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Everything posted by ambient

  1. [quote name='tedmanzie' timestamp='1386421289' post='2299921'] my friend is after one of these, I'll let him know. [/quote] Thanks . I'm sure you remember me buying it .
  2. A month old, but my Mom just bought me a really nice leather strap, that seems to work better with my basses. In perfect condition, just a month old. £25 posted with the UK.
  3. Short is too long, and the long is ridiculously so.
  4. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1386362107' post='2299407'] Your mixing 3 and 4 note chords. 3 note: I major, II minor, III minor, IV major, V major, VI minor, VII diminished 4 note: I major 7th, minor 7th, minor 7th, IV major 7th, V (dominant) 7, VI minor 7th, VII m7b5 [/quote] That's what I said, see my original post , that's why I said dominant 7 for the V. I wasn't talking about triads.
  5. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1386358596' post='2299350'] i thought the 5th was simply called a major....unless its because the chord includes the 7th as the 3rd of said chord...which it does....i may of answered my own question? Even so its not got a flat 3rd so still a major...isn't it? [/quote] It's got a major 3rd but a flat 7, so it's called a dominant 7 chord. The triad (3 note chord) is major, so that may be where your confusion stems from. Harmonised into chords the major scale produces the following - I major, II minor, III minor, IV major, V dominant 7, VI minor, VII m7b5.
  6. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1386349265' post='2299179'] ....which is basically a minor pentatonic scale with an added flat 5th is used in blues when the usual 1,4,5 tunes use major chords? When i play to a 12 bar blues tune and over the 1,4,5 i use major chord tones and drop a flat 7th to spice things up.... ....unless the use of the blues scale isnt for tunes based on 1,4,5 progression! No doubt an obvious answer to this that i dont know! [/quote] The V isn't major, it's a dominant 7 chord.
  7. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1253648848' post='606084'] But do you think you need Auralex foam? I would have thought that any foam would do; nothing special about Auralex, I think. I'm using offcuts from rubber stable matting one and a half inch thick strips. Works very well. [/quote] No definitely not, once you start buying something with auralex on it then you're paying over the top. I bought some foam isolator pads from digital village for my studio monitors, they were something like £10 for a pair, they come in 2 parts so you can have them angled or flat, kind of like wedges. Anyway I compared them to a genuine pair of auralex and they're identical but without the auralex badge, and they're like £50 cheaper or thereabouts !
  8. I got my bass onboard a BMI flight to Ireland about 4 years ago in a protec, it was my only luggage though, my clothes were in my brother's case. Check with the airline, the MU state that musicians should be allowed to carry instruments on board as long as they fit in the overhead or other luggage holder, sometimes the cabin crew will stow it with their gear. I wouldn't risk either a Protec or a Mono case checked in though, and the Mono is the stronger of the two.
  9. I want to own one someday. You definitely need to try one first though, especially given your list of other basses.
  10. I like 10 a lot, some tracks on the 2nd were great, others not so, same with the 3rd album. Songs like better man Jeremy, even flow, garden, still alive, black, daughter, nothing man, and yellow leadbetter are really brilliant, but I'm not keen on other tracks. They're are great live though, I bought one of the encore series live albums a year or so ago, recorded at Madison square garden, that's a great album.
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1385879733' post='2293078'] I often wonder this, whether it's a bass, amp for effect. If someone puts it up for sale, and you've seen it up several times that year, what's up with it? Is it a lemon? I found the manual to a markbass effect a while back, so thought I'd send it to the chap I'd sold it to, but it turns out it had had at least two new owners since! Using the feedback and for sale forums, I found out that I was one of a chain of at least six BC owners. Perfectly good pedal. [/quote] That's what concerned me about my new bass, but there's nothing wrong with it, and the previous owners have all been long standing members of this site. I guess it's just the way it is with some instruments, they move around until they find the right owner .
  12. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1385857214' post='2293028'] That's amazing that you can trace it back to all it's owners. I salute you sir! The only bass i have that i know the history of is my 1963 Vox Bassmaster which when i bought it a couple of years ago had only had one previous owner! [/quote] I did the same with another bass that I was offered in a trade. I discovered that it too had had quite e few previous owners, it had also been a fretted bass, then a fretless and had then been converted back to fretted, also and more importantly not once had it been sold for anywhere near what I was selling the bass for that the guy wanted to trade off me, you're talking £400 difference !
