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Everything posted by Damonjames

  1. My emoticons don't work apparently 😟 (that is me frowning)
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1387390325' post='2311472'] Good for him. He's reportedly worth $130m so why not retire and spend the rest of his life enjoying himself instead of putting up with all that fame nonsense. I would. [/quote] 130 mil ain't what it used to be! I'm sure at the rate this guy burns through cash with his lifestyle and countless beggers and hangers on, I doubt he will stay retired long. Unfortunately.
  3. And I should specify further, yes just the russian ehx pedals. Sorry about that!
  4. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1387376250' post='2311239'] Really? [/quote] Do you not find the sovtek stuff is rather cheaply put together causing reliability issues?
  5. So I'm in a bit of a situation here, I currently have a Black Russian big muff which I love, but as with all russian gear, it is beginning to become unreliable. Being Christmas time, funds are scarce to find a replacement so would love some advice. Should I try and get another Black Russian? Should I get a bass big muff and do the volume mod? Or should I go Brazilian (no fuzz) until the new year and invest in a high quality clone like wren and cuff. WHY ARE FUZZ PEDALS SUCH A FUZZING MINEFIELD?????
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1387193132' post='2309095'] If unknown music was interesting there would be more of us Basschat members checking out our fellows in the [b]Share Your Music[/b] thread in the Recording section, or listening and voting in the monthly [b]Basschat Composition Competitiion[/b]. As it is, hardly anyone does. So all this slagging of X-Factor just looks like ignorant hypocrisy to me. [/quote] I agree with this however if I spent any more time on basschat then I would be in serious trouble with mrs DJ. It would be a great thing to sit and watch on live tv though. A lot of people commented that Joe public wouldn't appreciate or notice a great guitar, bass or drum performance in a band setting. That's must be a shame to live without being able to fully appreciate a bands performance as a whole... Must be like living in black and white! Someone also said "why would we lower ourselves" as if it would be selling out to enter such a contest. I'm in my 30's so the chances of "making it" are growing slimmer by the day. For me, I'd jump at any chance to play music full time for a living. For me "selling out" is putting my ass in a mondeo and driving all over the northwest as a salesman just to pay the bills and put food on the table, instead of doing what really makes me happy. I guess it's all about perspective.
  7. It would be far cheaper to produce, without the additional cost of backup singers, dancing troupe and about a thousand reverb units surely it could be done!
  8. Surely they would be culled early though? I realise that it's probably not a prime time tv slot, but maybe on MTV or kerrang or sky arts where you might get a slightly more interested audience
  9. Surely it would be LESS rubbish than X factor though?
  10. Well played G, you have clearly won this battle. But lets be realistic, the war is far from over! Every time I think I'm done something start up again.... As Long as we play, I think we will always GAS after something, if only we all had the self control to go through what you have to make sure that your current gear CAN'T do what you are looking for. GAS is fun though isn't it?
  11. So ill open myself up to ridicule, and it is probably deserved! But thank to Mrs DJ I have for sucked into X Factor, and I'm sat here watching the final and thinking to myself, why don't they have an X factor for musicians? I mean surely it would e just as entertaining to see drummers, guitards, bassists etc go through the same process? And surely the commercial Viability/return on investment must be higher with a group of people put together who REALLY understand music and more than likely write genuine original songs. Maybe I just live under a rock and it's been done before? I need a talent show so I can quit my day job!
  12. Great pic Tod, I was literally just thinking I need to work on my bass/jump for when I come back in after the breakdown on a song. Now I know what it's supposed to look like! Ill give you a 9/10, you need to work on you "bass face", although that face you've got there might win you a hand or two at the poker table!
  13. Would love to hear a tallica version of violent and funky! Still undecided, would love to go but festivals aren't exactly cheap.... If there were some stadium shows I would defo go see metallica!
  14. Can't believe this has not been snatched up at this price! If I had anything to sell I'd grab it myself! Just couldn't part with my jazz ;-)
  15. Now THAT sounds more like the Orange customer service I've heard about! Thu stand behind their products 100%, congratulations!!!
  16. [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1386532514' post='2301178'] You should. The 1001-II I owned was an absolute beast in terms of sheer output. Kinda miss it, but I love the MBF. [/quote] This, all the way to the bank my friend! I love mine, master volume doesn't go past 9 o'clock... And we are pretty loud!
  17. Can't see any real danger or issues, as long as YOU are aware that this approach carries some risk. Having the extra room on the dial may be tempting at times! Also may be worth reading the thread about the guy who was in a similar situation as you and let another bass player use his rig at a gig..... He now has a blown driver in his cab for the priveledge!
  18. Regardless of how good you become, you will never be better than jaco, Jameson, Clark, flea or whoever it is you see as the pinnacle of bass playing. Well most of us anyway, you ask any of these players if they think they are the greatest and they will tell you who their bass playing heroes are, unless of coarse they are an arrogant k@£b. I actually think 10000 hours is a great benchmark, but not a hard and fast rule. Work hard at your craft, use whatever time you have available to be as productive as possible and always aim high, TRY and be the next Jaco. YOU may never see yourself that way, but as long as you are enjoying it, does it matter? Who knows, someone may see you as their pinnacle of bass playing..
  19. I recently used parcel2go (TNT) to ship a 610 cab to Poland. Had no problems whatsoever, driver turned up on time, and delivered on time, plus could track it online which was comforting. They were reasonably priced too. I'd make sure you have a good quality hard case And wrap that in bubble wrap And cardboard. Make sure you take loads of photos of the item before hand, and as you are wrapping it as evidence in case something goes wrong. I nearly got burned shipping a bass that went missing.
  20. If you want reliability, you may want to look elsewhere as ampeg svt aren't always super reliable. On the other hand, orange generally are robust, I bought mine second hand and gave me no issues at all. I don't mean to be rude or suggest anything, but how hard are you driving your amp? Is it possible you are pushing it too hard? The fact you have had replacements over a number of years minimises the risk of a batch/manufacturing issue. If you like the sound and need more clout, try the 1000 watt version
  21. By the way, I was more trying to endorse the cabs with my post. I love the head, but a big heavy head isn't everyone's deal these days. If you went for a neo 212 and either a mb or mb fusion I think it would rival any of the markbass or genz stuff.
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