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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. You got the whole rig for £150????!!!!! Bargain.
  2. If that plays half as good as it looks..!!!! Lovely rescue job.
  3. Well, there has been a lull in activity on this one but a long night unable to sleep and a bit of online shopping and I'm a microstep further along by buying the chrome bits I need. Now, all that's left to procure in terms of parts are the pots and wiring. I will do as much as I can with self assembly, which won't be a lot to be honest: fitting the tuners to the neck, fitting the strap buttons, shielding inside the pickup cavities... That's about it! Because the body has never been used it's not even been drilled out for the bridge so that needs properly measuring, with a original neck that needs some fettling I want to hand this over to a professional. Once it's all pieced together and functional then I'll see how it is, see how I find the pickups and when I'm happy I'll make cardboard templates for the pickguard and send these to gig.ink to get made up. The interesting part will then be looking back at what I've spent and once again comparing it to what I could have bought from Sire! Easily a V3, but if it gets into brand new V7 money then I'm hoping it's a really unique bass in terms of sound and playability, not just looks and back-story.
  4. I don't understand why it's an issue? Unless you arrive at a gig with just enough time to plug in your board before the first note is played? Plug in the effects board, some effects light up and are engaged straight away, some don't, turn off the ones you don't want. For me the ones that don't automatically turn on I have to give a little check to make sure they do so I know that no leads have slipped out in storage or transport. Really failing to see a problem with this whether they're automatically on or off.
  5. Yes you can use the Boss software. Maybe instead of "needs" the external software I should have said it's highly advisable to use that because it's way, way better than the Boss software. It's also free. And I was talking about the GT10-B not the GT1-B.
  6. These are fantastic if you can find one reasonably priced. However, for what you describe I'm not sure it's the right unit. It also needs external software made by some chap on talkbass and hours upon hours of studying if you want to create your own patches for things like synth sounds. There's better tech in a smaller footprint these days.
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  8. Either everyone swaps instruments for a novelty song or nobody does. Simple.
  9. If the cost of respray is too high you could also look at vinyl wrapping, may be cheaper. There's been some threads on it in the past. Just a thought/ option.
  10. I don't understand... You needed to update firmware on the amp and this somehow led you to buying a separate effects pedal?
  11. The Stingray and Godin style ones look fine to me. I'm not keen on the singlecut but they're doing what they do: making a cheaper alternative to what's out there. If I needed a backup to my US Stingray I'd have the Sire on my list to try out at least. I've had a few of their basses but they don't last long in my possession, even though I think very highly of them.
  12. Thanks.... I have done absolutely nothing yet. I got some Sadowsky tuners which look fantastic but I really need to get to a local builder to have the neck and bridge properly fitted. Once that's done everything else should be a doddle.....
  13. That was me in lockdown! Fooling myself that I could buy wrecks on eBay and make them either usable or turn for a profit. I have neither the skill, tools, time or patience to do this. But I am a sucker for an 80s Japanese bass.
  14. My Harley Benton has been gigged twice this year. Once out of preference and once from necessity. Like Kodiak's mine is always out on a stand and ready to play. I need one of these 50's now, you've all persuaded me!
  15. Crazy world of Arthur Brown, Fire. We play very little from before 2000 so this sixties classic isn't even worth mentioning, sadly. But it's one of those songs I heard as a kid on my dad's cassettes in the car that really made an impression.
  16. It was on a stand at the side of the stage, and it was used for the gig. The Harley Benton fretless mentioned in the original post.
  17. Tuning up and the G string on my fender jazz just popped. No spare strings, left them in a different gig bag. Tonight's gig will be on the Harley Benton fretless!!
  18. Through my practice amp running the LMB-3 before the EBS and having everything else in the loop seems to work. Gig tonight, luckily we get tons of set up time so if I get the bass dropping out through my gig rig when I engage the drive and or distortion then I can be aware of it and not rely on those for the gig.
  19. My drummer went to Roland V drums a while back. Long story short, with a LOT of work and patience it can sound and look perfectly like a "proper" kit. The cymbals weren't quite right so he's got the real cymbals back but the electric kit. He spent a lot of time reading through troubleshooting stuff on the Roland forum and making adjustments to cables and stuff. The sound coming from the PA was odd until we got a sub and stuck that central-ish behind us and that made a big difference.
  20. A Remark you made, Weather Report. It's sad, haunting, bass driven. A Tout Le Monde, Megadeth. It's a f'ing great song and I love it. And it's my party. Either that or Cutting Crew, Just Died in Your Arms. Death of a Clown by the Kinks for the ending, ever since the first time I heard it I knew the perfect occasion for it. These are my wishes.
  21. I want to like PJ basses but I think they are prejudiced against me. I'm still not ready for fan frets.
  22. Specifically last ten years? A lot of the bigger songs by Bruno Mars and Last Gaga are from 2000-2010. I know, it feels like they're "new"....
  23. It's just a real ball ache to keep rearranging the pedalboard!!
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