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Everything posted by markbunney

  1. I also ditched my pedal board last year and have been OK with just the amp so far. That said, my amp has a compressor and a distortion channel and I still need the footswitch for that. I keep looking at getting a HX Stomp, but the last few gigs we have had have had loads of near misses with drunk people's drinks and the guitarists pedal boards, and that has been putting me off slightly as I wouldn't want a pint spilled over a £600 unit!
  2. In a similar position with only 3 gigs for the rest of the year. We’ve had to cancel a few and turn down loads of bookings due to a member being unable to commit to more. It’s a shame as I love playing and the extra cash is great. am desperately trying to find a second band or dep opportunities but not having much luck with that either. Even the local jam night was cancelled last night
  3. Agreed, this would focus everyone’s attention. In my opinion it’s a lot harder to cancel a gig than a rehearsal.
  4. Another +1 for the ACS custom. I also need to get some new ones. I lost a 26 filter in the summer and have been using the 15’s that I had spare in the Pacato, but they don’t give as much sound reduction as I would like. I did think about buying a set of replacement 26 filters, but my plugs are at least 4 years old now and it’s prob time for a new mould.
  5. What is that multi fx you have? I can't quite zoom in enough to see
  6. I did actually today think about getting one of those folding festival carts. Ideally I’d like a lighter cab as well, my orange one is bearable for a short walk, but gets heavier with distance! It’s only got one handle on the top so is awkward
  7. Played with The 77s at The Shakespeare in Canterbury on Friday. pub was in the middle of a pedestrianised area so load in and out was a pain. went very well though, lots of dancing and cheering from the crowd etc. A highlight was a guy randomly wearing a Viking helmet and having to ask security to chuck someone out. He was very drunk and very close to spilling his drink over pedal boards, he had a couple of warnings to be careful but he wasn’t listening. As such we had to ask security to remove him. Its 5 weeks till our next gig and I am looking for any dep opportunities, but not having much luck.
  8. Definitely try it, we just got a £1 bucket from b&q and stuck a picture of the bands logo on, and get the singer to mention it at points in the gig when it’s going well. Usually get a few extra quid in it 💰
  9. They are two great albums, and along with Draconian Times are well worth a detailed listed. I loved all three of them when they came out and listened to them to death. After Host, PL seemed to go back to the heavier/doom stuff. When Host came out, I was at uni in Sheffield and won a ticket to see them in Leeds but couldn't make it as it was end of term the day after and had nowhere to stay the night. I always regretted not being able to make it.
  10. Congrats, that's really cool to have an album released. I gave it a listen and It reminds me of Paradise Lost in their One Second/Host era
  11. I would go for a refund for an issue like this. I would be worried about what other issues the bass has, and if they become apparent after any initial warranty/cooling off period has passed then it is a lot harder to get a full refund
  12. Played with The 77s at The Bedford in Tonbridge wells last night. Boiling hot and we had to wait for the rugby to finish before we could play, which meant we didn’t start till 10.30. Turned out they only had a music licence until 12 and so we didn’t end up playing for very long. Shame as it was a great crowd and the pub was packed. It was our first gig in a month and I made a few mistakes but nothing to major. Great pub and the staff were really helpful and accommodating. my Boss WL20 wireless wasn’t working properly, which I think was due to the compact space and lots of people so I had to use a cable. all in all a good night.
  13. Where did you get them from please? I was looking to get some for my ZS10 Pro but couldn't figure out tips would fit them.
  14. I went to view the exhibition at Sotheby’s, it was fascinating. It was a mix of Queen related items, all the way through to mundane items of furniture.
  15. It’s just there on my phone when I toggle to numbers
  16. I was looking at one of these but the low volume put me off. FYI Andertons currently have a b stock one for £458
  17. I had the same problem on my p bass and got some threadlocker from Halfords. I just used a little bit and it has been fine.
  18. In my last band, I was struggling to make a couple of the dates, and the dep they had used previously was no longer available. So it turned out over a period of several months they recruited someone else behind my back, rehearsed him to gig standard and then gave him all the gigs (including the ones that I was available & scheduled for). I had been in the band for almost 20 years and was so angry that I left when I found out. Karma had it that a few months later the guy that they brought in left as well, and they haven't had a permanent bass player since.
  19. I worry enough about my new gear breaking at a pub gig!
  20. I have the Tech 21 Steve Harris, its very versatile
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