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Everything posted by JakeBrownBass

  1. Got agree with you Scott, i picked one of these up last year and for they money they are stupidly good!
  2. I wouldn't doubt Nick just yet, he's still posting on Facebook about up & coming features & events for the magazine. It's always going to be difficult starting a new product.
  3. Loving this Dave!! Awesome funky grooves going on!
  4. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1330648567' post='1561113'] Hey Jake, it`s a wedding/functions cash generator! Any numbers you have though will be welcome. [/quote] I'll pass some numbers on this weekend, if i forget, remind me Best solution i've worked with for bands that like to change form of the songs etc is for your drummer to use a Roland SPD-s/x. If your drummer knows how to use it, you can bring in loops/samples/horn parts from the hit of a pad. This is the set up i use in my band at the moment. I've also toured for almost 4 years doing the mono route, L channel click, R channel sampling.
  5. I think your question is more directed at chord charts than the theory behind what notes are in the chord. In the picture below you from left to right, [attachment=101502:Screen Shot 2012-03-02 at 14.24.05.png] C major 7 C minor 7 C dominant 7 C half diminished 7 C fully diminished 7
  6. Is this for an original project or a band that's making money. If it's the latter i know loads of keys players in Manchester that can properly play, but they only play for money generally.
  7. Thinking of modern recognisable easy tunes, how about the intro to 'Forget You'. If you know a lot of tunes maybe wait and see what type of people you get in and then pick a tune you know that they'll appreciate.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1330445316' post='1557594'] Many thanks to everyone who took the time to reply. In the end I decided to go with the Mono bag. I've seen one in person and it appeared to be the lightest of all the semi-rigid bags. Turned up today and from a weight PoV I'm glad I didn't go with one of the others because even this one is already noticeably heavier than my Ritter and this is supposed to be the lightest of this type of gig bag. It doesn't feel quit as comfortable on my back as the Ritter either, but then again it's all brand new and still very stiff. I'll reserve judgement on that until I've used it for a couple of weeks. In every other respect though it seems excellent and there's a lot more storage space than the photos on the Mono web site had me believe. I'll write a more detailed report in a month or so time when I've had a chance to wear it in and found all the things I really like and those that I think aren't so goo. [/quote] Great choice mate. They really are top quality bags. Weights always going to be a compromise for protection but i find once it's on your back you don't really notice it when compared to other bags because of the wide padded straps & chest clip. In terms of it loosening up from new, there isn't much give on it, its made to be a pretty solid case!
  9. C dorian mate. Because dorian starts on chord 2 of the parent key, you can play the dorian scale over a 2 5 1. All about the modes Edit, Give it a go with some thing like iRealB or online backing tracks, every time a 251 comes along, throw the dorian scale over the top of it!
  10. Anything smart/casual depending on the gig with the function band. We just avoid black shirts and red ties. IMO its way over done & i've seen countless bands with this look.
  11. [quote name='MilkyBarKid' timestamp='1330013546' post='1551448'] Great version of this song. It reminded me of my first gig in about 1974 at the age of about 14 with my 55year old dad (I wasn't allowed to go on my own or with friend), it was Beck, Bogart and Appice (sp?) and this was the first song. I'd not really known about this band and had kind of chosen them at random. It was a really bass heavy sound and when the bass cam in i felt as if I was in heaven - I'd heard nothing like it at the time. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xjmpBfk9uo[/media] [/quote] Enjoyed that mate, never heard it before!! Nice story.
  12. Hey guys, working with a band called Black Lights in Manchester, thought some of you might enjoy some of these tunes, no bass on them as of yet but hopefully there'll be some new recordings soon. http://soundcloud.com/blacklightsofficial Jake
  13. The mono's great on your back, big padded straps with a chest strap. I walk 3 miles every week to a rehearsal and never had any issue with discomfort!
