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Everything posted by Twincam

  1. As the title says im putting a band together i have some people interested who have all been in bands and are proven, so to say in there rolls. The weak link would be me having zero band experience, but im leading the project. It will be an originals band i and my jamming partner have a few tunes. Things have been going ok actually. Im confident with a full band we could come up with something, i have no grand illusions but im confident. I have written down costs and a plan for just one session in a rehearsal room see what happens keep it simple no pressure have a laugh. Im willing to pay for everything. However people while interested are on the fence a little, also im being looked upon to do everything and while im good at planning things i have no idea what im actually doing. I would of thought the others would of chipped in some knowledge but they were actually not involved in the other side of being in a band and were basically just in there rolls nothing else. I could write down loads of points i need help with but instead im going to ask for any tips on getting a band up and running. Also say i get people together in a rehearsal room although i said an easy no pressure thing what direction should i take. Normally while jamming i lead off and my mate who is a decent rhythm guitar player who is also in tune with my style and sympathetic to me not being experienced will add things on and basically will complete what im trying to do. He is in the band but dose not want to get involved with certain things. Actually reading all that its pretty clear i don't have the experience etc to do this. maybe i should bin the idea???. Im confident and motivated but i don't want to come across as a tool.
  2. First new bass was a yamaha rbx was well built but rather weak sounding i thought. But my first bass Laura, was a pre wilkinson vintage active plywood thing. That had been owned by 5 of my friends before hand. Bought it for 15 quid as i remember. I named it Laura after the lass i was seeing at the time, as it was Cheap, Filthy and had did the rounds with the lads. So they had lots in common. Laura the actually lass thought it was sweet i named the bass after her, until i told her the exact reason why. Good thing she had a sense of humour. I still think of them both on occasion.
  3. Yeah one thing to mention the amp i would be loaning is technically mine. Its my old amp that i sort of give to a friend when he was playing bass, which he doesn't anymore. But i like to keep it there for when i go round. Anyhow i was sensible and taken the advice and bought an amp. Found a slightly older model for half the price of the new model at a crack converters. It better be ok. Anyhow saved a few bob.
  4. My amp is kaput however i can get lone of another one for as long as i like. But i really want a new bass a Hofner in the cavern spec. There's nothing wrong with the p bass im using currently but you know what its like. I plan on ordering today What should i do?. On another note im thinking about ordering from dv247.com ive never ordered from there before are they a good company to deal with?.
  5. What do others think?. Can they hear it?. have you tried it without the extra cab?. We all hear things different ive sworn ive heard odd noises and others haven't and vice versa. And our ears and brains will respond with slight variation to others. Hence why people like different brands etc. It could be a case that the amp is putting out a frequency you just don't get on with i suppose. As i said before you don't need the stress and second guessing you should be enjoying playing. You have a lovely combo there but you shouldn't force yourself to like it. I don't see whats wrong with going back to Ampeg which you clearly get on with.
  6. Ok i can fully relate to all this. As many times ive been up all night (sometimes till 6am), tormenting myself over things like eq settings and recently the action on my bass or funny over tones etc etc. And generally doing my own head in big time. I truly hate things with too many options for me to play around with as i end up going in circles and have learnt that doing my head in is not enjoyable. While you should avoid a knee jerk reaction. You don't want to always be thinking oh if i tweak this and that, it will sound better as you will always be messing around with settings and not in an enjoyable way either. Give it a few weeks and if its still doing your head in and nothing has changed then get shot of it. Anyhow there is plenty more amps in the sea, as they say.
  7. This thread made me chuckle . Now time for a serious question!....... Whats the action like?. And is the truss rod adjusted from the underneath? (Caution Remove contents before adjusting).
