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Everything posted by iamtheelvy

  1. Tried that too! Ebow is tricky at best of times, especially on the fly...
  2. Hey guys, So, I'm guessing that this would be pretty easy to set up on a decent multi-effects unit, but I have an idea about a stand-alone effects pedal that (in theory) would give an infinite sustain type effect. Basically, a volume pedal and a delay pedal in one. I'm not too technical, so probably won't be butchering my pedals to try this out, but would work something like this: The expression pedal would control both the volume and the feedback of the delay at the same time. As the volume swells in, the feedback increases up to infinite, so that once the volume swells to maximum, the delay will be sustaining the note for as long as you want. As the expression pedal is rolled back, so the volume and the feedback both decrease back to nothing (or a set feedback level). At the moment, I'm using a volume pedal, delay and a EH Freeze in various combos to get this sort of effect but, I dunno, doesn't seem that complex to me... Any tech-minded people out there want to shoot this down (or build me one)? Or does something like this exist somewhere already?
  3. Haven't been to the LBGS before. I'm hoping for something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwAYUUJ28UU
  4. Another bump. Getting lonely in this thread...
  5. Another bump, must be someone out there...
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378387271' post='2199511'] Yeh but isn't that just Portsmouth? [/quote] Ahhhh.... It all makes sense...
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1378387094' post='2199506'] You only want to compress notes that are properly in tune..? [/quote] Nah, don't need to be [i]that[/i] in tune... the guitarist doesn't bother... ;-)
  8. I always keep my compressor second in my chain, after the tuner. I can give no particular reason for this...
  9. There are always exceptions to any rule that you care to set up, but stereotypes are there for a reason. I wouldn't say it's always the case, but [i]most [/i]bass players i've known have been easy going, laid back nice guys, [i]most [/i]front men have been rather egotistical, [i]most [/i]guitarists have been showoffs (and also extremely unconfident about their own skill) and [i]most [/i]drummers have been somewhat... ummm, animalistic...?
  10. I'd like to complain about people who hold things up by complaining about people who complain. It's about time something was done about it...
  11. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1378382394' post='2199391'] Apparently we bass players are a miserable bunch who enjoy arguments! [/quote] Just thinking that I'd joined up to one of 'those' threads again....
  12. Sid Vicious anyone? Oh, sorry, we were discussing bass players...
  13. Bump for thursday, see you again at the weekend!
  14. But it sounds better than the 'standerd' Jazz!
  15. Just got the second Ima Robot album. Not as good as the first, but some good tracks on there. Trying to find more alternative stuff at the moment, mostly to wash the blandness of the pop-charts out of my brain...
  16. It does all depend on what you want to sample/loop. If it's something to prepare beforehand, then some of the dedicated (and more complex) loopers are great if you've got time for them. If it's an on the fly loop you're after, keep it simple! The Akai and Ditto are the nicest simple ones I've seen recently (the Akai supposedly is discontinued last I heard, but seems to be available everywhere... please correct me though!). The Boss and Jamman ones aren't bad, but too many buttons for my liking...
  17. They do go for some silly prices on ebay! Cool, I'll PM in a sec.
  18. Interested in the PN-2. How do you rate the bypass on this? My pedalboard's getting sizable, so its an increasing concern!
  19. Akai Headrush is an excellent live tool. Far less options than the others, but that makes it so easy to use!
  20. Bump up and another price drop (I don't really have room for this in my lounge guys! Take it off my hands please!)
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