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Everything posted by markbunney

  1. Had my first gig with IEMs last night, I was using KZ ZS10 Pro X which I picked up for £40. it was a positive first experience using them, and a revelation to be able to hear our lead guitarist so clearly as he is the opposite side of the stage to me. Vocals were distorting quite a bit, but I think that can be fixed as we get more used to the setup and mixer etc. I hate using cables, and so managed to make myself a DIY wireless kit using a Behringer P2 and a Lekato wireless mic 5.8ghz set. It worked just fine, and I didn’t experience any drop outs or pairing issues. I was also using my Boss WL20 on 2.4 ghz, we have a digital desk on 2.4, one of the guitarists has a 2.4 wireless and a gear for music wireless IEM set, so plenty going on but all worked well. I was keen to try IEMs but didn’t want to spend a fortune if it turned out it wasn’t for me, overall I was happy with everything I had. The P2 and Lekato combo felt quite heavy in my hand, but I didn’t really notice it clipped on my belt, and it was still preferable to a cable. Only downside was the receiver didn’t lock into the P2 XLR but it didn’t ever feel like it would disconnect.
  2. Played at the Old Vaults in Faversham last night, which was a new venue for us. It was our first gig for a month or so after a break over summer. It went very well, and hopefully we will be back there again. Someone asked us if we would play at their wedding next year! A nice compliment to get, hopefully he still feels the same when the beer has worn off. It was my first time using IEMs as well which was a positive experience. I have just had my bass professionally set up, and that sounded great as well. Some tensions are arising in the band around commitments to upcoming gigs. A member is experiencing grief on the domestic front so is pushing to cancel some upcoming gigs, and scale down the amount of gigs we do going forward, which the rest of us are not keen to do, especially cancelling gigs which is not cool. So will have to see how the situation pans out.
  3. we try and keep the 2 encores in the main set as popular/well known hits that majority of people will know and sing & dance two. Once it gets past that, then the extra encores are spares/under rehearsed songs which don't always hit the mark - they are not in the main set for a reason! We are a new band, only 7 gigs in, so still finding our way as to what works best for us and the venues round here.
  4. We're booked on Saturday for 2 x 60 min sets for agreed fee, and have been told that if its going well on the night and the landlord wants us to carry on then we can play for longer and charge extra. For the last few gigs we have been playing for nearly 3 hours when the booking was 2 x 60 mins. I like playing, and generally happy to carry on for a few encores but an extra 45/60 mins can get a bit much, and I find the quality & (my) enthusiasm suffers a bit
  5. Definitely check out LTJ Bukem and the Logical Progression, or Progression Sessions series. They came as a two disc set, one with MC’ing and one without. The genre was billed as “intelligent drum & bass”. They are heading for 20 years old now, but I think have aged well.
  6. Has anybody had any success using a Boss WL20L with a Behringer P2 as a DIY wireless set. I have tried today but can only get it to work in left ear. (Note the P2 works in both ears when using XLR so I know it’s not faulty)
  7. Thanks, how do you find the battery life on this?
  8. Thanks, how do you find the battery life on it?
  9. How do you find the battery life on this?
  10. There seems to be a big gap in the market for reasonably priced 5.8ghz wireless units. they are either >£500 like the Shure or under £100 like the Lekato and similar. I have a boss WL 20 which is great, but I want to try using it to power a Behringer P2 as we are moving to IEMs. This means that I need another wireless for my bass, but am concerned if I buy another 2.4ghz unit there will be problems with drop outs and clashed with other units in the band.
  11. Saw you play with George Ezra at the O2 earlier this year, brilliant gig. We have Gold Rush Kid on most days in our house
  12. I have had exactly the same, the instructions seem to imply there is an R or L on the ear pieces but spend ages looking and couldn't find anything
  13. The above sounds very similar to my last few gig days - gardening, tip, gig!
  14. If any one is interested the Linsoul KZZS10 Pro X are on offer on Amazon Prime day for £39.99. I just ordered a pair
  15. Replying to my own post, but we have had some of the pro pictures come through which are great.
  16. The 77s played the Friday night of a local private festival called The Big Stiff, near Sevenoaks. They had hired in a full lorry to play on, and a full pro PA and lighting rig, along with sound engineer. It was great to play on such pro equipment compared to our usual Facebook marketplace PA & lights. It went pretty well, and we were able to get some good pictures and videos for social media. All I had to take was my bass and pedal, and one of the best things about the night was it only taking 5 minutes to pack up! we played for over 3 hours, which became a bit of a drag to be honest, as it had been a long hot night. I am trying to convince the rest of the guys to play for a bit shorter duration - less is more etc
  17. Played with The 77s last night at the Market House in Maidstone last night. It was our third gig in 4 weeks playing in Maidstone and was by far the best. Quite a tight area to set up in, but a great crowd and we ended up playing for nearly 3 hours.
  18. Amazing, what an opportunity! I saw British Lion last year in a tiny pub in Gravesend, they were really good. I find it amazing that Steve Harris happily goes from playing huge arenas to small bars because he loves playing so much
  19. Have a look at the WL-20L, these are a low impedance version and should be suitable for active bass. I have this set, and it works great. I don't have an active bass, but was looking at buying one when I bought the WL-20L so wanted to make sure it would be compatible for future options. I have been getting a bit of interference now we are using a wireless desk and some members are using wireless IEM's, but I found that if I rescanned after everyone else had set up then it was fine and I just had a 2 & 1/2 hour pub gig with no issues.
  20. The 77’s played in Maidstone again last night, this time at the Druids Arms in the town centre. First time for us at this venue and it went pretty well. We were on a small stage in an outside courtyard, which was nice given the heat. We played pretty well, and I got to use my new amp which sounded awesome (Darkglass Alpha Omega 500). we managed to get the new digital mixer and powered speaker to working as well. The other three all used IEMs which they said worked well, I stuck with the wedge monitor which I couldn’t hear that well. I would like to get IEMs as well, but will likely need to get some custom ones made, as I already have some hearing loss and tinnitus so need ones that have a good seal. Next Saturday we are playing in Maidstone again, at the pub next door!!
  21. Played with The 77s last night at Drakes Cork & Cask in Maidstone which went really well. Wasn’t as busy as we, or the venue were expecting but I think a combination of the heat and champions league kept people away. Used my new terror bass head which sounded great, it wasn’t as loud as the Mk 1 version so I am looking at getting another cab to get more volume out if it. I had some problems with bass last night in that anything on the A string was a lot quieter than the other stings which was very annoying. The venue wanted to book us again so that was a good sign!
  22. It’s just a yoga mat folded in half, from B&M I think. My wife bought it for me as matched the colour of the cab and thought it would look cool. I don’t think it does much sound isolation wise. I used to have a gramma of as well and everything wobbled on it too
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