  8. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1416433132' post='2610274'] The pickup isn't 'seeing' that part of the string vibrating between the nut and where you're fretting it, you might hear some noise but that shouldn't colour what's coming out of your amp. As for the speaking length of the string; the right amount of relief ensures there's no fret buzz at either the nut or body end of the neck - if you have it too flat you'll probably have to have a higher action than necessary to get rid of fret buzz near the nut, too much relief and you'll get fret buzz at the dusty end. If you have a minute gap between the string and the first fret when you hold the string down at the third fret then that to me sounds like a properly cut nut. [/quote] Yeah makes sense. I am actually a little paranoid about all these noises as they are loud. However ive listened in detail and as you say there not really coming through the amp. Well they are a little bit but nothing would be heard in the mix etc. i think im being overly sensitive maybe.
  9. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1416428256' post='2610171'] No, a higher nut doesn't have the same effect as you are saying, you will still need the same amount of neck relief. Think of it this way - a higher nut effectively gives you a lot of relief behind the point that you are fretting (which just makes lower notes harder to fret). It makes no difference at all to the height of the vibrating part of the string which has been 'anchored at that fret and still needs the same amount of neck relief to play without buzzing. [/quote] Think you slightly have my meaning wrong. I know it wont affect the vibrating part of a plucked note that is pretty obvious haha. However i can actually play with almost zero relief with no problems no buzz or clanking etc, other then as i fret a note i get a back clank from nut to fretted note resting or hitting the frets, if i have a low nut. So im thinking a higher nut would allow me to play with no or little relief and avoid the back clank. I have no problems with buzzing or clanking from the fretted note to the bridge. Its just behind nut to fretted note i get noises. If i make sense?. I do know a higher nut would also make fretting at the lower positions slightly harder.
  10. Ok i fitted a new nut and cut the slots to pretty much the minimum height, no open string buzz and a very small paper thin gap when fretting at the third, no back buzzing on fretted notes. And always thought this was the right way having a nut very low. But im now thinking if i had it higher i could of used less relief. Without getting back clank of a fretted note where the strings touch behind the note. So instead of using 0.15 relief i could of had a straighter neck. Obviously i know in the lower frets i would of had a slightly higher action. but i could of had a more even action all the way along the neck. So i kinda need some guidance on what is best. I know this is kinda subjective but any advice would be very welcome.
  11. [quote name='crag42' timestamp='1416360204' post='2609466'] I've been waiting on the first Mark King related post on this. . Well done. . You won (or lost) He slapped it because that's what he's renowned for and that was his tribute to that bassline?.. He was on screen what. .15 secs?... hardly whinge material was it? [/quote] I was being or trying to be humorous . However i must admit i did roll my eyes a little.
  12. Great documentary. But i came on here to complain about Mark King (who i really like) turning up and slapping sunshine of your love, as he would. Can that man just not play a bass normally. Im reminded of the righteous brothers Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield sketch. But with me saying "I like Mark King he is a great guy and an awesome player". "But if he picked up my bass and started slapping, i would say Oi Mr King Nooo!, i understand you've built a career on your thumb, but can you just play normally and give him a slap".
  13. Precision vs Jazz Well there's only one way to find out. FIGHT!!!!. I like them both. However i find the jazz much easier to play. Even though there is only a few mm difference in neck width it makes a lot of difference. Some do prefer the larger neck. So really you need to try them both. However if you can't try them out, i would probably say get the jazz due to the thinner neck. And dare i say more possible variation in tone (runs and hides).
  14. I shall stick with it. Maybe raise it a touch. My head and ears want beautiful clean gentle tone, to nurture the strings. Alas my hands want to play the heaviest rock, dirtiest punk. Rip the strings off then smash the bass lol.
  15. Ive been playing fender flats very recently and love them!, there the medium set and the extra tension allows me to set the bass up with a much lower action then i use normally, all without fret buzz which i hate!. It seems with a lower action im getting more of other noise, a little more fretting noise on the E and A, mainly the E. And im getting clanking again mainly on the E. It's not coming through the amp too badly but its there a little more than i care for. Is this a case of persevering, and i will adapt. As my left fretting hand is enjoying the low action. Or should i maybe try find more of a balance as my right hand hates this setup. Steve Harris thinks my setup sounds great... haha
  16. Urgh horrible and whats worse is im now haunted by it, since i looked at it on ebay its now bringing it up in ads!.... Shall have to delete my cookies etc. Truly the worst bass ive seen. There was a thread on the worst headstock design, think this would win it.
