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Everything posted by Damonjames

  1. To save my marriage and keep the neighbours on side, I don't use my big amp at home, but if I get a chance ill try it in Wednesday. The guy I bought the cabs from was running the same setup, and he said the 15 filled out the sound while the 212 gave it its definition if that nakes sense
  2. +1 to playing to the drummer. The trouble is, the stuff I play, most of the drummers I've played with sound like they are building a barn! Earplugs are a must, my right ear would Implode after a night stood next to the crash/snare with out it!
  3. Hey trboy, I have just got my first gk rig after selling my orange terrorbass. It is amazing! I am running a 1001rbii into a 212 and a 115 (both neo cabs). I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them, love the sound, and the portabity. The MB cab use the same drivers I believe, but no horns and the build quality is not as good. For a bit extra you could get neo cabs, so that would be my recommendation, I don't think you would regret the extra investment. Go for it!
  4. I use an ashdown perfect 10 for my practice amp, it has the aux in for your iPod and also a headphone socket so you don't dive everyone mad. I've had no issues with mine, and has survived a move from Australia. I wouldn't say it has the greatest tone, but it certainly does the job.
  5. Great stuff Steve! I hope the singer liked it as much as the punters/venue did! You showed some real diplomacy dealing with this situation, some of us (myself included) may not have taken the comments quite so well, so it is a lesson learned for me too! Don't focus on "not overplaying the bass lines", just know your limits. Let us know when your next gig is on and ill see if I can get out!
  6. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1385720813' post='2291433'] Yeah good luck. This is getting interesting, I've always seen it as my job to knit the band together. I learned to play with a drum machine when I started so timekeeping wasn't an issue but I was shocked when i joined a band to find most singers and guitarists can't play to a drum machine or indeed any steady beat! I try to control the tightness of our songs by defining the first note of a chord change and if i hear someone drifting or making a mistake I'll try to emphasize those notes a little to draw everyone back in, Actually once a song is secure you can pretty much relax and concentrate on performance but I always try to listen to everyone, I always thought this was my job. In practice I mainly concentrate on the singer and the drums. My pet hate is singers who think phrasing is singing out of time. Obviously there is more than one way to be a bassist, so do i have it wrong? [/quote] I think you have it 100% on the money. If you understand the role of the instrument in a band context, it's difficult to NOT do this. We auditioned a new singer this week, and to be honest, I can't really tell you how he sounds. I also tend to drown out the vox and focus on the drums, I shifted my focus to listen a few times through the practice to check his singing out, but the fact that he didn't sound wrong for the rest if it suggests he is probably doing it right!
  7. http://m.flickr.com/#/photos/107141653@N07/11106199654/ There you go!
  8. I'd agree with everything mentioned here before. It's not as simple as watts = volume unfortunately. I'd say you will need 300w head as a rough guide, so check out trace Elliot or gallien krueger, you get a head with atleast this for under £300. Cabs will have to suit your circumstances, trace cabs particularly 4x10's are very cheap as they are not in fashion these days. The gk mbe cabs are great value, so a 212 would do also and much lighter. In a pinch you could also try a trace 410 combo. There is one on fleabay now starting price £300 In the past I have been a bit of a trace snob to be honest, but if I was on a tight budget, it is exactly where I would turn, good sound, great reliability and rock bottom prices
  9. Hey all, just thought I'd put this up because I'm busting with excitement! I finally got my new Gallien Krueger 1001rbii (longest weekend ever waiting for it to be delivered!) to plug my neo 212 and neo 115 cabs I picked up last week. This rig really growls! It is really tight sounding and hits you in the chest, and only had the volume at 9 o'clock. I left the eq reasonably flat, with a mild tweak on the woofer/tweater boost just to bring the upper mods back a bit. Although I have only had a little play with it, am really impressed with the tonal variety this amp offers, and the fact the cabs are an easy lift (bearing in mind my last cab was a 610) and fit in the boot of the mondeo no stress. One VERY happy Gallien Krueger convert!
  10. Great stuff, good luck! Let us know how you go!
  11. Oh, and the Seattle thing will be great if we can get it off the ground, we just spent 3 months in the practice room so the singer to leave us the day after we took our first booking, and took the guitard with him. Just about to audition some new guys tonight so fingers crossed we will be out and about in the new year.
