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Everything posted by lou24d53

  1. True dat, suppose I'm getting caught up with the Limelight customisation and applying to other manufacturers, impatience I guess, but that comes at a premium. Cant do zero, or next to zero, relicing. Marc said the paint finish prior to the relic isn't to a high enough standard to allow for a non-relic finish.
  2. Re: Sandberg - I had a look earlier also, but they appear a level above price-wise again. Would I be correct in saying Sandberg only do active basses? I couldn't really see any passive option on their configurator site, although that said, I wasn't on it too long...I mean, I had to do some work whilst I was there today!! 🙄😁
  3. I keep coming back and looking at all these Limelight threads of late as I was interested in getting one done, and had actually had some email communication with Marc in relation over the last couple of weeks. If I'm honest however, I can't say I've really been a massive fan of the artificial relic'd look on a bass, no matter how tastefully it's done...that said, I have kinda convinced myself that I could live with a very light relic finish a la @Hobbayne's new arrival today. Lately though, I have also been thinking that for an extra £200 or so (which would obviously be dependent on my specification choices) I have recently started playing around with the numerous specs and finishes on the Maruszczyk configurator website. So now I'm currently weighing up whether I would be better for me to pay out circa £950 for a new build, very light relic'd Limelight or slightly more, say circa £1,150 for a fully spec'd non-relic'd Maruszczyk...or other...?! I'd be worried that once the novelty of the new bass wore off, the relic'd finish of the Limelight would start to grind my gears a bit and I'd get a bit OCD about it all...!!! If truth be told, I don't necessarily need another new bass, but hey, why should that stop me...?! Hmmmmm...... **PS - Maruszczyk was only the first one I stumbled across to play with, I'm happy to also be advised of similarly priced custom new builds too, so shoot away**
  4. Some size of letterbox you've got...!! Seriously though, that's minted, looks real sweet...I'm generally not too mad on relic'd basses normally, but I could live with that...I also love that sonic blue colour too...so much so, that I'm currently thinking about my potential Limelight order having seen than (was originally going to be Fiesta Red)...although I'd still need to go with a maple neck though... Happy NBD...!
  5. Just from @Soledad's comment above made me wonder...is there anywhere online for a definitive resource for period specs of Fender basses from various eras? I always read on here comments saying this, that or the other about what each period model would have had, however I genuinely couldn't tell you one 'vintage' model spec from an other...aside from just what I know I like...😁
  6. That looks minted @Hobbayne, really liking the look of that, it's certainly not helping my current GAS for a Limelight build of my own of late...nice light relic too, I'm no fan of the relic overkill in general, but that level I could certainly live with... I'm looking for similar to your build, but in Fiesta Red and with a maple neck, a la JE's Frankenstein mid-70's refin...👍
  7. I'm offended.......... Oh, sorry...wrong thread....
  8. Someone had to ask...!! 😂 Incidentally, played it a number of years ago and The 13th Note was quite possibly the most uncomfortably hot, sweaty and cramped gig I've ever played...!
  9. Arrrgh, everytime I see it written - Lou24 - yeah, it's a frickin' stupid name innit...it's an old, old, old works PC username from years ago, thought I'd use it set up my account, then change it, but could never work out how to...just wish I'd went with plain ol' Dougie...! Anyway, back on topic...so how does the relicing process actually work then...I'm assuming you need to actually finish the paintwork on the bass to a full finish then deteriorate it backwards to whatever relic is desired...so therefore in essence a completely non-relic option would be easier in that respect than a relic option of any harshness? Or am I completely missing something......?!
  10. I don't think so, in my email the other day I enquired about one "unreliced if possible" and Mark's reply was "we could do a very light relic"...
  11. Never saw this thread before, but coincidentally I emailed the other day there asking about cost for these (never thought to ask time!) as I'm thinking about going for one based on John Entwistle's Frankenstein 65 P, Fiesta Red, Maple Neck...just need to move a few things on first to finance...that sonic blue P you've just ordered though @Hobbayne...Oooooft....
  12. So after much deliberation and over a month of "too-ing" and "fro-ing" between the Barefaced Super Twin and both the Vanderkley 210LNT (initally) and 212LNT (latterly), I've just gone and pulled the trigger on a brand new BF ST... I suppose I've taken a stab in the dark as neither are exactly prominent around these parts to get a full try out with, however with the abundance of positive reviews on here for all things BF, coupled with lightweight build and smaller footprint, of the 212LNT at least - not least the 12-month interest free payment option also - I've decided to roll the dice...