  17. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1415994894' post='2606028'] I don't know about the BGs but the DB people are a great crowd. A lot of knowledge, some of them ace players and a great resource. Sometimes the level of invective is impressive. Through the site I found Acoustic Image, Upton, FDeck and a lot more. My pounds have been going across the pond. [/quote] i expect that would be because DB draws in a different crowd. Your not going to get some idiot chav types playing DB, although the thought amuses me.
  18. TB is very good for info and i read it a a lot. But too much stupidity goes on there for my liking, such as the silly arguments, flaming of people, The club rubbish. And the fact most measurements on there i have to convert to metric haha. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1415979525' post='2605822'] I guess it's just because it's been quite easy to establish myself here as "that f'n rabid Gibson guy" without having to be part of a club [/quote] Neepheid you are Rabid Gibson Guy Club member No1....
  19. I have had a couple hb's and recently bought a friend a guitar from there. Pics are in the guitar section. I have found the more expensive the harley benton the better it is. The cheapest bass ive owned came from there a short scale p bass when i wanted to see if i like a shorter neck. It was ok perfectly playable, pickups were actually very usable and certainly more powerful than the base model yamaha rbx i had at the time. When buying a harley benton in general always look for the ones that have wilkinson pickups and deluxe hardware as its a little better than the bass models. And the ones with better woods too. Apparently HBs come from the chinese saein factory, which also have a place in korea. And have manufactured for other companies.So they know how to make guitars. See in the guitar section my post on the recent HB purchase where i make an honest evaluation.
  20. Think my frankly terrible but strangely cool Carlsbro cobra 90bg is on its way out getting some odd overtones and phaser effects in the background. Its tone was rubbish really anyhow. So im looking at buying a new amp. I'm still a relative beginner and i don't gig. But do sometimes have a bit jam with friends, max volume isn't a big concern. Something more portable than what i have would be great too, the cobra weighs a ton. However weight and size is not a deal breaker. What i do want is something quality that has a nice tone (very subjective i know) and probably anything will be an upgrade at present to be honest. Reliable and easy to use i do love fiddling with settings but something easy to get a variety of tones out would be great. Budget is very limited at around 350. Some amps im looking at are the Laney rb7 blackface, Ampeg svt micro cl stack, Hartke 115c hydrive. Im not going to get the chance to really test any new amp as the not many stores around so buying on others reviews and opinions. Second hand im probably going to get more for my money but im keen on buying new when it comes to a amp im going to have for a while. But if i see a really good second hand buy then i would reconsider. So opinions and ideas please. On a side note i looked inside the cobra and thought it was really cool to see nearly all made in England parts, and a few US ones that surely makes it a boutique amp right? haha .
  21. Fret condition and are machine heads included?, truss rod working?.
  22. Haha ironically as i posted that i just noticed the ad for Mark King at the top of the page.
  23. I had to look this thread up for others opinions. As in the last few months ive went from liking slap bass to really disliking slap bass. When it is used its over used big time. It actually makes me angry when i put on a video of a piece of equipment being tested and as previously said in this thread they start slapping. Which tell you nothing about said piece of equipment. But i suppose Leo Fender intended bass to be plucked with the thumb so all other styles are wrong . Should be a campaign. Use Slap Responsibly!.
  24. Always thought they looked totally naff to be honest. But after further investigation they seem pretty awesome. Anyone here play one?. If so whats good about them, whats bad about them?.
  25. [quote name='thefyst' timestamp='1415555299' post='2601432'] is it a pre shaped nut that is just too tall? [/quote] Im, not sure. I think they come slightly wide and slightly tall. i will have to take the old nut off again trouble is i used superglue to hold it together and its probably gonna be a pain to take out. The bass was bought cheap for me to mess around with so im not bothered about trying my hand at repairs. i had a watchmaking file i could of cleaned up the slot with but its went missing. Im actually thinking i may not bother replacing it. The bodge job is at a good height but looks very unsightly. Unless i relic the whole bass to match haha.
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