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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. You will wish you hadnt wben the third bill arrives and the amount is about the same as the first bill because you are eating beans on toast continually to.save money for the minimum payment. Then you willl get fed up and try to sell it at a tragic loss which could take two months. By then you will have no wife and no friends due to uncontrollable flatulence from all the beans youve eaten. Simple. Opt for marriage and ask your wife to buy it.....
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397329065' post='2422925'] I see plenty of Porsche (and other prestige car) drivers on the road who surely can't have passed any sort of driving test. Yet I, in my humble Polo, am the epitome of the careful, safe and considerate road user... [/quote] Still can't forget the spoiled muppet from school with the glitzy golf bag and the metal driver (before I even had a 2 wood) hacking at a ball from the first tee and bouncing it off the rear window of what I think was a 944 with a spectacular hook. He could not even spell golf never mind play golf but had all the gear. Is there a pattern here...? I drive a polo too, carefully. If there's a German car in your rear view mirror which looks like it's in your back seat it's so close, it's likely a BMW.
  3. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1397328172' post='2422918'] I've only been playing for a couple of years now and already I'm sick of GAS! I've just bought a beautiful stingray 4hh with an ash body. Got it for a great price and it sounds f***ing awesome! Yet already I find myself looking at what bass I might get next. [/quote] D o n t. Don't even go there. It's a slippery slope laced with silver tongued vendors who will ply you with various stuff to tantalise. It's a stingray 4HH you've got. You said it yourself, it's awesome......!
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1397317984' post='2422774'] Absolutely, it's their money and if they want to buy basses with it, that is their prerogative and if it makes them happy then I can't see the harm, but imagine how much more fun they could have if they learnt to play a bit? . I'm also sure there are plenty of people out there who are much better than me and would be critical of my own playing and I have no pretensions or illusions in that respect. However, what was shocking about some of these punters was that they really were just like complete novices, despite having pro quality gear, and it has happened on numerous occasions over the years. Who knows, when it comes to bass playing maybe I have got high standards and I don't realize it? Anyhow, I felt pangs of conscience in taking their money rather than telling them to buy a decent Squier and spend the rest on some lessons. Still took the money , though. [/quote] This makes funny and interesting reading. When you say novices how novice do you mean. Is it like the bloke/girl at the golf course with the latest and greatest in gadgets and golf clubs who nearly takes out the rear window of the secretary's Porsche at the first tee funny? If you have ever played golf you know this person. Or is it just that they have too much money and they think expensive basses will make them a better player? Expensive basses maybe look nicer in some eyes because they cost more but if you aren't plucking and fretting right and haven't a clue about even tuning the instrument you are in bother before you start.
  5. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1397305880' post='2422638'] I think if i had the money to buy the instruments i wanted it would initially be great to start collecting them.....but in reality unless you can have 1000's of pounds of basses sitting around doing nothing most of the time then it's great. But if i win the lottery....watch this space lol [/quote] True......either that or become a test pilot for fodera or something you love - if you don't love fodera.....
  6. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1397225520' post='2421992'] I don't have this problem with basses, since I exclusively play peaveys... only strings so it's a bit cheaper [/quote] A five string peavey grind is the bass I owned the longest. Lovely piece of kit. Simple, heavy, solid and bombproof. Looks pretty cool with the mahogany and maple I think it was
  7. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1397218717' post='2421892'] The Yamaha's are lovely! [/quote] The yamaha BB2025 basses are absolutely beautiful but i think they are 19mm spacing and I can't get on with that as well as smaller spacing. The BB1025's aren't too shabby either. Here I go again....
  8. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1397211521' post='2421798'] Materialistic purchase is an [i]addiction[/i]...i.e. there is a definite, short term high following the acquisition of a new "item" (bass). But here's the thing...as with any addiction the high doesn't last and the subsequent "come down" leaves the addict with a desire to [i]recapture the high.[/i] To compound this[i] the law of diminishing returns is at work[/i]...the high [i]weakens [/i]after each hit (purchase)...leaving the addict forever seeking the same high that the original hit provided! A word to the wise...this site is populated by and large by bass purchase addicts. It's almost as if the central, most important core of the activity ....the human being interaction of playing the instrument to make music...is of no importance! Don't believe me? Compare the amount of gear related posts to playing tip inquiries on bass chat.......... [/quote] Hard to disagree with this. I think I'd better find a group and talk about my problem.
