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Everything posted by ossyrocks

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Just watched it on catch up. Really enjoyed it. Rob
  2. Someone posted this link on a thread a while back when I was asking about MIJ basses. I’m also a fan, my 1987 PB-62 is a splendid thing. https://wgsusa.com/blog/ultimate-word-made-japan-vs-crafted-japan-fender-guitars-mij-better-cij
  3. Do you mean that you put the tape on to keep your finger straight and stop it curling into a fist?
  4. I have also developed this over the last couple of months. It's the knuckle joint of my left hand little finger, where the finger meets my hand. It can be fairly stuck in the mornings and there's a prominent clicky movement to it to open and close my fingers. It tends to wear off through the day until sometimes it's almost gone by evening. It does ache at times though. I have been playing bass for almost two years, having never touched it before. But I do play for about 2 hours a day, and I suspect the bass playing is partially to blame, alongside being 58 now, and having painful joints almost everywhere else! I've been complaining of painful joints ever since my first bout of Covid, and I'm sure that's "done something". I've had all the tests my GP is willing to do regarding arthritis, and nothing is coming up. Anyway, I booked an appointment with the GP last week for this, I'm going in on Wednesday 6th September to see what the GP says about it. At the moment, I'm hoping the steroid injection will do the trick. I'll keep you posted. Rob
  5. I agree with Tony @Reggaebass, that's too much for a '78. Perhaps more justified if it was mint, custom colour and original case. I have a '78/79 P bass too.
  6. Sold for £2608. Quite a chunk of cash for a '74 with the wrong guard and changed pots, but probably about right today. For perspective, that's more money than I paid for my all original '73 Precision from a well known high end dealer...................last year. Rob
  7. The same bass. Are you bidding? Ends today. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-1974-Jazz-Bass/266371200445?pageci=41b94577-1f91-4b84-ac73-82fd12de4b76&redirect=mobile
  8. Ahh, I see now. It's the seller that's delusional and needs an intervention. I only looked at the first few listings (there are many) and got to the Made In Korea Epiphone Korina Flying V for £1399. I had one of those in mint condition a few years ago and sold it for £200.
  9. Look at this ebay auction. Anyone willing to part with £5k on the basis of those photos and that description needs some kind of intervention. This is the epitome of bulls**t marketing to me. There are so many changes on this bass it's hard to know where to start and it's just described as "modernised". https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186035467121?hash=item2b5093f371%3Ag%3A0ZwAAOSwXWJk2r~p&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwNsirSGU7dQLKPfWXlOdBo6sjkRJ%2FGy3syhG9AP3370nPviK34bOdEFuOkr8oFtFD1IsKGtcHSjx7j%2Bu65512JNzKv2Ay%2BowbLOCpcg%2BNv9pKzF1k7Tcnd3aHzovUwXnxSs6S2NOp5Ng0yNSMY1in1UnCT1n6MzjBo7qNso6nf86yaCe8IW6kTzPnDiU1YMl34bA24NpbVMqzCaNUQ1RyQewU3MXt9Q%2BLlIzjSLK41%2BAEmT%2BZx9R7br6Wpq%2FDZiymQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4izsK3BYg&LH_ItemCondition=4
  10. Why do I keep coming back to look at this bass and think about buying it? I already have a '73 almost identical.......I need help.
  11. @Dood I've never been good at cryptic clues! Nice amp though.
  12. Lovely bass. I’m sure it will find a good home and make someone very happy.
  13. I’ve had lots of plexi Marshalls over the years. Based on features - the type of output selector, the position of the filter caps (none on top of the chassis) and what looks like a narrow vent in the cabinet, I would date this to 1967. The transformers look original. The mains transformer is the taller earlier type. If it hasn’t been messed with inside too much I would say you are in possession of what is a quite a valuable amp these days. It’s been some time since I followed values closely, but if it were mine and I was selling, I’d be pitching it around £3k. It could be worth more than that, I would take advice. I do know the right people to ask if needed. Rob
  14. I have bought two basses from them this year. On both occasions communication was good and I was happy with the basses and the very fast shipping.
  15. I used mine again tonight to have a try out with a couple of chaps looking to put a band together. P bass in a gig bag over my right shoulder, amp, cables & wireless in gig bag pocket, Barefaced One10 in left hand. Saunter in to studio with a very light load and setup in 2 minutes. There's a lot to be said about just how easy these amps make life feel. I'll be using it again tomorrow, and I'm going to try pushing the input gain into compression a bit, which I haven't done so far. Rob
  16. I’m growing very fond of Bass Bros, they’re realistically priced. This is a great bass, albeit with some cosmetic issues, that is priced very well. It’s a ‘75 Jazz, all there bar the Badass bridge, decent weight, great looker, for a LOT less than the price of a secondhand Custom Shop. I know which I would be buying.
  17. The Precision never ever got the three bolt / bullet treatment. It remained four bolt and adjustable at the heel.
  18. Bullets and three bolt necks came in in ‘74, but you find both formats in that year. I think by ‘75 most if not all were changed over.
  19. I’ve read it fully now. Pickguard is not original, which is a shame. It could be that it was originally black and that there’s holes underneath for the thumbrest in the later position. It would need inspection. I thin the price is still not unreasonable though.
  20. I really like that, and it's all '73 appointments too (tort guard and tug bar). If I hadn't found my '73 last week, I'd have been all over this one. I think the price is right too, you snooze you lose as they say. Rob
  21. Looks like I’m in a minority here, but I have found that it’s best to never write anything down or have any notes for learning a new band set. I had never believed this would work until I went for a lesson with an internationally renowned jazz guitarist and tutor. We sat down, I got out my instrument, and then a pad and pen, and was told immediately to put the pad away. If I wrote things down then “the paper would become the knowledge”. He said that if I came away with only 10% of what we went through lodged in my head then that would be the best result. Since then, I have just relied on my brain, exclusively, when learning new material. I recently joined a nine piece band being formed from scratch. On our first meeting, we had ten tunes to go over which we’d be given in advance. I was the only one in the room with no notes, but it went fine and I’m still there. Jazz jams are a different thing entirely mind you, if everyone has a lead sheet then at least you all know what’s supposed to be happening. Rob
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