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Everything posted by jassbass

  1. Maybe thanx need to check finances thanx
  2. It has a maple neck ,white pickups and knobs
  3. He says the transition ones have the dots Thanx mate
  4. Thanx for the info.ive been offerd one as part ex.valued at about £750 It has dots instead of inlays.i wouldnt have a clue of the value to be honest
  5. Im having second thoughts bout this now lol
  6. If some one buys my warwick thumb 5 .id have this.love the colour
  7. The more nice 4 strings I see the more I might go back to 4 strings
  8. Thanx.mines expanding aswell lol. Great bass,i just miss having a jazz.cant afford to buy one so sale or trade
  9. Some one plz buy this,making me think about goin back to 4 strings.lovely bass
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