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1397201981' post='2421662'] I've spent years trying to find a bass that sounded and played as good as a Wal that I played several years ago... Gave up in the end and ordered one... Should have done that in the first place! Its not going to stop me acquiring more basses though, I like basses and get a lot of pleasure out of trying different ones out. Looking for a good P bass at the moment too, fancy an old Tokai Hardpuncher if the right one comes up. [/quote] I don't want to give the idea I'm fed up with bass as that's not the case at all. I think a large chunk of my discontentment is coming from lack of money. But who isn't struggling, let's be honest.
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1397201363' post='2421657'] That`s it. [/quote] In a nutshell it is. I have come back to where I started. Simplicity and a warm P is hard to beat. 5yrs ago I would not have admitted it, but now I'm agreeing with it now.
  11. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1397174428' post='2421568'] I wish i knew enough about all things bass to specify a personal custom build and be confident that it's exactly what I want in a bass. [/quote] I don't know a lot of tech stuff, don't know a lot about electronics and that stuff. That's for the builder to offer advice with. I know what I don't like and I know what I prefer if given a choice and what I wish I hadn't bought too. I like the P sound and also the MM sound, but ain't that fussed on a jazz setup. I prefer passive basses most of the time because I think the sound is easier for me to work with so I need a passive/active option because I don't want to be caught without active just in case I need it. Deep deep blood red finish on a maple top wood body and clear finish on the maple board and neck. 34" scale and 18mm spacing. I'm goin with this in simple terms in a bid to stop hopping all over the place with instruments. I may fail spectacularly but if it's what makes me happy I can settle.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1397166936' post='2421518'] What if you don't like it? [/quote] hahaha... Id thought of that. But have to try it. Its a new project........
  13. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1397165683' post='2421496'] I don't sell stuff I'll regret selling. [/quote] That's the thing though, always thinking you are buying better gear to find out too late that what you had was actually spot on and the new kit is the emperors new clothes. Then you try to change back and only then do you regret it and this is my point, if I stop it and stick to what I know will I be happier? Probably, and why I'm having a bass built to my own spec. Maybe I'm just an old git . . . . . . Or my eyes are bigger than my pockets are lined with cash and I'm weary with spending all I earn looking for the perfect bass.
  14. After years of choppin n changing and thousands of quid spent and traded. I think I'm finally tired and bored and wana settle on something. The grass sometimes was definitely not greener on the other side with some basses and I have many regrets of ones that got away. And then there's the money that is harder to earn, and doesn't buy as much as it used to; and you near have to give stuff away to sell it quickly now. Anybody else feel fed up with it or am I just getting old?
  15. This is a beauty, love the colour. GLWTS and GLWTB
  16. This will now get more views than every other ad, you do realise that. Pure curiousity.
  17. I would like to own just even one of these beauties that you have someday. What am I doing wrong that I can afford even one of them cuz they are gorgeous. I'd just put them in a stand and look at them all day. GLWTS mrbassman
  18. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1396727803' post='2416896'] It's not only extremely versatile, but it probably does Precision, Jazz and Ray better than most Precisions, Jazzes and Rays do. [/quote] That's not helping my GAS I'm fighting hard not to pull the trigger....
  19. [quote name='Lee-Man' timestamp='1396683234' post='2416314'] Yes please, pm sent [/quote] Replied to .
  20. Here is my darkglass B3k. I was gassing for one of these for ages and now I need something else more than this. It does exactly what it says, sounds encredible. just dont need it right at the minute for what im playing and need the funds. this comes in original box. will post pics later this morning.
  21. Has the dingwall landed Col ?
  22. Black Coffee


    Just taken delivery of a gem of an ACG bass. Well packaged and prompt delivery. A pleasure to deal with. Good luck with the case Merton ;-)
  23. That wood is incredible.... If only it had five strings
  24. Thanks for the info Hadn't noticed the contour difference before. It's quite a difference.
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