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Everything posted by spacey

  1. MU is good, but it only covers your share of the liability. So unless everyone is a member, you only have part cover Thats why its free. You can get decent PL for around £65 a year, might be less than band members x MU membership.
  2. At least the bar till, was ringing up the beer sales...
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1413454770' post='2578347'] ah.... the promoter is a 'she'... Yep...your band leader is trying to get into her knickers ... [/quote] There is probably a lot of truth in that !
  4. I have and Do play some Charity stuff, but it is NEVER where a bar is taking money and potting it and expecting me to play for free . I have seen with my own eyes one of the letters sent to landlords about organising "charity nights" and soliciting bands to play, it even had a list of charities that supply free material for the promotion by post and was listed as a "zero cost opportunity" . It had example takings from other nights at pubs of around £3-7K region. I have no doubt the charity involved gets a few quid for just sending some posters out from raffle tickets and donated auction stuff, but the real scope is to make money by selling beer. Hence why they are usually in a[b] pub with a bar.[/b] Not in a church hall selling drinks with a temporary licence and all profits to the charity to raise money to buy a wheel chair for a local kid or something, for those are the kind of things I have no problem giving my time up for.
  5. The one I Bought was a 92/3 somewhere about then brand new in a box for £129, I tried to sell it on here, ended up nearly giving it away, did not realise it had an MDF body in the shop. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197989-squire-japan-precison-1992-silver-series/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197989-squire-japan-precison-1992-silver-series/[/url] Overall it played OK, nothing special . However what I class as a Silver Series said "Silver series" on the headstock, those were earlier basses. The Silver logo basses ran in to the mid japan 90's era. Quality was varied from Solid body basses, to really naff MDF ones that rotted away. Seen a lot of bumping up of theses now, think folk are trying to chase the VJ bass trail. I certainly would not confuse one of these with a VJ squire. Chalk and cheese
  6. I had an MDF that was very light, so only real way is pick guard off and have a dig about Trouble with MDF is it starts to deteriorate and once it goes it goes . They even did a fake wood grain MDF sunburst ! Pick guard off and look. They were £129 basses. They have gained some popularity due to the Squire VJ, but those are in a completely different league and indeed to most Fenders some would say...
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1413376431' post='2577649'] Is that 'most' charities in the country or 'most' of the tiny sample that you have personally observed? [/quote] Yawn.....
  8. Some people have the ability to smell bull***** and know these are just beer selling con tricks. Others, need their faces rubbing in it to smell it and usually more than once. My personal observation is the average directors wage at most charities is around £800 a day 7 days a week. They never run out of money to pay the board members salaries, so they are not very hard up and my meagre contribution of buying my own fuel and putting in a nights graft wont make much difference and if it does, take a few quid out of the bar takings, the never mention the bar takings do they. If they dont learn to smell the bull***** of exploitation from this, you might need a new band. This one is gong to get expensive as the others attempt to learn what the funny smell is.
  9. They also used MDF for a period on these for the body. They were cheap basses designed to regain some of the copy market.
  10. Now, once we were on a very rare support slot at a venue we had to get our faces in. A huge mistake by the dimwhit in charge told us ALL backline is provided do not bring amps or drum kit. When we got there, the opposite was in effect, no backline, just PA. The rest of the main band who had had the correct E-mail sent jumped up and said no trouble use our amps and kit with drummer using his own breakables. The ***** on the bass says no, so I have to drive ten miles back home and back to the gig and just get back in time. My better judgement said just go home, but the rest of the band having had the use of gear disagreed, like they do. Anyway, get back wire up and we play. Main band come one and you guessed it, the bass players Trace elliot does what trace elliots do best. Converts its self in to a smoke machine. Over I walk, here mate, use my rig. Really he says, why would you do that. Because I said, Thats who I am and I refuse to let anyone change me, why should I, I like been me !. He was rather Humbled to say the least.
  11. I once nearly got Lynched in Teignmouth for clapping a band from Bristol that played a Jam track. Someone shouted "I wouldn't play any more like that modern sh*** Hm 1980, now at that time 2012, Modern sh***, FK me where have I walked in to Pub was packed with rather odd looking urdy ghurdy folk blues types from some kind of time warp, some even came in rowing boats to the gig .
