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Everything posted by iamtheelvy

  1. Raised some interest, but still not gone so... bump again!
  2. Bristol is quite doable (ought to visit the inlaws at some point...).
  3. Hmmm, sorely tempted to snatch it up before it gets to that... Where's the bass coming from?
  4. Hmmm, sorely tempted to snatch it up before it gets to that... Where's the bass coming from?
  5. Weekend bump! Any more interest out there?
  6. The sound samples I've heard are pretty good, but can't get on with a wah with no way of attaching it to a board...
  7. You could both put in for it. That's 2x10 each...
  8. Bump and final price drop. Must go!
  9. Not really into his music at all (Mrstheelvy more so), but caught a piece of his show from *insert festival here*, and can vouch for his showmanship, and that of his band. Really, very good and professional guys.
  10. I'm curious about getting one of these at some point, as I seem to be playing my Jazz mostly DI'd at the moment. Are there any decent alternatives worth looking into? Also, anyone got a picture of how far the knobs stick out in comparison to a standard Jazz?
  11. A fender PJ!! Yes! Wait... no sunburst? No maple fretboards?
  12. iamtheelvy

    EHX Superego

    Not a Superego, but I do use the EH Freeze a lot. I think they're both pretty good if you're into creating organ or synthy tones.
  13. Bump for the start of the week!
  14. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1379943003' post='2218484'] Just anything Boss/MXR sized turned 45 degrees? Or maybe a landscape 1590BB (same as your Fuzzrocious Demon). Any 1590a pedal? Si [/quote] Ack, sideways pedals!! I... I just can't!! *OCD attack*
  15. It's got a bit of a Stanley Clarke vibe...
  16. Tanglewood Curbow. Annoying really, cos it wasn't that cheap...
  17. Everythings going to add some 'colour' to the sound some way or another. There's no way round it guys, unless we go back to playing un-amplified uprights [i]really really [/i]hard...
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