  13. I read the joe Zawinul one recently, that's very good if you're a fan of weather report.
  14. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1385854052' post='2292992'] Does it have a logbook or some other registration document? How on earth would anyone know how many owners a baas guitar has had? [/quote] I did a search on here in the sale section . Probably not an easy thing to do for the average P bass I guess, but when it's a one off bass it's quite easy. I found one posting on talkbass for what could be the 2nd owner, a guy in France, he later sold it on here.
  15. [quote name='OliverBlackman' timestamp='1385843870' post='2292854'] Its not just 6 strings though. My Overwater which I am also selling has had a few owners, and its mostly been sold for one of two reasons: 1) They had money when they bought it but desperately needed it down the line or 2) They decided not to do the 5 string thing anymore. I'm selling it for the first reason, if I could keep it I would! Ps. Steve Lawson uses Modulus Quantum 6's and he can make them sound REALLY good. [/quote] That's one reason why I bought the modulus, I used to have lessons off him, and fell in live with his bass It's my mayones 6 string that I just bought that's had so many owners, I think my modulus has maybe only had one previous owner.
  16. I just put my D'Addario set on my new 6 string, and love them. They really seem to compliment the bass. They were sticky to start with, but that didn't last long. Tonally they're very different to flats, they have a lit more brightness, and way less thud than flats.
  17. Ron Carter and John Patitucci both brilliant .
  18. While others have so few ? I recently took possession of a rather nice 6 string bass. Can you have too many 6 string basses, I don't think so. Anyway, the bass is 8 years old, and has had at least 6 previous owners, making me the 7th, which seems rather a lot in just 8 years. I'm puzzled as to why, because there is really nothing wrong with the bass, it play great, has a nice low action, the pickups and electronics are amazing, and very uncoloured. She also looks great, so why has she been through so many hands ?
  19. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1385758126' post='2292004'] Quick question for people that use a ramp or play over a pickup raised high - after you pluck the string does your fingers tips follow through into the ramp which is how it stops you digging in? [/quote] No, have a look on YouTube for Gary Willis or Matthew garrison to see what they do.
  20. [quote name='rk7' timestamp='1385629538' post='2290333'] Here's a pic of the Marmite, sorry - Ramp, on the Perception. And yes, it is Ziricote/Walnut, to match the body of the bass. [url="http://i49.tinypic.com/xmn8lg.jpg"]http://i49.tinypic.com/xmn8lg.jpg[/url] RK [/quote] Very nice .
  21. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1385675598' post='2291121'] So is the only purpose for a ramp is to anchor your thumb any where between the PUPs or does it serve another purpose also? I just wondered as ramps seem to be getting more common place now. [/quote] If you watch yourself play, or pretty much anyone, most people tend to play over a pickup. This prevents you digging in too much during faster passages. Having a ramp between the pickups, or over any other area of exposed body enables the same thing. It just smooths out your playing, there's a tendency when not playing over something for the finger tips to get more attack, and accent the notes. Obviously sometimes this is something that you want, so in that case a ramp may get in the way, without modifying your technique anyway If I'm playing jazz for example, I like to play closer to the neck for a warmer sound.
  22. I want to make ramps to fit on a couple of my basses. I was hoping to get my brother to do it for me, but he's really busy, so I'm gonna have a go myself. I bought 2 pieces of ebony from eBay, but they're a little too thick, and I messed up sawing the one to the right size, I have the DIY skills of a frog I was thinking maybe of balsa wood, that's pretty cheap, and I believe quite easy to sand down etc, and I could paint it black. Is there anything else anyone could suggest I use, bearing in mind my total lack of practical skills
  23. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1385557917' post='2289578'] As a new convert to 5 strings can I please add to Bob's questions with one of my own? Do folk generally find a B or a C string most useful? And for what genres of music? (Apologies to Bob if you object to adding this) [/quote] A low B would be of most use to the average bassist. You'd use it for everything really, don't forget that while yes you have the new lower notes, if also shifts the notes that are normally the lowest F, F#, G etc up onto the 6 fret onwards on the B string, so you can play in one position and cover everything from low E up to high E on the 9th fret of the G string easily. That's primarily my main thing, great if you're reading or following charts, you don't need to keep looking away from your music.
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