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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. [quote name='mcnach' post='934846' date='Aug 24 2010, 02:43 PM']Like a good Scotsman "made in Spain" I like the Saltire. But that's not a permanent one. It's just for special occasions [/quote] Seems fair enough. Then again, what would a Sassenach like me know...
  2. [quote name='Bassassin' post='932961' date='Aug 22 2010, 06:42 PM']Hector SkaFace's bass looks to me like an Epiphone ET280 - a not-uncommon mid 70s Matsumoku-built Japcrap. A few of them have been up for grabs here, including this high-profile example: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=57034"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=57034[/url] Never had one myself but I certainly wouldn't say no. Jon.[/quote] Yep, that definitely looks like the beastie. Cheers Jon!
  3. Finally got round to catching Ska Face on Friday night at Uncle Tom's - can't recommend them highly enough, excellent band. And the Epiphone in question is indeed a fine sounding bass, ably covering a range of tones from The Jam to Bob Marley. Niiiiice...
  4. The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East (Deluxe Edition). Could be a long night...
  5. tony_m


    Very sad news. My condolences to his family and friends.
  6. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='917840' date='Aug 7 2010, 11:37 AM']<snip> Also the bridges on the VM are flimsy whereas on the CV's you get proper Hi-Mass bridges with brass saddles and that accounts for a lot of the resonance, sustain and stability of tuning. <snip>[/quote] Apologies for the snippage GW, but that's a good point, and I probably ought to point out that I've replaced the original bridge on my VMJ with a Wilkinson jobbie which, although it's the same BBOT style, does seem slightly more substantial (though not as substantial as the HM on the CVJ) and has brass saddles.
  7. [quote name='redstriper' post='917591' date='Aug 7 2010, 12:24 AM']Which has the deepest, tone from the solo'd neck pup? I need a deep, clean smooth tone and I found the CV too bright, but it's hard to tell with the supplied roundwound strings. I also prefer a satin finish neck. Oh, and which is the lightest weight ? Thanks, Steve.[/quote] Steve, Probably not going to be much help here as solo'd neck isn't a setting I tend to use apart from while doing a setup, plus I'm currently 400 miles and a boat ride away from my basses so can't A/B them to check for you... However, on reflection I'd have to say that the CVJ is generally deeper, smoother and mellower than the VMJ. The CVJ is also noticeably lighter than the VMJ. Tony
  8. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='915718' date='Aug 5 2010, 10:53 AM']Hell yes. I saw Sunn O))) in Gateshead last December (playing stuff from Monoliths & Dimensions), and it was the most indescribably intense experience of my musical life. It was like being crushed with sound. Apparently they peaked around 150dB in a reasonably small room. Everything was physically shuddering. Just awesome.[/quote] Same here, saw/heard/felt them at Salford. The most amazingly, and entertainingly, different show I've ever attended. And that includes the bowl of free ear-plugs on the way in.
  9. [quote name='faceman' post='911204' date='Jul 31 2010, 01:39 PM']I was going to post this but thought I might have to hide as it seems to be commonly thrown around... Am I right the CV has the 60s pickup positioning while the VM has the 70s? The 70s appears to be going for the Marcus vibe of the 75 American Reissue while the 60s is going for the 62. In terms of the basses, how do the necks feel? Sound difference?[/quote] I've got a CVJ and a VMJ. On both, the pup spacing is the narrower '60s variety. As for the necks, the gloss finish on the CVJ is fine and doesn't cause any problems, but the satin finish on the VMJ somehow feels easier and faster to me. As for how they sound, somebody asked on another thread whether the pups on the CVJ were better than those on the VMJ. Both my basses are strung with light gauge Fender flats, and everything else being equal (same control settings and amp EQ), the CVJ sounds really mellow while the VMJ sounds more punchy and vibrant. Whether this is down to different body / neck / fingerboard materials as well as pups is a moot point, but I don't want to open that particular can of worms here! [quote name='allihts' post='911248' date='Jul 31 2010, 02:15 PM']Yeah, What is the difference between the pickup positioning then? How does it change the sound?[/quote] I believe the '70s spacing is a bit wider than the '60s, with the neck pup in the same place but the bridge pup closer to the bridge, and increases the "nasality" (or "honk" if you prefer) of the sound a bit. That said, I've never had had the chance to play two instruments with the genuine pup spacings so can't actually confirm this with my own ears.
