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Everything posted by Twincam

  1. Mine seems to be the top near strings is volume. The bottom row near to neck i think is blend pretty sure now, then bass, mid and treble is at the bridge end
  2. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1420300288' post='2647795'] Just had the back of my 2. Chinese and Indonesian. Volume is the 1st, Blend is at the bridge pickup. Below it goes Bass,Mid and Treble working back. Particularly fine bass you've got yourself there if I may say so. Looking at the manual they've just repeated the numbering from the Passive to the Active. Silly sods [/quote] Mine is made in the good old Vietnam. They must have moved production recently and changed things or had varies spares in different states lying around and built with what they had. Not uncommon i guess. i will say this though the bass has some seriously good fretwork very impressed. Although the bass has the worst machine heads ive ever used. But yeah my bass knob is below the volume at the top, so again different.
  3. Ok played a 2 and a half odd grand fender roadworn thing today. Just briefly but i gave it a good look over too and it played nice for sure, sounded good. But looked sh*t! well it looked nice from a distance like on old bass but get closer and my lord i was disappointed. Also i tested and bought a active peavey for 200 quid i certainly didn't think the fender played any better, though it felt better built of course in that way its hard to describe, i think solid is the word im looking for. And no way did it sound 13 times better, i could argue the peavey sounded better. And that fake finish again was a joke im not even saying that to be funny, its first time i seen and handled one and i was not impressed!. Also battered body and control knobs etc but new chrome?. However the other and mostly cheaper Fenders were much nicer so much nicer!, some of the ones half the price were better instruments. As said i like Fender but there pricing to quality ratio on the models are not right. Im thinking a fender should not cost more than 2k. Im thinking there's builders in Britain that could really build you something much nicer for the money.
  4. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1420297547' post='2647743'] According to the manual I've found online, the blend pot is the one at the back of the bass next to the bridge, the volume is the pot nearest the neck and the three tone pots are in a triangle between the two pots I've just mentioned. Looks like an odd layout because I would have put the volume and blend next to each other in a line and the three tone pots I'd also have put them in a line too but the Millennium AC seems not to favour this arrangement. [url="http://assets.peavey.com/category/manuals/780_25563.pdf"]http://assets.peavey...s/780_25563.pdf[/url] [/quote] Yeah definitely not them, my volume pot is on the top (of the triangle) for sure. no1 which is the volume on the diagram you posted im sure is my blend its 100% not the volume.I think they have been sensible and put bass, mid, treble in a line with the treble being the one near the back. Ive just been reading that Peavey do often change things around but this is silly even there own website doesn't have a bass on like mine. I know mine is an end of the line model so who knows what they did mine matches nothing at all online or what i should of been buying spec wise. If i wasn't happy with the bass i would of taken it back and said about it not being as advertised etc but i must say its a great bass playing and sounding wise.
  5. Ok instead of the ibanez. i went and tested out a Peavey millennium active. Liked the shape, and was easy to play even while not set up well i was impressed, Sounded great maybe a bit dark sounding but i like that. So i bought it. Just set it up, still needs a little nut work on the g string but other than that very nice, also excellent fret work. Ok so i can't work out the controls the volume one was easy. And the bass control ive worked out and the mid. Now i would of thought working them out was easy but everytime i think ive got it something doesn't add up. The treble and what could be the blend pot sound similar but ones more powerful which i assume is the blend as its infront of the bass and mid where i think the treble is behind to the back of the bass. The model i bought seems to be a transition one too or something or other. Its supposed to have 18v electronics well there's only one 9v battery in there, tho ive not checked the main compartment for all i know there might be one wrongly stuffed in there. The neck and headstock is slightly different to ones ive seen online, its similar to the new ones with the truss rod access in the head. But decorated more like the older ones. And the controls don't match what it says online anywhere or on some of the vids ive seen online. In fact the vids don't match other vids or some of the things online either so maybe they swapped them around a few times. Am i being thick here or what?. My first bass was an active vintage with blend, bass,mid and treble and although it was not great sounding i could clearly tell by ear what was going on. Anyhow pleased with my purchase.
  6. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1420072824' post='2645411'] Where did you get the barts, if you don't mind me asking . I've been looking to get some for my 300 [/quote] Oh i bought them a while back came from a sr500 that someone had put a different set in and different electrics. I think i will go with the sr300 as said i can upgrade the pu's right away and if i don't like bass ive not spent to much. If i like it then i will upgrade later in the year to a better sr model.
  7. Going to order a new bass this weekend. Im not going to be able to test any of these but i like a slim neck and in general all the models listed get good reviews. I know the differences in detail between them all. Im thinking get the sr300 i can upgrade the electronics as i see fit and i already have some barts that would be a direct fit. And im also thinking i really would like a much higher grade bass later this year so if i got the cheaper version i would have a good base amount of money left over to start saving on. Or maybe i should go for the best i can afford now?. Oh and im only looking to buy new. New year, new bass. Thoughts?
  8. I am pleased you like the bass. They are certainly better than the price suggests. The headstock thing i think is cool, Your not trying to sell it etc as a fender so no harm. If i had a bass with another decal on and someone asked about it i would say what it really is. If someone came over started saying your fender is awesome though i probably would just play along with it.
