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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. I asked that one some time ago because I bought a ns:bass and thought I would give it a try. It is like a minefield out there for bows, and what it showed me was that until I knew something about what I didn't want I wouldn't know what I wanted, so I bought the cheapest reasonable bow from G4M and it worked out ok. By all means if you are near a shop that sells these sort of things, go and try one, I didn't.
  2. I must admit that I wouldn't want to do it like you guys do, with the long drives, although I could do without being the one lugging the PA around, if there is another band I go in, I want someone else to be that person. If I could put in as little effort as our guitarist at gigs that would be the ideal for me!
  3. This, but not going to happen. Me and the drummer launch into it quite often, but even if we could persuade the other people in the band to play it, no way would the timing work!
  4. Woodinblack

    In Memoriam

    I had seen he had sold a lot of basses recently and was here as recently as last week.
  5. Well, at £400 off the SY300 those people who somehow don't have about 50 of them already like me, can go down to poundland and get one In other news, neither my current mac or current PC laptop have a USB-A socket!
  6. Different strokes and all that - not sure why you want a video editor in a DAW when you can use a video editor? But anyway, not trying to convert anyone, if it works for you, then its the best value for you.
  7. Well, yes and no, For me it is a bit of an issue due to the size. Soundwise, the sound is pretty much the same as the SY200, in that any patch you can do with the SY200 you can do with the SY300 as you would expect. The SY300 has a few more sounds you probably can't get on the SY200, but nothing completely out there. The real difference is in the level of control you have over it. The 300 you can control everything, and program anything. If there is a sound you want you can probably work it out and program it in the 300 without too much trouble, it is quite deep. however, if you aren't quite so fussy, the 200 you can go around until you find something you want and modify it to get close. The 300 is more versatile certainly but with that comes a layer of complication of more options to pick. Ultimately if I had paid £650 8 years ago I would have been blown away in that you can get a lot of what the GR55 gives you without the pickup, but since the SY1 and SY200, its not that much of a leap up, and at £650 now I think I would stick to the 200. However, below half the price of that it is an absolute bargain.
  8. Indeed - but who wants to cater for crazy people
  9. Absolutely can. If you are a mac user, Garage band is free, with plugins and synths, and actually costs nothing, which is quite a bit less than £40 and much nicer to use. Even on the PC I wouldn't put reaper as the best value DAW. I get that people like it, and if they do, then it is probably worth it for them
  10. Makes you wonder why they bothered sending anything? I mean, in the box, they obviously needed to send something to prove something was delivered, but I wonder why the plastic.
  11. Clearly not that good, he has painted the back of the bass white!
  12. I contacted G4M about the euro plug, they said it was because it was sent from Germany, and the uk power supply will be with me in a day or so, not sure if they mean power supply or adaptor, but either a good.
  13. Saturdays gig, the last one of this year for us, due to the singers year on / year off family christmas thing. Played a local pub that isn't one of my favourites. The acoustics are terrible - wall of reflections, feedback on everything acoustic, and it always feels like something is going to kick off there, although it never has directly when we have been there. Also you don't really get that much involvement with the crowd, it is a big pub and it is a long way to the back, you can't turn it up more because of feedback at any sort of volume. Anyway, did the set, had a bit of interaction in the first half, but the second half was actually pretty good, quite a bit of interaction, more than usual, so actually, apart from the sound being terrible, we played fairly well and went down not bad. So not bad, that when we finished, the manager came over to book us for next new years eve, the singer asked me how much they should ask for, I gave my 'not really bothered if we price ourselves out of it' price (ie, twice a normal gig), they came back with a figure 50% higher than that, so that is where we are next new years! It also seems that whatever the pub, merry christmas everyone is a popular song. Who knew (which is incidently also a popular song on our set)
  14. Indeed - several different leads, definitely the socket. I will try it with a stereo lead this week and see what comes out of what. I assume it is a knackered socket, and if it was less than a year old I would just open it and fix it but it is still under warantee so don't want to open it.
  15. Balanced or unbalanced configurable? hmm.. I will have to see if I can find an option..
  16. Indeed - normally I would just assume it is screwed (and it probably is), but wondered after reading it was a trs, if there was some option. I am guessing not, so I am assuming I will have to see how bassdirects famed customer support is
  17. This doesn't seem promising - is this a fail or a setting does anyone know? I mean I know it is a fail, but I read somewhere that the outputs are balanced, so maybe there is an option to set it to not balanced that I haven't found? I didn't realise i posted 2 videos, but now added a youtube format video as well! dwarfPlug.mp4 dwarfPlug.mov
  18. I think it is different with things like the C4 and other synths (and other effects like the dwarf) in that you can't edit everything on the unit. There is nothing you can do in the sy300 editor that you can't do on the SY300 itself.
  19. I wouldn't expect it to come with a USB lead. I think a device has to come with all necessary leads, so a printer for instance has to come with a USB lead, unless it is wireless. The SY300 doesn't need a USB lead to operate, and I assume most people who have one will never use the USB lead, so its an option. But you are right about the adapter.
  20. Woodinblack


    Its surprisingly easy, and by that I mean I had no problem with it, and the result was excellent. Covers a multitude of sins
  21. I was joking, I am not patriotic at all, it just so happens that I have an Ashdown amp* (amongst others) as I like it, a british cab** (because it is the basschat 1x12 that I built from the description on here), a british cable as there is a company on ebay that makes whatever size and type of cable that are good, and a british bass***, in fact 3, 1 I made, one another forum member made and one Mr Shuker made. I know what you mean for the house, that is why I got the 1x10 warwick speaker (it was a damaged B stock, so cheap), and a Bam200 amp, my room is crowded and since I started using the BC112 speaker live, it is no longer in my room, so I wanted something small to practice on. * and 2 TC Electronics and bugera ** and 2 TC Electronic 1x12 speakers and a 10" warwick *** and.. oh lets not go there!
  22. I would say the power supply issue is bigger than the USB issue. You can get a USB cable for next to nothing at any supermarket or other shop, the adaptor required is less common and more expensive. I have about 50 usb cables around, but not sure which software you mean? I haven't tried any of that (and I doubt I would)
  23. Well, I am all patriotic, I can play a british bass through a british cable into a british amp into a british cabinet. Although most of my gigs i end up playing the chinese one!
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