/no pan control/bass and treble cut only) they bridge the gap between fenders and musicman imo and they are hard to beat for versatility
  7. when you've got drums,keys and a couple of guitars going, from my experiences a musicman sometimes got a bit buried/lost in the mix and the G&L didnt - that was at the same gig or rehearsal using both basses. G&L basses have a big sound!
  8. John,you are more accurate with the weight.I made it a tad under 9lbs. **And now on hold pending a fellow Ayrshire Basschatter viewing it this weekend**
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='763815' date='Mar 4 2010, 11:56 AM']I had the privilege of trying this exquisite bass out at the last Moffat bash. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the neck was a tad thinner than a standard Jazz neck - think Ibanez Soundgear. It felt very delicate in my big hands (this is from a guy now used to P and MM width necks) and had that fastness I like from this sized neck - it was begging for dusty end action. I couldn't hear the sound characteristics of the bass too well as there were a few others guys plonking basses near by too but what little I did hear clearly had bite. If I was in the market for one of these, I wouldn't hesitate. Me and the sb-2 at Moffat [/quote] thanks and you're right - it does have a slightly slimmer profile jazz neck. its G&L's #8 neck described as a "C" shape with 1.5 nut and 12" radius. the same neck on my L2K is a little chunkier feeling [quote name='pieter' post='763970' date='Mar 4 2010, 02:23 PM']Good question, many G&L's are (great sounding) boat anchors - hope this one is an exeption?[/quote] I've owned a fair few G&Ls and from my experience its only the ash ones that have been heavy. This SB-2,my old Asat bass and 2x L-2000s have all been alder bodies and fairly lightweight. I dont have a set of scales here to weigh it but I'm going to my parents' place this evening so I'll stick it on the scales there.
  10. 2002 G&L SB-2 Alder body finished in Emerald Blue (pearlescent/sparkly) Highly figured birdseye maple neck with ebony fretboard (both custom factory upcharges and no longer available on the basses) Everything on the bass is stock apart from tone mod. Normally these basses are Vol/Vol without any tone control.This one is Vol/Tone + 3 way p/up switch The bass has no structural issues and is in showroom condition.It comes with the G&L hard case (some scuffs and a little pushed in on the top but is fully functioning) As you can see from the pics,the bass was ordered from new without a string tree. It hasn't caused me any problems as it is,which is why I never bothered having one installed but it would be an easy fix to do/have done. Bass looks,feels,plays and sounds great. Way superior to a MIA Fender imo. I got rid of the Jazz and Precision I owned last year and kept this one as it did what they both did but better. No longer looking for a trade on this £650 will send by 24hr courier which will be approx £20 including insurance pics:
  11. just curious,is the reviewer the same Mike Brooks off of basschat?
  12. the active SUBs sound just like the 2EQ Stingrays. I've owned both and thought they did at any rate. There are also passive SUBs as well
  13. those streamlines look pretty wicked. from my 20+ years playing I've found the MM Bongo and G&L L-2000 the most versatile of the lot. I'd go for the G&L though as its more old school than the Bongo with a bit more wood in the tone,They're really huge sounding in a band setting with loads of bottom end and they can do a load of sounds with the switching and sounds great active or passive. My one has the maple top and also the J profile #8 neck [attachment=43100:DSC00118.JPG]
  14. that's a beauty! if its the same one that used to belong to eubassix,I regret not buying it when I had the cash. This time I've nothing in the bassfunds tin and I'm the other end of the country from you good luck with the sale!
  15. I've done a couple of easy bass deals with jezzaboy. top fella! btw Jez,you've had a few too many basses,you promised the stingray was the last one what's next?
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' post='745791' date='Feb 15 2010, 01:02 PM']Ah, right! Thanks, now I see what I have to decide on. Is the series option the least useful in you opinion on the h?[/quote] someone else may find it works the best for them depending on what tone they're after but for me it's the one I have least use for.There's nothing wrong with it at all but I get on better with the slightly scooped mids I get on the parallel setting and that tone is pretty much all I need from a Stingray. I just love the way mine plays and has such a great sound without endless twiddling on the controls. It keeps my Bongo 5HH from getting any serious playtime which is such a waste of a fine bass,I'm now seriously thinking over whether I should look at replacing it with another SR5 with a rosewood board this time almost forgot,another thing I really like about the electronics on the single H Stingray 5's and Sterling 4H's I've had in the past is how the output of the 3 settings are evenly matched. Is there a shop near you where you can demo both the H and HS side by side?
  17. I think the 3 way switch on the 5H is useful. Each of the 3 tones is distinct from the other and I use them all. The H has one setting the HS doesn't with the humbucker in series.This sound is the biggest sounding of the three settings on the single H with more mids but its also my least favourite(though not by much) If you think you'll use the neck pickup I say go HS.
  18. afaik the Stingray 5HH is wired in parallel and the Sterling 5HH in series.
  19. SR5 - my favourite Musicman.just smooth and fat sounding imo - sits great in a mix or a band I've A/B'd my single H SR5 vs Bongo 5HH many times.The Bongo has great tone,and is loads more versatile but I'd keep the SR5 over it every time. Its just an outstanding working tool - does what its meant to without fuss. No constant fiddling with control knobs - parallel mode with a teeny amount of bass boost and I've found its the tone that fits in with everything and anything. Mines has ceramic pickups btw - (they changed back to alnico when the Sterling 5 came out) fwiw I've always preferred the tone of the USA Sterling 4s (ceramic)to Stingray 4s (alnico)
  20. Dont see many Valentis with a natural headstock. it looks great on this one. from my experience with Valenti basses,the construction,playability and tone are straight out of the top drawer good luck with the sale btw can I please have first dibs on #42 if you ever sell (I've missed it too!)
  21. Mark,just bump your existing thread from yesterday rather than starting a new one. nice bass btw so have a bump on me
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