  9. Some good suggestions. Mine are. New Joy. Based on joy division new order. The Clump. Lol something that dave coutney always said to say. The double intruders. Don't ask lol. PooFingers. Don't know why but always amuses me. And if your band don't go down well you can always just say hey look at our name!.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419443051' post='2640060'] The Voice, John Farnham... Wouldn't it be nice, Kershaw. Dancing on the ceiling Lionel R Suspicious minds, Elvis.. Ordinary world... Duran D.. All night long AC/DC [/quote] All those are decent tunes but they look odd put together. Well Elvis and AC/DC does anyhow the rest i guess fit nicely. Why is Elvis in there?, its looks like a total random song and doesn't go with the feeling of the rest. Take out Elvis and put Elvis Costello, pump it up in there lol. Then ordinary world switch places with all night long.
  11. I think if you sound good, playing with passion etc then you can play pretty much anything in reason and younger people will enjoy it. Ok stay away from the overplayed stuff. But its good to have a mixture. Im out of my 20s now but i do know that you would be surprised at what people in there 20s will like. If i heard a Nik Kershaw tune i would love it. Although swap out, Wouldn't it be good with Wide boy. People will then think your being retro or something rather than 80s tastic. Its cheesy stuff you want to stay away from, but then again people when drunk love a bit of cheese.
  12. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1419411464' post='2639601'] I find my sustain is by far improved if I jiggle the cable up and down. As we all know an electron is a 3D electromagnetic standing wave so if I waggle the cable up and down in a sinusoidal fashion it will at least sustain, and sometimes enhance those waves, meaning I can sustain a note for up to 10 minutes. This only works in cables costing more than £2000 though so poor people always have poor sustain. Just a fact of life. Ask Victor Wooten, he has good sustain so I'm told by t'internet so it must be true. [/quote] Ive heard that Gary Moore also did this (see parisienne walkways live for proof) . So this definitely works!. Lol
  13. Some good posts in this this thread. And whoever mention the bassist from prefab sprout good shout. I shall add. Frank Maudsley from A flock of seagulls And from other underrated bass players threads Tony Butler is a fine player, Big Country is a fairly underrated band.
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1419382777' post='2639510'] Go easy on us, Skanks, old lad. Most of those terms have far too many [s]sylbes[/s]... [s]sillibul[/s]... parts to them. We need summit that even we can understand, such as 'Good' or 'Bad', innit..? How could we hope to sort the wheat from the chaff with all this display of [s]vocubla[/s]... [s]vocabral.[/s].. words, eh..? [/quote] Haha .
  15. Was watching the BBC queen documentary from a couple of years back that was repeated recently. Which is a good watch!. Not always been a queen fan but they were a great band. Thought it was a bit odd he just retired but i guess he did have a very good career, not very much he hadn't achieved really and of course lots of other things happened.
  16. I'm with Blue in so much as thinking you should know about the music your playing/singing. As surely if you don't your just making random pretty noises?. I would be disappointed with someone of any age, if i found out that they didn't have a clue about what they just covered. I would not expect someone to be an expert but come on know something about what your doing.
  17. Oh and if you have a old set of roundwounds you can use them to widen the gap a little there not as good as files but there not overly rough so theres not much danger of over widening etc.
  18. A set of welder tip cleaners are cheap and come multi size are perfect for nut work. They wont be up to cutting a new nut but for widening or small depth adjustments there good.
  19. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1418819194' post='2633616'] I think of reverb and short delays as adding ambience to an instrument; you're clearly trying to replicate the characteristics of a performance space and to my ears it works well with chorus/detune used with a fretless bass. For me it seems to make an electric instrument sound a little more like an acoustic if that makes any sense? Longer delays are useful when you want to play around with the effect itself, doubling lines and adding complexity; probably useful in solos. To understand what combining chorus and a really short delay sounds like together just listen to Peter Hook's bass. [/quote] I get you. I have often wondered about Peter Hook's sound. [quote name='Old_Ben' timestamp='1418838320' post='2633950'] Or just throw in a phaser and put them all on maximum and you'll make some awesome sci-fi effects... [/quote] Yeah i bet. Did a little experiment with octave bass, flanger or chorus and reverb earlier on. I don't think the neighbors were impressed most of wondered wtf i was doing. Didn't even get the chance to throw in max gain as they were banging on the wall (again). I need to invest in headphones that can handle actual low frequencies.
  20. I have been messing around with reverb im still not sure what to use it for. It seems a little adds something to the bass, but anymore just seems to make you sound like playing in a cathedral. What other effects go well with it? Also how would it be used in a band or jamming context?. While i was writing about reverb i thought i also would like to know the deal on delay,ive messed about with it and really not sure how it is to be used.
  21. I had a good think about this before i posted. And came to the conclusion as long as the music or singing is decent i don't care. With that said i do think it takes away the connection between the audience and performers. I would love to see a punk band using them i would find that funny. Especially a music stand with anarchy etc stickers on.
  22. I can say that the Roland cube 120xl is pretty nice. The features are good and there very well built. In fact all the roland cube range are pretty decent from experience. The bass versions are slightly overpriced though in my opinion but you do get usable inbuilt features, compressor, effects, looper, tuner, various amp modeling. Which could mean you take less pedals etc in theory. And they can take a massive amount of abuse. I have not tried the TC electronic bg250 but i thought about getting one as the reviews seemed good. If i was to get one it would be the 210 version. The toneprint thing seems cool also. I guess both of them would do the job well. It may come down to which one is easier to carry?.
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