  12. Hi solo, I would love to come and check you guys out tomorrow, but between band stuff and the rugby league World Cup games I've been to, I've left Mrs DJ with the little dj's and the poor lady is going to snap! Drop me a pm next time you are playing and ill see what I can do, good luck and let us know how you get on! Dingus, thanks for the heads up on the emoticons, ill make sure I don't use them for context, sorry for any confusion!
  13. No offence taking Mr Digus (did you notice the 😀) I was just suggesting that like any bass, it is capable off my different sounds, a small tweak here or there may of got our dear friend off the hook with the singer. I am in a Seattle tribute band, and I am changing my tone and vols pots, hand position and right hand finger technique constantly to try and nail the sound of the original. But seriously, how good is Bern?? Come on OP, how was the gig?
  14. To be able to play by ear is an advantage, but I would t agree that playing a 6 string gives you any advantage, no more so than if you had played bass for the same amount of time. The technique and role of a bass is vastly different IMO. As for not ring able to groove unless you a "black"... Groove knows no race, it can't be disputed however that the pioneers of jazz/funk/soul were of African American heritage, but there are plenty of "white" players with decent chops. I'd challenge you to shoot down Jaco's groove because he doesn't have the right skin colour...
  15. I'm not disputing the tonal variety or quality of the instrument in question 😄, all I was trying to suggest is a slight tweak of the onboard eq may remove some of the "clean" sound the singer is referring to. That's the trouble with songs where an instrument is really prominent in te mix like bass in most chic tracks. People know how it sounds on the record and use that as a benchmark. I'd fancy there is NOTHING wrong with the OP's playing at all, he/she sounds far too aware of what they are trying to do to be too far off the mark. The likely culprit is the guitarist not being in time with the rythm section. I hope the rehearsal/gig goes well!
  16. Prime_BASS, on 25 November 2013 - 10:50 AM, said: hook with the drums instead. This. The guitar should be locking in with the rhythm section not the other way around. This. I know we are a little biased, but in my opinion in terms of layers you start with drums, bass goes next locked in with them, and then the guitar locks in with the rythm section. Reading her comments subjectively, it sound as though there are timing issues, without hearing the recording I can't say if they are yours or the guitarists, but nothing that can't be sorted out. It was a great call the simplify the bass lines to try and tighten it up though. An important thing to consider here is your singer has the recording of we are family in mind when she hears you play, in other words you are being compared to Bernard Edwards.... They are some big funky shoes to fill my friend, and as I am learning at the moment with his tunes, learning the notes is only half of nailing the sound! Try eq'ing, try changing to picking/fingering technique, try moving your right hand etc. I'm sure with some tweaking you can get it close enough to appease your singer, cos you will struggle to get it exactly the same.
  17. I recently sold my matamp 610 cab to Jack, with no problems whatsoever. Great communication, paid when he said he would, would have no hesitation in buying or selling to him again. Great bloke!
  18. Hi everyone, I am a real newbie to home recording and have just got myself a nice little boss BR1180 which I am trying to work out how to use. What I would like to do is make some recording of me doing covers that I can use to send to prospective bands etc, and was wondering if I could get some advise on the best way to do it. I would like to record on the boss, then film me using my video camera then try and edit the two together. Having never done any computer based editing before I would appreciate some feedback on the best way to go about it. I wlll be using my mac for this, thought I'd me ruin it as it will no doubt change the software etc Cheers
  19. I have had mine for a week now and LOVE it. Mine is a 5 and I'm struggling to find a replacement guard, especially after being chastised by discreet for wanting a pearl guard!
  20. So I have jumped... I have sold off my old rig and a few bits and pieces and managed to get a GK 1001rb ii head and a neo 212 and 115 cabs. I head listened to your advise on mixing cab sizes and wouldn't have chosen this path however I came across these cabs in near new condition at a very reasonable price not far from where I live. I figure if the mix doesn't work I can always flog the 15 and get another 212. Just waiting on the head to arrive and ill report back!
  21. Bad man! 😄 I have been chasing a 1001 head for weeks and finally buckled and went to GAK yesterday! Good luck with the sale, at this price I can't imagine the whole rig will stick around long, I would have jumped on it!
  22. So it was YOU that bought this! 😀 I was trying to sell my fender to buy this, and I have literally just bought a musicman sub this week! Grrrrrr. Good luck with the sale if this amazing bass mate!
  23. Why can't this be a 1001???? There are NO 1001 versions about at the moment. I did think about getting a 700, I just don't think it will quite do the job. Good luck with this mate, they are still a cracking amp!
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