  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1412885517' post='2573066'] Is the "£99 junk store bass" sound you're identifying due to the ceramic pickup in the MIM? I know some people like them, but they are one thing the the MIM has in common with your typical cheap copy. There are some great sounding ceramic pickups on the market, but they're probably not the ones designed by bunging steel poles and a ceramic magnet onto an existing design to save on the cost of alnico... [/quote] Amazed how bad it sounded, a £550 bass should not sound like this, neither should you have to start buying pick ups that "work" in a bass badged a Fender. Think this needs some more investigation, a quality issue here. Must admit the last Mex I triedin PMT was very dull and lifeless, the Squire classic put it straight down on sound and quality of finish for half the money. The Mat freeman Squire they had in whooped the £1200 USA in my opinion, no contests, finish was precise, neck pocket was tight, the USA had room for a pick in the neck pocket !
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1412883713' post='2573027'] Agree, have listened to a few of the isolated ones, John Deacons for example and they sound really rough, scratchy, middy, nasally, yet in the mix really present, powerful warm bass tones. Sometimes progress is the polar opposite - imv that is. [/quote] Totally agree, what sounds good on its own, is often pants mixed, the generic mid cut software emulation has knocked the bass guitar out of the mix on many recordings, it could be anything playing, synth, organ, no bass guitar, you need to dig out the vinyl these days to hear good old bass tones . Bass players are partially to blame letting engineers be lazy with the bass, just plug it in the desk and use the software splodginater on it. It is an instrument done, recorded out of the way. The old masters fought their ground for the bass tone, it was identity, recognisable for your sound and style. Today, the knackers are well and truly cut off the bass player before he even enters the studio. It's only the bass...
  14. Engineers in those days new a secret trick to get those classic old bass tones. They shut the amp in a booth, cranked it up and put a Mic in the booth. These days with software based emulators, good bass tones never make it out of the mix. Listening to isolated tracks, they sound terrible, but in the record mix those old mic up recordings just have a magic that you can not create.
  15. The 77-79 P had a clean tone, but then weighed 44 Tonnes . Exaggerated that a bit, but the pick ups had less bass and more upper mid and the choice of woods added sustain. Notice how the Mex sounds like a £99 junk store bass..
  16. I play the much berated Rickenbacker 4003s It goes from nasty twang to boom reggae on one bass with a bit of Rush in the middle. I tried the standard precision again for a gig and I know your feeling,the sound is OK, but thats it all night. However I also have a P J precision, now, that second pick up makes all the difference, both on scoops mids right out, half on gives some finger click to the sound and gives you back that confidence of having some variation to add in. Perhaps look for a PJ set up body, Squire did a beaster in the early 90's, unfortunately it had a jazz neck, but married to a maple P neck and I would dare say you would have a rather nice Precision bass.
  17. Four. As in Indian Four. 4 valves, Its a Four ! Do I win one ? I said it first...
  18. They were stupid heavy in that period, almost to the point a gigs worth leaves you with back ache. Price about right, they did get a bit over inflated last year and are falling back in to line
  19. Prices are on their backside at the moment as skint folk look to off load those keepsakes. This has knocked the market back a fair bit in the dash for cash.
  20. Main issues are, stretched wire ! Poor quality solder and made by people who could not give two monkeys as long as it looks good. Wire is hung up stretched and 50m of wire becomes 60 m of wire, solder is poor quality and never checked for consistency. If a factory can clip of just 2% by stretching things out where it is not seen, that is profit. So far all brands that have manufacturing shipped far East sooner or later end up with QC issues, not aware of anyone bucking the tend.
  21. Great thanx, have an 82 that has hex, but as I want to restore a 78 needed to be 100% which screws.
  22. The Tribute market is becoming ridicules to saturation and only the very established can pull it off these days. You want my opinion ? no didn't think so, so here it is. They have done you a favour, find some new guys and do some more general covers with a few police tracks thrown in. Please yourself for once. Let them carry on alone shoving the elephant up the stairs trying to get yet another tribute act off the floor.
  23. Anyone know what year they changed from flat head screws to hex screws on USA fender precision bridges. Need to create a 78 bridge for a restoration of a 78 p as I can not get one for love and money.
  24. One guy was selling galaxy tab 3 that were £85 new for £99 buy it now and knocking them out by the dozen. People will pay on E-bay.
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