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Everything posted by ped

  1. I think Hamster is playing with the settings because previously any deleted posts disappeared completely instead of going into the 'recycle bin'.
  2. Obviously I can see it but didn't know you guys couldn't. It's not meant to have gone anywhere so consider it reported and under investigation!
  3. ped

    Vigier Porn!

    Clean magnetic pickup thru Vbass: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85432/jam%20clips/Half%20moon%20short.mp3
  4. ped

    Vigier Porn!

    For anyone who hasn't heard it, here's the Vbass in Jazz bass mode: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85432/jam%20clips/Holiday%20fun%20short.mp3 Sort of a synth fretless mode: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85432/jam%20clips/Seismic%20mellow%20short1.mp3
  5. ped

    Vigier Porn!

    That's right - I was trying to remember who bought the bass!! The first time I sold it I bought it back as soon as I could afford it, but you caught me at a time I was rationalising my stuff and trying to narrow everything down to 'one' item. Same went for watches and camera gear. Glad to hear you're still enjoying the bass. There's really nothing like it.
  6. ped

    Vigier Porn!

    And some fretted: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85432/USB%203/Canti%27s%20Wrap.mp3 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85432/USB%203/Sticky%20Situation.mp3
  7. ped

    Vigier Porn!

    [quote name='retroman' timestamp='1322550056' post='1452339'] Well Ped, if you're ever travelling near Chesterfield, Derbyshire, kettle's always on mate :-) [/quote] Thanks mate. I'll bear it in mind. Here's a passion fretless, the first Vigier I owned and sold about two years ago, I think: Lovely instrument. Here's a track so you can hear it's unique sound: [media]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85432/Torrential.mp3[/media] Cheers ped
  8. Welcome to Basschat. I used to live in Witney, then Oxford. The first version of Basschat was actually started during my free periods (and some biology classes) when I was doing my A levels at school in Witney. You might call it the 'spiritual home' if BC! Cheers and get stuck in ped
  9. Mine is a graphite neck and I clean it with soapy water and then a decent rub with a clean cloth. Does the trick. I used WD40 once and it seemed to work quite well, too. It makes it very deep black and shiny. In fact I might do it again when I get home, it's been a while. Cheers
  10. Maybe... I haven't used it much yet so when I know my way around it better I'll have a look.
  11. Hi guys Those of you 'following' us on Facebook have no doubt been enjoying the interesting and thought provoking questions I have been posing over the last few weeks. If you haven't already tapped into this rich seam of info and jibery please follow us via the button on the home page and spread the work to any other bassists you know. Over the next few months I'll be selecting interesting threads and For Sale items to promote on the page. It would also be great if users wanted to add their own pics to the wall, along with playing videos, music etc. Interestingly, the Facebook feed is being followed by some 600 people, but the Twitter feed is a bit slower. Now I must confess I don't fully understand Twitter and it mirrors the posts I make in FB, but I know a lot of you use it and prefer it. It seems like a good business tool but you could help us out by telling other twittlers to tweet the stuff I'm twittering to their tweet recipients. Basically I watched a programme about Facebook last night and I'm angling for a similar programme about BC to be made with a star studded cast - who knows, if you get us the most followers maybe you could be in the film and played by Tom Berenger of the moderately successful 'Sniper' movie franchise. Or someone else if you want. Cheers ped @basschatuk
  12. OK I have spoken to Ben and it looks like we'll have to go for an updated database engine which will be more futureproof. Hopefully we can afford the ~10hrs work it'll take and then that's that problem solved (plus a few other glitches in the process) Thanks and stay tuned ped
  13. Thanks chaps. I'm talking to Ben about these little glitches and we'll get there. Steve is busy looking for a new staff member who can offer dedicated 24/7 support. It's all getting rather demanding, which is a good thing and very exciting. Its Important that we work out the small problems. Cheers
  14. Aha! Perfect! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Custom-SLR-C-Loop-Camera-Silver/dp/B004V71BJM/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322955397&sr=8-1-fkmr0
  15. Oh yeah, whoops! Bought one of these in the end but think I'll still want a long strap... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/180747125456?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  16. I've found a few wrist straps that are built into a tripod screw bush which would be ok.
  17. On my old camera I have no strap lugs so I use a little rig I made up using a strap and a washer (pics below). It screws into the tripod hole. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/pedullaman/91009c91.jpg[/IMG] It's quite secure but I thought of something which would work better. Anyone know where I can get hold of a bracket a bit like this: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/pedullaman/untitled-14.jpg[/IMG] I could then bend the arms a little to allow a strap to be attached to the 'slots'. I'm sure I've seen something like this somewhere but can't think where! Cheers ped
  18. No probs... I'll ask Ben if there's something we can do - are you looking for anything in particular?
  19. Hi Andy The emails (by which I assume you mean PMs?) Are arranged like conversations, so I don't think you can filter them as 'inbox' or 'outbox' ped
  20. ped

    BC shop open!

    The BC shop is now open http://basschat.co.uk/cp/2-shop/ Please help support the site and spread the word - or buy a bassist a nice present for Xmas Cheers ped
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