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Everything posted by lownote

  1. Here's a JB40FL lined fretless with EMG active pickup upgrade. The same mod as outlined by Lobster in this video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2h5cZFDkUA. I bought the bass new and for the price (or for a good deal more) it's a peachy little thing, beautifully finished and with hardly a mark. The only downside is it's quite heavy at around 10.6 lbs. The active EMG upgrade gives much more depth to the pickup side of things and a hi-mass bridge donates more quality in that area too. Lovely figuring on the laurel 'board. Fitted with D'Addario Chrome flats. Comes with a (very) basic gig bag. The bass and the pups new are together close to £300, so I'm asking £150 + postage at £25. Obv collection will be cheaper for you. Looking for trades with a decent cheap fretted P bass in good nick - Squier, Yamaha, whatever, perhaps with cash adjustment. If yours is a fretted HB I'd only be interested if the frets have been dressed properly.
  2. Just don't drop it. Mine slid out of its jacket, and afterwards made intermittent wingeing noises. My solution choice was spending more than its worth with that lot in Sheffield, or give it to a bloke in Norwich who charged me £30 to thump it with a length of 3x2 - which worked!
  3. I now have feedback from Beth, a 20 something barmaid at one of our gigs: "If I like the music I don't care how old the band is". So that's that answered.
  4. I am in a gigging 5 piece rock (n roll) band aged 67 to 78. I suspect we all secretly think we're still amazing super-doods, and despite the odd wrinkle, creak and groan we are no less spearheading the revolution than we were 60 years ago, and with music that was and is the mutts if only young people would wake up to it. An alternative view is that we're just relics of our era, no more or less, just as music hall and early ragtime were for us when we were young (it's about the about the same time gap). If you're a younger BCer, maybe in your twenties, how do you view us ageing rockers?
  5. Good on ya for chasing tone. I've only done this in the last few weeks and it's amazing (though I guess hardly surprising) what a difference even a tiny knob tweak can make. And pickup height off the strings. That's something I've never bothered with before but had to get involved with after fitting active EMG pups to a HB JB40FL. Their height is critical. Relief, string height off board, strings... so many factors.
  6. I have placed them with the Stoke place you mention - Sax Shack
  7. Me in my ripened fullness (my avatar is my great grandpa)
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. lownote

    Cab Riser

    So a revisit to my solution, amended. Laptop support (amazon, IKEA), with long lip sawn and sanded down to clear Barefaced logo, four pot risers superglued to underside to clear sticky-out cab handle, Amazon non-slip mat on top to which the head sticks reasonably enough. A strapdown would remove any final doubt whether the head will part company
  10. I said I thought it was ugly because I thought it ugly. Not because I wanted to counter the OP for the sake of it, or because I'm fatuous, or because I'm a troll. Yes, I could have kept quiet, leaving the OP to his opinion which he's welcome to. Beauty is unquantifiable, or qualifiable. But that said I can't quite see the point of posting on a forum where everyone agrees with you or is frightened off giving their opinion if it differs. So now cancel culture is here too. Sad.
  11. What goes around comes around, so wait. OTOH if you sell now you'll have all the fun of chasing down a replacement when the GAS comes back. I'm intrugued at the number of people charmed or irritated by the sound. I can't bear mwah so have my fretless set up for a tone just like a fretted bass. One less thing to annoy me in a world of things that annoy me. I am also a strong believer in playing in between the notes (an extension of the Wooten-Willis strategy)which is only really possible on a fretless.
  12. It would interesting as a comparison to know what the Chinese could sell an identical build for. Only as a rough guide, obv, the Chinese made American designed Conn Selmer Better Sax alto sax compares favourably on all grounds to top Japanese pro saxes worth 3x the £800 asking price. Which would make a Chinese version of this bass around $6k.
  13. Never thought of that. You are clever
  14. Is it me or do his opening notes in the vid sound like Rolf Harris' wobble board?
  15. Pert! But how loud is you band if your rig is barely ticking over? OK it's twice the wattage (on a log scale) but I had a MAG300 feeding two 210s and both gain and volume were screwed to the max and I could barely make myself heard. But then you probably don't play in a band of crazed geriatrics who turn their volumes up until the deaf old bar stewards can 'comfortably hear themselves'...
  16. Is there any way to get rid of the green nag bar at the top? I’m not going to become a guitarist just because it keeps popping up.
  17. I use four pot risers, thick rubber 'coins' that you normally use under plant pots. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Garden-Gecko-Invisible-enhanced-non-slip/dp/B07C9XX79Y/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3SZVDQX6693V&keywords=pot+risers&qid=1651592554&sprefix=pot+risers%2Caps%2C349&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMTdVOExPVFFUU09NJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTM3NDg2MzlFMjIwVkw0RlVFQiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNTg5NTg1MVpaNlI5VlhDMUdEWCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  18. FB Marketplace rather than eBay, but here's an attractive Trace Elliott GP SMX12 and 4x10 CAB. Can't understand why it hasn't gone, esp for £250.
  19. Raise the relief and action so you don't get too much mwah, then just play it as any other bass. I use two, one lined, one unlined, in a blues, rock and rotten roll band. Works fine.
  20. My problem IS on Firefox. It's either Bitmaster or Malwarebytes that is kicking up I think. But what's the point of paying for those guys if you then ignore their warning? Or maybe the interweb too has a problem with Bass Direct lol.
  21. I can't get on their website because my computer policiman keeps warning me that their website has a Trojan. When I report this they say my computer's wrong and their webbo is fine. I'm not about to take the chance.
  22. Now done this and it's good if you like the active Jazz sound, which I do. New the EMGs are about £150 but I got mine off here for half that. It's a solderless kit of parts. Don't have anything to drink beforehand and follow the instructions carefully and you'll be OK. It's a dinky operation. Does it work? I wasn't too impressed with the final result at first. But googling, I discovered the EMGs are very weak so they need to be almost touching the strings (when strings are pressed down at last fret). Then things cheered up a good bit with a good response, especially with both pups full on or the neck dialled back slightly. Still not too impressed with the bridge pup solo'd but I've never had much joy with the bridge solo mode on any jazz I've had.
  23. Just went to String Direct to price new Dunlop flats to replace the Chromes on my JB40FL. £68!!! Squawk! Mrs Lownote and I rarely spend money so much of this talk of inflation has passed us by. But it's a diferrent matter if it's going to affect bass essentials.
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