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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1327586145' post='1513769'] [size=5][sub]The guy can play !!!!!!! That was tight [/sub] [sub]Jake, Do you know what bass he was playing ?[/sub][/size] [/quote] http://www.laurus.it/en/
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1327536022' post='1513209'] There are two separate issues here. One is that good and bad taste are highly subjective, so there can be no consensus. [b]Second is that many musicians are too insecure so that the music they produce gets blanded out to the point where it's only distinguishable features are the quantifiable elements like technique.[/b] [/quote] Absolute nonsense.
  3. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1327171526' post='1507446'] Great job jake! Thanks for this, looks like a great resource. [/quote] No worries mate, just sharing what i've found [quote name='daz' timestamp='1327254845' post='1508417'] Whats happened to link 19: Level 42 dots ? the URL link has gone sqwuiffy. Have you got [i]Something about you - [/i]dots ? [/quote] Seems to work for me mate, Something about you doesn't seem to be on there. I'm no entirely sure of the legality of that site anyway as it seems to be transcriptions by Stuart Clayton from his books.
  4. I agree exactly with Molan. IIRC, Fodera's prices are what they are from charging a set rate per hour. So the really expensive basses are that much because they take a lot longer to build & the craftsmanship is amazing. I'm sure its been said, but a bass is worth what someones willing to pay for it. The same as anything else. I've got a friend at Uni who is 19 and has a £30000 cello. Its not the best you can get but it's what he's had to pay to get the instrument he needs.
  5. Let me know if the price is too high
  6. I listen to anything that's thrown my way. I'm a big pop & hip hop fan though. I play what ever pays. But do have a funk outfit on the side!
  7. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1327334336' post='1509480']OK not as small and portable but still.. [/quote] To some people thats pretty important. I've got a small head so to buy a pa crossover larger than my amp is counter productive. I'm waiting on my thumpinator to be delivered because its a hand made pedal in the uk. The quality of Max's work is really second to none. Take a look here, http://basschat.co.uk/topic/71973-sfx-builds-in-progress/
  8. Sounds good man, enjoyed it! Heres one i helped do with a mate, http://soundcloud.com/matt-wilmot/shut-her-down-ft-tom-harris It was a vocal stem for an old competition!
  9. I've had a Gaia for almost 3 months now & really love it for what i need. It's exactly as Mike says, great for pads & lead sounds, especially synth bass. But not so great for piano/strings/keys etc... It does have gm midi sounds in it but these are only accessible via an external midi keyboard connected the the Gaia. For live use it's absolutely amazing, every things hands on, you can see what your doing to the sound rather than twisting loads of dials with a small lcd display. When i need piano & string sounds i connect it up to my laptop & use it as a controller with Kontakt. The Gaia Sound Designer software is a worthwhile investment IMO, it may seem a little pricey but it can make programming even easier as well as saving and edit list as your creating a sound so you can see what you've changed & when so you can go back and see the sound you like after you messed it up My keys player has a Juno G & a nord and as good as the stuff sounds on these, the Gaia was perfect for my needs & wants. Any other questions feel free to message me Jake
  10. What other instruments are you playing with? If there's a keys or guitar player, your in an easier situation that if you were in a trio with just a drummer & soloist. If your not comfortable with bein extravagant over the changes, stick to simple walking lines, it's a wedding so I doubt they want you to solo. If you can, get old of Ed Friedlands walking bass book & start at the beginning Also, post your set list up here and we can give some more advice how to approach the separate tunes!
  11. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1327174240' post='1507509'] Take a deep breath and shake that piggy bank hard [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/line-6-stagescape-m20d-smart-digital-mixing-system--93949"]http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/line-6-stagescape-m20d-smart-digital-mixing-system--93949[/url] [/quote] You know what, that's less than I was expecting. I'd say that's pretty reasonable for a digital desk if it delivers. Also, from what I was reading it has multri track recording when connected to a computer do could be quite an investment if it's reliable!
  12. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/155000-individual-songs-bass-scoredots-where-from/page__view__findpost__p__1372620
  13. Dave Marks used to have one on his site but i keep getting a 404 error. Maybe its worth dropping him a line on here or his website.
  14. Ah man, i'm jealous. If Matt Steele's on keys with them, he's an absolute monster player! Enjoy
  15. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1327071236' post='1506046'] Slightly unrelated, but does anyone know if the EBS Classic 1x12 is front or rear ported? [/quote] Front ported.
  16. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1327071799' post='1506055'] Hey fanx 4 this! Just what I need. BTW has anyone got or know where to get the Foo Fighters' [i]Learn to Fly[/i]? [/quote] pm me your email address.
  17. Just wondering what the deal is when uploading PDF files & them being changed to .ipb I'm not sure everyone knows how to amend this after downloading, is there a specific reason for this or can it go back to how it was before? Jake
  18. [quote name='danhkr' timestamp='1327011994' post='1505352'] Thank-you, but I cant seem to open the file. Any ideas? [/quote] Mac or PC? If you rename it from .ipb to .pdf on a mac it opens. I really don't get the new forum attachment thing!
  19. That is dreadful, name & shame. Also, what sort of a teacher is using tab to teach intervals?! There's a massive difference between teaching bass & guitar, i don't understand why guitarists think they have a right to teach both!
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