  10. [quote name='mashup' post='909509' date='Jul 29 2010, 06:22 PM']So fellas, Help me out here. I've recently sold my Fender Aerodyne to help pay for a USA G & L L2000 that i have just purchased. Well, after hearing how great these new squiers are for the money, i can afford to get one to bolster up my collection of currently 1 bass, the G & L. Im going to buy one bass and it's going to be either a Tribby G & L L2000, Squier VMJ Fretless, Squier CVJ or wait for one of these new Squier Jag's? I feel that with th p/j pickup combo on offer with the jag and it being passive, it could replace my old Aerodyne almost like for like. The Tribby is not going to offer vastly different tones from my USA model, although it is fretless, and im sure that would make a differenc. I've read loads of great reviews about the Squier VMJ but dont really like the looks and the CVJ just looks out and out gorgeous, and having seen Ed Friedlands comparison video, thought it sounded very good. But im still no nearer deciding. [b]Do you think that CVJ's pickups sound better than the VM series pickups, I know that the basswood body will certainly be better quality. What one would you get?[/b] Cheers, Mat[/quote] Mat, dunno if this will help you any, but... I've got a CVJ and a [u]fretted [/u]VMJ. I wouldn't say the pups on the CVJ sound better than the "Duncan Designed" jobbies on the VMJ, but they do sound different. Both basses are strung with light gauge Fender flats, and everything else being equal (control settings and amp EQ), the CVJ sounds really mellow while the VMJ sounds more punchy and vibrant. Obviously we're also talking about different body / neck / fingerboard materials as well as pups, but I don't want to open that particular can of worms here! I wouldn't say that I prefer the sound of one over the other, but just at the moment I'm tending to reach for the VMJ first. As for the relative quality of the bodies, my VMJ has a nicely matched two-piece body, and to my eyes looks pretty darn perfect, though it is noticeably heavier than the CVJ. There again, this probably doesn't really help you as I believe the [u]fretless [/u]VMJ uses a different body wood again (and which just happens to be the same as the eagerly-awaited VM Jaguar)...
  11. Had the pleasure of meeting Karl today and relieving him of the Ashdown Perfect 10 he first tried to sell a year or so back. Lovely chap, easy to deal with, highly recommended.
  12. [quote name='karlbbb' post='901088' date='Jul 21 2010, 05:21 PM']Now sold [/quote] Nice to meet you Karl, and a pleasure to take the Perfect 10 off your hands!
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='898480' date='Jul 18 2010, 11:11 PM']In addition, do I need any more specific tools other than a tape measure, screwdrivers, and the tools that came with the Fenders? Thanks![/quote] Depending on how exact you want to be, maybe a [url="http://www.pickguardian.com/pickguardian/Images/Pickguardian%20Neck%20Radius%20Gauges.pdf"]Pickguardian radius gauge[/url]?
  14. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='898444' date='Jul 18 2010, 10:35 PM']I appreciate you haven't mentioned spending money but [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Manual-Maintain-Guitar/dp/1844258173/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1279488851&sr=1-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Manual...8851&sr=1-1[/url] is a really useful & easy book[/quote] +1 on this. As BurritoBass says it does concentrate on Fender basses, but I'm sure the general principles are transferable, except maybe to some really exotic / left-field instrument. Alternatively, I occasionally refer to the [url="http://www.fender.com/support/bass_guitar_setup_guide.php"]Fender bass setup guide[/url] (obviously this is also Fender-specific), or the [url="http://www.pittmanguitarrepair.com/index.cfm?mode=entry&entry=8d7ec035-d610-a6a8-6849f496817a9522"]Pittman guitar repair[/url] page, which also has pictures.
  15. Jamie, Obviously I don't know you from Adam (nor you me), but I'd say take a deep breath, count to at least 10, and think carefully before you decide what to do. I've just hit 50, and only picked up my first bass about 15 years ago. After a couple of years, circumstances conspired to make me take a break, but I didn't get rid of my gear, and then got stuck in again about 2 years ago. Even though I'm not particularly good, I get so much pleasure from picking up a bass and playing something, and wish I'd taken it up far earlier in life and devoted more time and effort to it. From what you say, you've done what I now wish I'd done, and I'd hate you to throw that away. While dreams and aspirations don't pay the bills, all roads eventually reach a corner - just make sure you're ready for it and are certain which way you want to go when it comes along.
  16. [quote name='Marvin' post='896801' date='Jul 16 2010, 07:42 PM']Can I just ask that people stop posting pictures of the Squire Jag. My next purchase has to be an amp and I don't want to get distracted go out get the Jag and have nothing to play it through. [/quote] Likewise. I'd just convinced myself that I didn't actually [i]need [/i]a VM Jag, and then more pics of P/J pup'd / concentric potted goodness appear to tempt me...
