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Everything posted by ossyrocks

  1. Congrats. The One10 is a rather remarkable little cab. I use one for rehearsal and small gigs too. Rob
  2. You've said that before when I've talked about this project. It's a ground up handwired build, including new transformers. Let's wait until it's finished to judge it. I'm optimistic, and so is Martin. Rob
  3. PMT are really trying to wind me up now! "When is the best day for you for collection next week?" Monday I reply. "Thanks, we have arranged collection of the amp on Tuesday". I won't be in ! I reply. Is it me?
  4. I have a 70's Fender Bassman 50 valve head which is currently being rebuilt and re-imagined by Martin Garton of Gartone Amps. I'm going to pair this with a Barefaced Super Compact. I actually think the cab might be lighter than the head! Rob
  5. Great disappointment today. The RM500 arrived from PMT and it's clearly f**ked. There is a loud and nasty buzz whenever a string is struck, even at lower gain settings where the input is not being driven very hard, and after that it sounds like there's an octave pedal switched on. They also didn't include the bag they said came with it, and it was very very poorly packed, I'm surprised I didn't just empty a pile of parts onto the floor from the very oversized box it arrived in. I have contacted them already for a refund and return. Hey ho. Rob
  6. I actually regret selling one of my One10's. I had two, and they were a great little stack. I sold one when I bought the Two10, but now that has gone too, replaced by a Super Compact. If anyone has a One10 they want to part with, let me know. Rob
  7. I made enquires regarding this Jazz on ebay today. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126177916635 I asked if he had any more pictures, particularly of the pots and pickups, and also asked what it weighed. What I got back was "Hi Rob, sorry this is all the photos I have and will be taking. Thanks anyway." I've asked again about the weight, no reply. Fair enough, I won't buy your bass then! Rob
  8. Thanks for all the input here. I've just snagged a secondhand RM 500 EVO from PMT for £249 on Ebay. I'll hang on to the LM3 too for the time being. Cheers, Rob
  9. When you said that above I went to look at it again and thought, hey you're right, that's a transition logo. I then looked at Andy Baxter's site for comparisons. You would never find that style of logo on an early Strat or Tele, they would be spaghetti. So it seems the basses were different.
  10. Andy Baxter has a '62 body only refinish with a very similar logo, so I think it's probably ok.
  11. It's nice story, I enjoyed reading it. The finish is horrible, what's going on with the finish between the back pickup and the bridge? I do hope his "Best Offer" price is significantly lower too, maybe by about £7k.
  12. I am indeed seriously interested in the new Venture series amps. I have never actually played through an Ampeg, but I have gigged with players using them, and always loved their sound when in the audience. The V3 seems to be readily available to buy, but the V7 is pre-order only. Would the V3 be enough? hmmm
  13. I am a luddite. Up until two years ago I didn't believe an electronic device that didn't contain valves could be called an amp. I try not to use pedals, and prefer to go just straight in. However, I do have to use an octave on one tune in the 9 piece, and for that band, I have an old school Boss BCB30 board with TU2 Tuner, OC3 Octave and LMB3 Compressor. I don't really want to start looking at pedals. What I do need to try is my LM3 into the Barefaced Super Compact. I only picked the cab up a few days ago, so I haven't been able to try that combination out yet. Don't get me wrong, I have really enjoyed the Mark Bass rig, and I do think they sound better than a lot of stuff out there, but that last gig sowed the seed of doubt in my mind. Perhaps using it through the BF cab instead will dispel that doubt. Rob
  14. Ok, looking at these now. There’s two models EVO and EVO-II. What’s the difference, apart from the price I could get one for? I can see a brand new EVO-II for £549, which seems very reasonable.
  15. @Reggaebass and @Lozz196, two votes for the Ashdown RM ! This wasn’t even on my radar. Do you think the Barefaced Super Compact I’ve just got is a good match? Cheers, Rob
  16. Hi all, I don’t have much bass amp experience. I have a Mark Bass LM3 with 2x10, and a TE Elf which usually runs with a BF One10. I’d like to try another amp to run with a BF Super Compact I just picked up. My bass taste is conservative, vintage P and J basses, strung with flats. Musically, I’m in a little instrumental jazz band, a nine piece soul/ska/funk/disco/rock band, and a straight ahead old school blues band. I want vintage thump and warmth. At a recent gig with my MB rig, in a larger than usual venue, I felt it was lacking in the ooomph department. I’ve asked a mate, a member here, who has a lot more experience than I do, and he recommended a Bergantino Forte D, which look rather nice, but are quite expensive. I have also been thinking about an Aguilar Tone Hammer 500. Hit me up with ideas, ta. Rob
  17. My only experience of piccolo bass has been when used as a complimentary instrument to standard bass, like this one:
  18. Dan Whitelock-Jones in Liverpool is also a good option.
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