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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Wondering if this fits the bill? Can't see anything that says centre negative? https://www.switchelectronics.co.uk/products/3a-12vdc-plugtop-power-supply-powerpax-sw4414c
  2. I went on the site recommended in the thread, they don't have one for this model unfortunately. I'm going to have another search tomorrow.
  3. That's what came with it. It's not very good.
  4. I'm tempted to buy a pair of Warman P pups for my Hofner 189 resurrection. If anyone has used their pickups I'd be interested in opinions. Thank you!
  5. The EMG Select pickups sounded fantastic. Loved the sound of the one I had.
  6. Righton straps have a little pick pocket at the butt end of the guitar, it's so handy. They're also damn good straps.
  7. Jack Cassady at a giveaway price.... https://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/left-handed-epiphone-jack-casady-bass/1468243460 *This is not mine! I don't know the seller, etc. And there's no way I'd part with mine for remotely near that price!
  8. Always good to have backups.... Just knocked the price down
  9. Thanks unfortunately this is more than a kettle lead type thing. I would like to buy a UK replacement but not sure how to decipher all the electrical gubbins. I don't expect they make a UK version of this at all, sadly.
  10. Once more asking for your wisdom and advice. I've got a Harley Benton power plant thingy on my board now because I wanted the slimness of it and the number of outputs. Of course it came with a European PSU and a UK wall socket adaptor. I'd like to replace the European PSU for a UK one so I don't have a big and wobbly connection into the mains that my singer or a punter putting down their jacket/ handbag/ drink could knock over. I've photographed the plug...
  11. It's interesting when you look at it... Nikki Sixx is hardly a great bass player but he's written loads of songs for other artists, I think Tommy Lee is underrated as a drummer, I love Mick Mars' feel and tone. But it all seems to be undermined by the "bad-boy" behaviour and image, they seem to be more about that than their music. Having read "the dirt" too it's hard to imagine they'd be fun to hang around with for more than twenty minutes.
  12. It's annoying though trying to find the DHL depots. I went all over three towns to either be told "don't bother, the DHL guy hasn't been seen in ages" or "we have never been a DHL depot"/ "we send DHL stuff but can't do returns..."
  13. Why not contact the venue and ask what they've got? Our guitarist does this everywhere we play because he's fussy, but also cos he's gone to IEMs and wants to know if they can handle that, do they want him to bring an amp? Etc. If you've got a while before the gig I'd do that and then you can discuss anything you need to with the sound guy or girl and everyone is happy.
  14. And bears. Bears eat folk musicians.
  15. Sehr gut!!! I love it, it will be a shame to cover it up.
  16. Yes but it's pot luck. Some places tell us we are too expensive and decline, that's ok we don't want to undervalue ourselves, and others say Yes without hesitation. It's rare that there's much conversation about it though, it seems to be a one-shot thing. We try to charge similar types of establishments the same for the same type of gig... If we supply PA and lights etc we charge more than going to a venue with lights and a sound guy, if we do a function we charge more because we play longer and usually have a much earlier set up and lots of waiting around. Pubs tend to have a set budget and they can either afford us or not, we are trying to move away from playing pubs though.
  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. Arrived in the post recently... A Fender hi-mass bridge and a neck from China. The neck is about 1mm too wide for the pocket, but I've kept the black headstock style of the original, we just have blocks instead of dots now. The nut needs to go because this was a "reverse headstock" right handed neck but that's no bother at all. The cheap plastic nut can go and I'll replace it with something better and left handed. This is going to be a slow build as funds dictate but next is pickups, wiring and scratch plate.... Tuners also required but I'm hoping to find a good set second hand.
  19. Exactly this! While agree some bands are nowhere near what they used to be I just won't pay to go and see them. But they won't miss my £250 out of the millions they're making from everyone else. It just seems like the natural order of things now. Young, exciting new band has to sell cheap tickets, graduates to established band, cashes out with greatest hits tour/ no more tours/ we swore we'd never tour again.... And so it goes on. It's like the Vegas residency but coming to an arena near you.
  20. I had the HX Stomp and.... It does TONS. It can do so much it's mind boggling. But. I was barely using 1% of it and found I had to buy so many additional pedals because the few things it didn't do well happened to be the few things I needed. Plus extra buttons. My view: if you only want a few functions I would buy good quality dedicated pedals that do that, then you can just power it on and tweak some knobs.
  21. Yeah the 40watt Spark is a bit meh for bass but it does the job if you accept it for what it is. You're never going to gig it or record by mic'ing it up so for playing along to MP3s it's doing the job. Far better as a guitar amp.
  22. Black Star BEAM and Positive Grid Spark are great for this. They are multi instrument amps, recording interfaces, have loads of effects, just use as a v good quality Bluetooth speaker too.... They're fantastic as a practice tool.
  23. This is very, very annoying. It makes for a big, chunky and not very sturdy mains connection, perfect for kicking out of place by wandering singers. And although their after care is, IMO, excellent I bought a pedal power pack that turned out it had a dodgy UK adaptor. Took ages to work out what was the broken component because I stupidly wired in the power pack and all my pedals before powering it on to test it. Still, they sent me a new adaptor FOC very quickly.
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