  17. Very nice, but not exactly very stealthy. Good luck!!! :ph34r:
  18. I'd love to be versatile, but to be perfectly honest I'm not, and would be happy being that Dusty Hill / Billy Talbot kinda guy if I could find a suitable band... Actually, this brings me to a question that's been on my mind for a while. How much do you reckon being a skillful / accomplished bass player is down to natural talent, and how much can be learnt / picked up? I realise the ultimate answer will probably require a piece of string, but I'd be interested to hear the views of the experienced players on here (I'd definitely put myself in the "more enthusiasm than natural talent" camp).
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='896069' date='Jul 15 2010, 10:23 PM']Did anyone get the book in the end??? Any good?[/quote] [quote name='BurritoBass' post='896077' date='Jul 15 2010, 10:30 PM']I bought it & this was my thread I started. Flippant comments aside, lots of nice pics & some good info. The Fender bass isn't rocket science but such publications ae for suckers like me & I'll always snap them up.[/quote] Like BurritoBass, I'm also a sucker for a nice book with lots of nice pictures and some interesting (to me anyhow) info in it. My copy of the Haynes book arrived yesterday, and I posted about it in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=84635"]New vintage Fender bass book[/url] thread... [i][size=1]Another book recommendation, apologies if it's already been mentioned elsewhere... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Manual-Maintain-Guitar/dp/1844258173/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1279102757&sr=1-1"]Haynes Fender Bass Manual[/url] Sections include:- Three classic Fender Basses Buying a Fender Bass Know your Fender Bass Setting up and tuning Repairs, maintenance & adjustments Specific case studies - a detailed examination and "blueprinting" of various instruments including an ex-Entwistle 1952/53 P and taking in a mix of MIA / MIJ / Squier Ps, Js, Tele, Bass VI, Bronco, Mustang and Jaguar. Key players and their basses Well worth a look IMHO, though I don't think I'll be attempting a DIY fretless conversion any time soon.[/size] [/i] Doh, I knew I'd seen this book mentioned somewhere on here... Anyway, much of what is in there probably won't come as any great surprise to a lot of people, but I'm happy with my purchase, and it's a nice addition to my collection of Fender books.
  20. Another book recommendation, apologies if it's already been mentioned elsewhere... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Manual-Maintain-Guitar/dp/1844258173/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1279102757&sr=1-1"]Haynes Fender Bass Manual[/url] Sections include:- Three classic Fender Basses Buying a Fender Bass Know your Fender Bass Setting up and tuning Repairs, maintenance & adjustments Specific case studies - a detailed examination and "blueprinting" of various instruments including an ex-Entwistle 1952/53 P and taking in a mix of MIA / MIJ / Squier Ps, Js, Tele, Bass VI, Bronco, Mustang and Jaguar. Key players and their basses Well worth a look IMHO, though I don't think I'll be attempting a DIY fretless conversion any time soon.
  21. PM'd in case you can't work anything out with BassKS.
  22. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='838169' date='May 15 2010, 02:49 PM']Has anyone heard any updates on this book? Amazon have changed the status from available June to currently unavailable and I can't find anywhere else so much as mentioning it. Cheers.[/quote] How bizarre, Amazon UK are now showing this as "not yet released", and with a publishing date of 1 Oct 2010. However, when I looked last Thursday they allegedly had a single copy left in stock, so I bunged an order in and it arrived this morning. Maybe they've got access to a time-machine... Proper bass pr0n it is too!!!
  23. Holy Thread Revival Batman!!! Missed this first time round, but just caught Paloma Faith's performance from T in the Park on telly. Quickly went from "What the... ?!!!", to "Hmm, who's the cool lass on bass?", to "Hey, this is rather good!!!". Very impressed by the whole performance, all underpinned by some tasteful bass. Definitely not the sort of thing I normally listen to, but this has put a big smile on my face. Isn't music great?
  24. [quote name='TRadford' post='869523' date='Jun 16 2010, 10:26 PM']Just nailed Jimi's Hey Joe and Purple Haze. I say nailed, more like learnt the notes and have them in vaugley the right order with a smattering of feel and groove.[/quote] I'm currently adopting the same approach with "Fool For Your Loving" (Whitesnake). Have to admit I'm struggling with a few of the twiddly bits (timing issues mainly), so have resorted to playing something resembling them down an octave or just pummelling away at the root until inspiration strikes.
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