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Everything posted by BigBeefChief

  1. I'd do anything for AC/DC tickets (apart from hang on a phone line to ticket master for an hour!). I'm very jealous.
  2. SOMEONE PLEASE BUY THIS! I don't usually like things, but I can't stop looking at this!
  3. [quote name='steve-soar' post='469179' date='Apr 21 2009, 11:57 PM']Lady GaGa, is what Madonna would always have wanted to be like, articulate, classically trained and sexy as f***.[/quote] What?!!!!! Have you seen her norks? They're like a pair of spaniels ears. And she's got a face like a rabbit.
  4. [quote name='AM1' post='468845' date='Apr 21 2009, 05:48 PM']Skank, am trying to PM you but it says you can't receive.[/quote] Skank's a giver.
  5. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='468774' date='Apr 21 2009, 04:56 PM']Can you hear this? [size=1][i]Your eyes are tired. Very, very tired. You're falling asleep, a deep, deep sleep. Now, think about that lovely Vantage that Skank's selling over in Basses for sale. You'd like to buy it, wouldn't you? Now, I'm going to count to three and when you wake up, you're going to PM him an offer. 1,2,3![/i][/size][/quote] I was tempted by this but your "for sale" thread looks suspiciously like an auction to me, which I believe is frowned upon on this site?
  6. I have a Masters Degree in Hearing and am working towards a Phd in Loud Noises.
  7. I think AM1 should appear on "You Bet".
  8. [quote name='AM1' post='468685' date='Apr 21 2009, 04:00 PM']Still wouldn't share any of my chocolate cake with you though![/quote] You don't get a physique like Skank's by eating chocolate cake, I can tell you.
  9. [quote name='Marcus' post='468063' date='Apr 21 2009, 08:01 AM']Nic Vic & Steve Bass Jam from Namm !![/quote] That's not how I remember 'Namm, but I didn't get drafted 'till '69.
  10. [quote name='The Funk' post='468389' date='Apr 21 2009, 12:45 PM']What's xenophobic about fear of foreigners? [/quote] True. I'm not racist, I just don't trust 'em.
  11. [quote name='The Funk' post='468369' date='Apr 21 2009, 12:38 PM']Aren't Ampegs made in China now?[/quote] Racist.
  12. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='468358' date='Apr 21 2009, 12:33 PM']Then why don't you?[/quote] Ooof!
  13. I've tried everything - different heads with the same cabs, different cabs with the same head, different cabs AND heads, pre-amps, fiddling with the EQ, roundwounds, flatwounds, halfwounds. I even tried switching to a pick. It's no use, I just can't bring my wife to orgasm.
  14. At my rehearsal studios I usually rent a bass amp, and its usually one of 2 trace combos (both with 15" speakers) or a SWR (with a 15") speaker, dunno about the wattage of these (my brain doesn't work like that), although I think they are all over 150w. When I do bring my own amp, I tend to use my 130watt 15" Carlsbro combo, which is pretty much universally laughed at! Without doubt, the Carlsbro is louder, punchier and sounds better than the Trace and SWR. Usually, I'm not a tone freak, but even my band comment how good I sound when going through the Carlsbro. Its got a great vintage thud which really suits our music. I don't know the science behind it, but I know what I like. Just shows you that brand isn't everything.
  15. [quote name='AM1' post='467756' date='Apr 20 2009, 07:15 PM']I guess that makes you a w*nker! [/quote] The biggest on here.
  16. Welcome, You look like a cross between Richard Gere and Liam Neeson. Both recognised Hollywood studs. Good work. Enjoy the forum.
  17. Linda Ronstadt. Bassist - no idea.
  18. [quote name='acidbass' post='465357' date='Apr 17 2009, 06:34 PM']I'm sure the noise that this makes is much nicer though?[/quote] You cannot be serious!
  19. [quote name='casapete' post='465303' date='Apr 17 2009, 05:55 PM']+1 to the above. I live in a Victorian terraced house, and the lad next door used to rehearse with a full acoustic drum kit every night just when my girlfriend just got in from work/early evening. I think his parents thought I would be tolerant knowing I was a pro musician, but as I tried to explain to them it was like coming in from a noisy factory and still hearing it in your home! We could hear every part of his playing, was just like being in the room with him, no kidding! Despite many friendly attempts in person to compromise with them over this, I eventually rang my local council who were very helpful - gave me a basis on which to attempt to get it stopped. After writing a polite letter to the neighbours stating the next step was to involve the council, the drumming ceased. Unfortunately the whole family have since blanked us, which is really sad but thats the outcome. Think the parents bought the lad an electric kit with headphones - pity they had n't shown this consideration sooner really. I try to adopt a 'live and let live' policy regarding noise. Occasional birthday party celebrations/house warmings etc are all part of our lives. Do think though that regularly making neighbours lives a misery however you do it is pretty selfish behaviour, and does cause a lot of trouble. Like the previous post, I also believe we should all be entitled to a peaceful home environment. ( God-hope this does n't sound like the Daily Mail/Express readers posting on here!!!!)[/quote] But the difference is you went round and had a polite word. The OP lives in a detached house, and I've credited him with a degree of common sense regarding the distance his house is from others and the level that they are playing at. A local shop were using an alley leading to my flat to dump their rubbish, so the first thjing I did was have a quick word. To me, its the first step and its easier than phoning the council. As it happens, the polite word didn't work, so I just started posting their litter through their letterbox each night.
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