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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Now this really is a steal at this price. Had one of these in the 80's and it was the cats pyjamas!
  2. I agree with the weight = tone arguement..but it kills my shoulder all the same. I had a 4 string mk 1 with identical facings back in the day. It sounded incredible - but weighed more than my car This bass looks superb, good luck with the sale.
  3. A word to the wise - after recently selling a Sadowsky Preamp here at BC I attempted to ship my parcel to Spain to a fellow member using the parcel2go company. I would advise anyone here to AVOID this company as they messed me around no end. I booked my parcel uplift with them and payed in full using google wallet - a matter of hours before the booked uplift I find that parcel2go have cancelled it (without telling me) as they asserted I had not payed! My parcel was not uplifted despite me providing proof of payment. After several days of "tooing & froing" I eventually receive a grudgingly made apology and a refund. Beware parcel2go and avoid - I will never use them again. After delving into google reviews of this company it becomes alarmingly obvious that I am not the only person to have had very negative experiences of this company.
  4. I'm surprised this hasnt been snapped up at this price...gorgeous bass. Have a bump on me!
  5. I cannot believe this has not been snapped up!?!? A handmade English Overwater for £600.....insane!
  6. I rate these Laklands very highly...and this is a great example at a very reasonable price! Have a bump on me.
  7. considering that it has not only a Badass but a Hipshot D tuner fitted this is a great buy. Only few mies from me too. Devil, get behind me!!!
  8. Bump! Nobody here has a passive Fender, Lakland or anything else and wants to give it a Sadowsky active EQ for a measley £115????????????? I'm surprised fellow bass chatters!!!!!
  9. Still toying with the offer of a trade for Paulie's Blackbox and one potential buyer is also making tentative enquiries. I'm really surprised nobody hasnt snapped this up. Great piece of kit for not much cash. Humpty bumpty in the meantime!
  10. I have been using the 2x10 version extensively for over two years now and I think it is really great. Like some others here on the forum I sold my old tried and tested Trace Elliot gear and switched to the BG500 combo. Lovely features, great tones...very very loud. Whats not to like? Perhaps a little bit heavy, but not an issue for old schoolers like me who cut their teeth lugging 150 watt amps around in the bad old days that weighed around the same as a family car!
  11. I am going to bump this again...purely because I gigged my new SR1205 last night and have played it all day today - and it really is an amazing bass for the money. Plays better than my old Wal did and quite frankly is a huge amount of bass for this cash!
  12. Hi Paulie, thanks for your response. To be honest I have never heard of the Cobalt Blackbox - but if its good, well made & does what a Sansamp Driver does then I am definitely interested! Can you tell me more about it, value, is it well made etc?
  13. I just sold my Lakland Darryl Jones to enable me to buy the SR1205 - still getting used to it to be honest but I think it will be good. Pity, we could have perhaps traded if I had seen this!
  14. [b]Picture added, ask if you want to see more.[/b] [b]My price includes shipping btw - however I am also very receptive to a trade for a Sansamp BD.[/b]
  15. Pics later today, great condition item. Does very nice things for Passive basses - this could be great for someone here.
  16. I love the thickness of the Zebrano top - very nice indeed. Great looking bass.
  17. [b][size=5]For sale or trade is my excellent condition (even includes original box) Sadowsky outboard preamp/DI box.[/size][/b] [b][size=5]This is the exact same 2 band preamp that is fitted as standard on Roger Sadowskys basses, it compliments passive P or J basses beautifully and saves making any physical modifications to your pride and joy.[/size][/b] [b][size=5]Until recently I used this preamp in conjunction with my Lakland passive basses - and it sounded absolutely sweet! I have recently switched to an Ibanez sr1205 premium which features an onboard Nordstrand preamp so have decided to move this fantastic little box on.[/size][/b] [b][size=5]Price is £115 - however I want a Sansamp Bass driver so will do a trade off for one of those bad boys![/size][/b] [attachment=112474:Sadowsky.png]
  18. I'm old enough to remember a time when Fenders were considered square and boring - now everybody just have to been seen playing a Fender or Fender styled bass! Fashions come and go, if you follow them you will always be changing your instruments (like me lol!).
  19. I dont care what is "in" and never have. I play the bass that feels, sounds and looks right to me in the here and now. Why be a sheep and follow the rest of the flock?
  20. Fancy a trade for a mint Sadowsky outboard preamp...does great things for Fenders, Laklands and almost anything else? Have a bump on me regardless
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