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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. We get sick of "can my mate sing the next song?" etc especially as we have a rather good singer!! At a wedding this summer a lady was very keen to be playing some instrument, eventually the singer, on particularly good form gave her a tambourine and took it back off her mid song. In the break she was drunkenly moaning a bit about it. Over the PA monitors I could just hear a matter of a fact tone: "no, you can't play it in time, you've had your chance" which made me laugh! Also in the summer there's a pub we play where one guy gets hammered and dances along to everything. He also shouts AC DCCCCCCCC! After every song. Without planning at all our guitarist plays the opening few bars of back in black then the three of us all with mics simultaneously "nah we don't know it". His face was a picture. And he never asked again. Always prefer that over telling them to foxtrot Oscar. Haven't had to do that so often fortunately.
  2. Gear4 do sell a lot of damaged stock so I can understand someone repairing and selling on but why, why, why make a 12 string in to a six so badly?? I just doubt get it. But surely nobody buys these? Even the least knowledgeable would compare prices and realise he's having a whole herd of giraffes?
  3. I agree on the 15, 30 and 60 watt versions they look very basic but the 150 was giggable and had potential to be really great. It weighed a stupid amount but it had complex tone shaping and should have had enough oomph. I used mine without PA support in a three piece with a top quality drummer playing through a custom made kit (can't remember the brand but they made Phil Collins drums) and a guitarist playing through a 200w Marshall head. And mine had suffered from previous owners abuse and didn't have the volume it should have. However, I don't know how much of my view is clouded by nostalgia, it was near 20 years ago!
  4. I am still eating all my veg in the hope I reach 6ft. I'm in my mid 30's.
  5. A UPVC double glazed window with a trickle vent that I've only just opened today. Now that I've got all the essentials in the room I don't think I'll have space to have guitars out of cases sadly. Will just need to be neatly in cases in here unless being used. I think I'll be leaving the electro acoustic in the house somewhere if I can.
  6. I see this so often on ebay from loads of different sellers. I just don't get it.
  7. Wouldn't a Tokai or other Japanese copy of good repute be worth more than an Epiphone? So he or she would have been best to keep his suspicions to himself and get a Tokai for the price of an Epiphone then laugh like a supervillain every time he or she plays it??
  8. Interesting for me as I'm bidding on an EA on ebay right now! Off the top of my head with budget no restriction I'd have said go Mark Bass for the punchiness you get, which could help with an EA, but I didn't think about loss of its acoustic qualities. I have a Boss GT10-B pedal board, it's old tech but has good amp sims and lots of ability to tweak so maybe you could go for either the powered PA speaker route or a bass amp that doesn't colour sound too much and have pre sets on a pedal so that you know what you're getting? I have an Ashdown amp that can can have the EQ disengaged and for a while I used to use it just to make stuff louder with the pedal running amp sims that I wanted and I changed this when changing basses or changing feel, so my active jazz went through a "super flat" amp type whereas my passive and more tonally sophisticated jazz would go through other amp sims to bring out its qualities. With the new kit like the Helix stuff km sure someone somewhere has created some very good EA bass patches.
  9. I would. Looks great. Separate vol and tone could be interesting too.
  10. I guess it proves a point I make often which is that you don't have to "mwaaaahhh" every note on a Fretless. Or any of them.
  11. The bassist touring with Hot Chocolate in the 90's. He stepped forward for a bass solo, that was really just a riff where everyone else dropped out, and the theatre shook. That confirmed it for me. Then some lads at school had a three guitar band and no bassist, so that was me.
  12. I recently had the back end of my garage turned in to an office. Waterproof roof, insulated raised floor, insulated ceiling, insulated plasterboard walls, double glazed UPVC window, electric heater. It looks amazing and will be a great office for home working. It also needs to double up as my guitar room. I've got two kids now so eventually the "spare" room isn't going to be spare anymore. So my guitars which are three electric basses and an electro acoustic guitar ideally need to live in this office room, as well as amps and sundries. I want to take very good care of these guitars as well as other stuff in the room so I want to set the heating up to protect the pc monitors etc. from cold and damp. In an ideal world what temperature would that be to hold the room at? For a good enough to do the job what temperature should I set it to not drop below? Will it make a difference if the instruments are stacked up in their cases vs out on stands? Thank you
  13. Within the last few years, it was ok. They do deliver as far as I know. Still, hard for anyone with a high street presence to make money these days, quite sad really.
  14. Not with bass but my guitarist has one and is stunning how much noise he gets from it. Will ask him if he dares try it with a bass and see what happens. Personally, as nifty as they are, I just need a stack of speakers behind me.
  15. Theres a lefty on ebay that can't get to its reserve of 500 at a few times of asking. Criminal. I can't justify it myself no matter how much I know its a snip. Tis a beautiful looking bass, glad it hits the spot for you tone wise too.
  16. Thanks Lozz. Off topic but do you use your ABM head with Root master cabs?
  17. Does anyone remember these amps? I had a Bass State B150, absolute monster, blend valve and solid state circuits to get the desired tone... Except mine had an issue and was low on volume. I don't know if its nostalgia from the old catalogues from the late 90s and early 2000s or if these really were amazing amps. The DBS ranges, 200 watt combos and a 400w head I think seemed amazing, though I could never afford it and was too scared to fire up the one in the music shop. Anyone here have experience? Would you buy one now at the right price or does modern class D and the like blow them out the water? I remember my bass state amp was seriously heavy but in a moment of madness thought what about buying a cheap second hand one and just pulling out the head to use with my lightweight cabs....
  18. I could watch until the vocals started then for my own sanity had to stop so I missed the middle eight and solo.
  19. No doubt for "double thumb" technique. I'll get me coat.
  20. Exactly. And he was selling used ones for 900 quid. When all reviews say that you may want to replace the pickups I think 500 is far more realistic.
  21. He's popped up with some lefties but I don't like his pricing sadly, almost 900 seems too much to me.
  22. I've heard it emulates the natural ageing process, I think it was Marcus Miller talking about the new top end Sires. As the wood ages the moisture comes out giving the "played in, vintage tone" so roasting speeds that up.
  23. Luckily most of my band mates have kids. And they understand the sh!t that we all get from our wives if we go out for our "jolly" when kids are sick. I'm quite lucky that way really.
  24. 5 and a bit years ago I split with my ex and although left with all the bills to pay alone I had more spare cash. Sandberg were about 900 on Thonann. The sunburst P-MM was in my shopping basket so, so many times but I couldn't do it. I played a Sandberg of the same model at LBGS and realised it was phenomenally good. Big regrets. I got some Bartolinis for my j bass instead. Around 2006 with no real responsibility in the world I played a German Warwick double buck in the Bass Centre, 800 quid. I chickened out. 2014 having not bought the Sandberg I was buying my first property. I saw a late 70s P bass in my local music shop. Sunburst body faded almost green. Original pickup and covers. Immaculate maple finger board. 1000 I think. Didn't bond with it in store but could have just been a rubbish amp. Another forum member hss it and loves it.
  25. Every now and then i look on American sites for the lefty version...
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