  13. So buzzing for tomorrow night, big Mod night gig in Strathclyde Uni Union in Glasgow, with everything raised being donated to the Glasgow Childrens Hospital Charity... FoC, we've managed to secure £18k worth of PA and sound man for the night, via a guitarist mate I know from years back, who is doing the sound, the same guy who does TRNSMT and another guy who has done the sound for Metallica on their last European tour...its all just a bit mental the way it's worked out... Best part, we are a tribute band to The Who, and we are playing the very same stage The Who played just a month shy, almost to the day 50 years ago...! Soooooo excited...
  14. I agree with Gisser, I like the tone of the first one slightly better, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was the other way round...
  15. Hey, whereabouts are you? This collection only or any way of delivery? Cheers, Dougie. Sorry, I totally missed the location in the title...!!!
  16. I have a 2012 US Precision which I bought new about 18 months ago...olympic white, tortoise pg and maple neck. Other than the Lakland 44-64 (Duck Dunn) I had a few years prior, this is the first Precision I've ever owned and I bought it based on comments on here about this specific era of P basses...I've got to say it's one that will stay with me the rest of my days, I'm not really one for chopping and changing every other year when I get bored with my basses, I just love everything about it and can see this being with me for the rest of my playing days.
  17. Fender Special Run https://support.fender.com/hc/en-us/articles/212774846-What-s-a-Fender-Special-Run-FSR-Product-
  18. Ok, I think I've got it and I think it's pretty much what I imagined it to be before I ask...so, next question... If say I'd just purchased a Quilter BB800...which I have...and I decided to pair this with, say a Barefaced Super Twin...which I am currently mulling over...one would imagine that pairing capable of rather considerable Heft......or would that offer considerable Oooomph (Umph!) instead......or is "Heft" greater or lesser than or equal to "Oooomph / Umph"...?! It's all too confusing, I think we need a chart to define such terms.
  19. I keep seeing this term "Heft"...generally followed by some means of sarcasm be it in written or in emoji form...I know I'm going to regret this, and I'm almost embarrassed to ask (!!), but in bass amp terms, what exactly is meant by it...or, in the words of Joe Miller in Philadelphia...can someone "explain this to me like I'm a 6 year old...!"...
  20. So, one whole week after taking delivery, last night I finally got to try out my new Quilter BB800 in a band rehearsal setting. My oh my......what a sound you get from this little box...!! The bass tone was crystal clear through the studios Ampeg SVT810, to the point that I pretty much couldn't stop grinning like a crazy fool all last night, far more punch and very much more defined in the band mix than the studios EBS HD360 I have been using previously...which to be honest, I always felt was pretty "muddy" in the mix. I still need to have a real play along to establish my settings, but last night I was running both Gain and Contour around 1 o'clock, Depth at 12 o'clock and Master around 400w......for once I was the guy being told to turn it down...!! So, next step, I've still need to make a decision on which cab to get to run with it...front runners being the BF Super Twin versus the Vanderkley 210LNT...or 212LNT if my budget can stretch just a tad further...!
  21. Have one exactly the same, traded with Karl as mentioned above. Stunning basses both to play and aesthetically, however in truth, I hardly play it these days as the band I'm in now I'm fully aboard with Precision nowadays...that said, would still take A LOT for me to even consider moving it on...think it's a keeper...👍
  22. Thanks McNach et al...all good information. I have briefly browsed the TKS gear and I know there's a lot of love for them on here. Btw, it was the more powerful VDK 210LNT I was looking at rather than the 210MNT...👍 Cheers, Dougie.
  23. Tin hat well and truly on...for both resurrecting an old thread AND for again asking for opinions...😬😁 Over the last week or so I have been reading a lot of historic threads on here as I've been recently looking at single cab solutions and have found myself looking very closely at both the Barefaced Super Twin and the Vanderkley 210LNT. I noticed the OP had a similar predicament the last year or so. Both are 'similarly' priced within my budget, albeit the VDK does come in nearly £200 lighter, which if buying new does appeal. I see the OP's now got both, well, a BF SC rather than ST...and I don't wish to create another thread or stir up a hornets nest about 'opinions' etc., but I was just hoping to pick the brains of the OP, and anyone else, as to thoughts and preferences have the pleasure of owning both. I currently play in a 'covers' (not tribute, we don't do the whole dressing up nonsense!) to The Who and have both Tech 21 "Leeds" and "VT Bass" pedals to "colour" the sound I'm after depending on what set we're doing, so the whole flatness argument of the BF ST isn't really a concern to me. Ideally, I was preferring a one cab solution, but I'm open to consideration on 2no. smaller due to the flexibility with the two cabs. Up my way however, there isn't really much scope to try out a great deal of the higher end cabs, I'm aware BF do the "try before you buy" option, so I might just do that initially. Obviously 2no. SC's will be more costly than 1no. ST, but I'm also liking the 12 months interest free option too...makes it a less painful hit...! Jeez, decisions, decisions...it's a never ending cycle, eh...? Cheers, Dougie.
  24. Not here yet...I'll post, promise...😂
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