  14. [list] [*]Original poster, pm me. [/list]
  15. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' timestamp='1330017295' post='1551539'] To be honest - that's bogus that you're being asked to transcribe this. I've done my share of professional and amateur theatre gigs - probably around 40-50 shows - and not once have I been asked to transcribe the parts. It's the production company's responsibility to get you the parts or else get the MD to transcribe the parts. At the very least the MD should have the piano reduction of the show and should copy you the piano parts which you could then write a passable chart of either the notated left hand parts (adapted when necessary) or a chord chart. Either way you'd be able to chart out a workable arrangement. [/quote] +1 to this.
  16. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1329916143' post='1549591'] I've recently taken my Roscoe LG3500 with me over 2 short haul flights (Manchester to Heathrow,with BMI) and 2 Transatlantic flights (Heathrow to LAX,with Virgin). I turned up with my gigbag slung over my shoulder, and had absolutely no problems at all.On 3 of the flights my Bass went into the overhead locker,and on the other the stewardess asked if I would like to be kept in the first class closet. I've had people question me at the check in desk on previous occasions,but this time there was no hassle whatsoever. [/quote] Out of interest Doddy, what gig bag were using? I've got some flights later this year and i'm unsure as to whether they'll let me take my mono case on board.
  17. I play pretty much the same set in the same bar almost every week (if i'm not busy working elsewhere) and get paid for it. The audience love it, they come back to said bar with their friends because they enjoyed it so much when they were out for a meal there. Of course i can get fed up of playing these dreary 3/4 chord songs but i know full well i'd rather be doing that then working behind the bar or watering at said venue. I've played gigs in pubs full of people sniffing questionable substances in the toilets, trying to shake my hand, talk to me, hug me etc... during playing. I smile and get on with it & get paid. If the punters are happy, i'm happy. At the end of the day thats what i'm there to do. Provide a service of entertainment. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. I think people get to hung up about playing songs they like as appose to songs the general public like.
  18. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1330003749' post='1551191'] so, who has gigged this little set up with a band with a loud ish onstage sound? I mean the head and 2of the classic 12 cabs? [/quote] I gigged on Saturday with the CL112 & CL110. No pa support, large room with a stupidly loud drummer. Was running synth & bass through it. The gain was just below 12 o'clock, master about 10 o'clock. Easily more than enough volume coming from this thing. This was in a 9 piece band with drums, percussion, guitarist, keys player, singer & horn section. I get more astounded by this amp every time i use it, it's incredible!
  19. [quote name='wal4string' timestamp='1329960401' post='1550599'] Nice one Jake. Thanks for this. I am not sure how it can be just me but, transcription page doesn't show properly, I can only presume that if yoy used tables to write the page then they are somehow overlapping. The buttons are sitting ontop of the text. I checked the page with IE and Chrome and they are the same. I can send you a screen snapshot if you want so you can see the problem. [/quote] Please do pm a screenshot! I don't use chrome or IE so didn't know. Are you on a mac or pc? Also, is anyone else experiencing these problems?
  20. [quote name='Hector' timestamp='1329680425' post='1545869'] Lend us a tenner yeah Jake? [/quote] Come on, I'm a musician!!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZBlRkF0-to
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1329900709' post='1549174'] Can someone please explain what is so "awesome" about this band? They are neither dirty or loopy (in any sense of the word) and no all their clips seem to be of them playing covers. I see three musicians with obvious technical ability but apparently no real creative talent. [/quote] The creativity is in the chord changes, syncopation, form, arrangement........the list can go on. Mixed with their technical ability & tightness it takes it to a new level.
  23. [quote name='C88' timestamp='1329692523' post='1546151'] Dude he is friggin AMAZING! [/quote] Must not let guitarist see this!
  24. [quote name='geoffbassist' timestamp='1329657685' post='1545379'] Great stuff Jake. It's really cool that you are doing all this work and putting it out there for everyone. Fantastic resource. [/quote] Cheers Geoff, No point in doing them and keeping them to myself! Share the wealth
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