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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. The stingray 5 is a majestic powerhouse of a bass and is one of my favourites. I don't own one because I don't need what it does currently but other than feeling slightly heavier than most I've played IMO it is one bass I will be acquiring once I have a spare few hundred quid. Indulge yourself.
  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1398976579' post='2439720'] I've played both. The Vintage nails tubey but isn't what I'd call bright even with the Era knob cranked. The B3K doesn't sound like tubes to me at all, more like scooped, fizzy and metallic. The Vintage has more low end than the B3K; you really need the blend on the B3K to bring it back in, whereas the VMT has plenty of lows even set to 100% wet. Basically, if you like classic tube amp sounds, go Vintage. If you like modern and aggressive, go B3K. Or save for both! If I had to choose one from the two it would be the Vintage (or Vintage Deluxe if funds allowed). [/quote] I was intending to start a topic about this and it appears I don't have to. I owned the b3k and I thought it was as you had said - fizzy and metallic. I was planning to try the b7k thinking the eq would help me sculpt the sound better but maybe not. On reading your post would I be correct in understanding that the vintage will nail tube grit spot on ? And the deluxe will add the cherry on top?
  3. Same issue. Its a pain when seated, just the shape of it. Pity cuz it is nice.
  4. Here is a boss me50b. Brilliant multi effects pedal. It's like new and as I'm only really using the chorus on it it's easier just to reach for my single chorus pedal and go with it. Has original box, instructions. Power supply included too. Postage included in UK only. May trade with cash for darkglass pedal or soundblox OFD modeler.
  5. Ive still never seen an ugly dingwall bass. Health to enjoy it. I loved my ABII but i dont have enuf money to have one as well as all the others I wanted.
  6. I've tried the b3k and I think it's fair to say that it's a great sounding pedal and it has a very distinctive voice. If you are wanting that particular voice then it's the best I've heard for that sound. I was convinced I needed the b7k with the eq and the DI instead and I'm still pondering over it, but a conversation i had with someone has pointed my attention to the vintage as a better sound. Dare I even breathe it here, I was playing my behringer BD121 yesterday just practising at home as I'm nursing an injured limb and it sounds so good, for the simple boost and dirt in the sound I'm looking for. I'm struggling with the behringer tag though as I've heard so much about unreliability. But at £27 I could own ten backups for the price of one b7k........ Intriguing, I'm having a bout of emperors new clothes awareness lately and I'm wondering if this is one of these outfits. By the way before I forget. What's the new announcements about upgrades on darkglass ?
  7. Thanks for all the replies. A real wide spread of opinion. I'm my own worst enemy for trying stuff to see for myself, but I get the feeling this could be an expensive project having read the replies because I won't be content with the bare minimum. Im liking the bass plus lead plus amp and see what happens attitude. I'm loathe to admit it but I think I might enjoy the challenge and won't want to admit I'm better without the distractions of more gear to fiddle with. It could be that all of us could discover we don't need half of what we drag around, obviously other than the instrument and the amp and cable.
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1398098065' post='2430432'] I do find it bizarre really, when I started I thought about 200 trace elliot watts would be all I would ever need. [/quote] When i started a 15watt carlsboro combo was my amp. Prospect of 200watts of trace Elliott and I'd have been frothing at the mouth with excitement. Nowadays we talk 500watt heads like its totally normal. Has something changed?
  9. Maybe this has been done before but after hours of browsing I'm not really swayed either way convincingly and if I talk to a salesman he will tell me I need lots of this and that...... But a simple question. If I start down the road of starting using a rack case for housing all my tuner, amp, power supply and the inevitable other guff which will get included will I regret not just keeping life uncomplicated with a clip on tuner, the same power as everyone else and minimal boxes of effects. Am I wrong to think I would be able to open the rack case, switch on and plug in and play without spending as much time setting up. Any thoughts ?
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  11. Is that the Z3 in your signature thumbnail? I'd love a Z3 but I'm gonna have to wait until kids aren't needing daily handouts. I was just about to pull the trigger on a super j and the funds got rerouted for something else. It's a no brainier really, happy kids or a bass for me. But it's always ahead of me so time will reward the patient.
  12. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1397642023' post='2425890'] Enjoy mate! I have 5 white Spectors now (NS2, NS2A, Euro LX, NS2-JA and Bassman's Wimbish) and to my mind the most beautiful looking and best sounding basses known to man.... [/quote] I'm glad the wimbish is getting the attention it deserves. I loved the look just couldn't get to grips with the shape. Enjoy
  13. Tick tock...... Nothin like havin to wait on a new bass
  14. It was a doug wimbish signature spec with the same white gloss finish. The neck was incredible, only 40mm at the nut. I had two spectors but the body is too small for my liking so moved them both on. No reflection on the finish or the quality of the build, just not for me. The five string coda is a beauty, maybe some day will order a 35" neck on a coda.
  15. This is a great looking bass. The wooden finish is incredible.
  16. I had one of these and they are gorgeous. Body just too small for my liking but sound wise was incredible and the neck was lush. I owned number NB12345
  17. This one. All that is beautiful about Dingwall that I will forever gas for but never own due to being skint.
  18. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1397412044' post='2423697'] It took me 2 solid years earning a decent wage to pay off my student excesses. Honestly, do yourself a solid and chop up the credit card now. [/quote] Can I just reiterate the point on credit cards and instruments in your situation all joking aside. If you have not got the money and you are intending to meet minimum payments kamikaze style, bass buying will lead in all seriousness to the situation I joked about before in a post above about minimum payments being all you can meet and the amount owed not changing months on. Then you will try to sell the bass at a loss to try to clear it and a end up with a shortfall and money owed with nothing to show for it. Credit cards are a nightmare once out of control and are wise for certain situations but unwise for what you are describing. I have tried this with the best intentions in the world and learnt a lesson. What's true is that a bass paid for with cash saved already is 1000% sweeter and totally guilt free and enjoyable. I ain't being a bore with this, I just wanna save you a bit of grief. Cheers
  19. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1397394750' post='2423460'] This ^^ It is far more satisfying to buy kit from funds that you have than on the never-never. Credit cards balances typically attract some of the highest APRs outside of Wonga-land, so you will end up paying massively more for your bass. If you have a student loan, that will be bled from you over many years, but I would say make it a priority to pay off other existing debts. Believe me, it's a great feeling to be debt-free. If you really want the sound of a new bass, stay in one weekend and use the beer money saved to buy a new set of decent strings. [/sensible advice] [/quote] this is worth listening to. Wise words. Credit cards are bad..
  20. Do it in style and buy a victor wooten fodera with all the trimmings. or a dingwall prima artist. That would be a clsssic tale to tell. you could then enable your wife to use it as a gravestone too cuz u wont be able to afford one of those either.
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