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Everything posted by peteb

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1357235445' post='1919582'] Fixed [/quote] Brings back memories of supporting a band who had exactly the same backline as that....!!
  2. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1357231464' post='1919503'] Precisely. I've heard that Hamer made great guitars---but I don't think I've [i]ever [/i]seen one in the flesh. Not at a gig, not in a shop, not at a mates' house. [/quote] I have and they were indeed great guitars (never actually played one of their basses thru) I think that they started to go out of fashion along with the other 'super strat' makers when more traditional looking instruments went out of fashion, propelling Fender back to domination of the market! Fender bought them (presumably at a reasonable price) to eliminate a possible competitor and protect their brand!
  3. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1357224473' post='1919343'] As an FOH engineer, Marshall heads and four twelves are the number one enemy.. [/quote] The trouble is that the top guitar players who do the big tours nearly all use all big valve heads and 412s! Probably best to learn how to deal with them if you want to do the bigger gigs......
  4. I often use a LM3 thru a Bergantino HS410 Not that keen on MB cabs myself.....
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1357158282' post='1918446'] Depends on stage size, IMO. Sealed 810 aren't typically boomy so a good choice from that POV. I am sure 810's look the part...as would a row of them, but maybe they only run 1. If you are going to have your own foldback and wedges etc..you might as well have your own stack/rig as you sort out your sound with familiar kit. The monitor man will soon tell you if your running into his mix. I posted another thread about a 3k backline... and can't see anyone actually running that no matter what is on stage. For the venues we do, I always ask what mix I can have prior to the gig and if I can have my own mix, I am still sceptical even if they say 4 , 8 mixes. so I take a small 2x210 rig capable of filling the stage, that way monitors become less of an issue for me and as long as I get everyone else in the mix, I am happy. Depends on the lenght of the soundcheck and how long you get. If I could find a nice 610, I'd use that...but I don't do enough gigs to warrant that I wouldn't approach gigs with just enough theoretical power... I will want more in hand. Funnily enough, I find bass players on the same gig seem to struggle with their combos and small rigs as they have to wind them up so much... it is such a compromise sound. Of course, the FOH handles it outfront but they have such a painful stage sound as far as I can hear... If the monitors can take the load that is ok...but the thing that is giving them the problem with their combo is going to be the thing that will upset the monitors. Basically, some people need too much bass in their sound or they can't play... All a recipe for disaster in a variable room, IMO. I don't think I would want to do 2-300 people with just vox, tbh.... gtr and keys goes thru the P.A for pubs as a minimum. If I did more of these large stage gigs, I would have the stage size and rig type ratio more off pat... Off the top of my head, an 810 would be required to 'fill' a 100m sq stage with full monitoring. If the monitoring was top notch and you had a stage mon mix, maybe you could rethink the fridge idea. ..but by this time the fridge idea has run away with you In an ideal world, you would 'rehearse' your kit or you rely on the hire co to bring you their backline... which brings us back round to the 810 as that is what they use and know well. [/quote] Good post! I was speaking to a mate of mine over the holidays who runs quite a big PA hire company (works with the odd household name, does big installations, etc) and he reckons that the easiest band for a sound engineer to work with is one that has a good onstage sound! I think that the good guys can deal with a bit of bleed (within reason) if the band is happy and the engineer has a good sound as a reference to work with. FWIW – I used to mix different speaker sizes but switched to just using 10s when I realised that the advantages of having all the speakers in phase outweighed the those of mixing the sounds of speakers of different sizes…..
  6. [quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1356692280' post='1912401'] There are more rotten bands around than useless bass players. Most rock bands are unbelievably, stunningly dull and boring...but are completely oblivious to it. [/quote] But see above re. Cliff Williams, Carmine Rojas, etc. Often the bass player's job is to play very simple parts to make the rest of the band sound good!
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1356638024' post='1911960'] You're effectively saying that being addicted to alcohol and being addicted to cocaine are essentially the same thing. [/quote] Are you saying that it isn't??
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356028743' post='1906043'] You see, Lynyrd Skynyrd haven't been a band for a while now, so when talking about them, you should always use past tense. It doesn't work for Lynyrad Skynyrd, because nothing does, although a lot of things [i]worked [/i]for them. Merry [s]christmas[/s] end of the world [/quote] [color=#222222]Sorry to contradict you pal but lynyrd skynyrd do still indeed exist as a band – still putting out records and touring and everything! [/color] [color=#222222][/color] [color=#222222][url="http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/35421699/Last-Of-A-Dyin-Breed/Product.html?searchstring=lynyrd+skynyrd&searchsource=0&searchtype=musicall&urlrefer=search&strefer=musicall&searchfilters=s%7blynyrd+skynyrd%7d%2bc%7b34%7d%2b"][color="#0000ff"]http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/35421699/Last-Of-A-Dyin-Breed/Product.html?searchstring=lynyrd+skynyrd&searchsource=0&searchtype=musicall&urlrefer=search&strefer=musicall&searchfilters=s%7blynyrd+skynyrd%7d%2bc%7b34%7d%2b[/color][/url][/color] [color=#222222]Whether this is actually a good thing is another discussion!![/color]
  9. Some people are being somewhat harsh on the OP here. I read his post as saying that he is playing in a band that is doing quite well, with a couple of guitarists that he rates and who are good friends as well. Along comes a rather charmless individual who isn't as good, but is trying to blag a gig at his mates' expense and won't take no for an answer! I would have just told the guy to f... off ages ago, to be honest......
  10. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1355535391' post='1899803'] Fret clank is your friend Also when you attack the strings, instead of stroking your fingers on the string try to 'play through the string'. Basically hitting your finger across the string as if it's a pick. I get compliments on my attack style quite often using this approach. Bryan Beller is another player who uses this approach to great effect [/quote] Was just gonna say check out the Bryan Beller DVD / youtube / bassplayer.com clips about 'playing through the string'. Something that I've always done when playing rock so pretty cool to find out that BB does it all the time!
  11. Good call - I can appreciate the thinking behind the the New Classified section, but the trouble is that the old 'for sale' sections just work so well.....!
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1355239725' post='1895799'] It's fascinating how a second wave of interest has come along just when the issue was starting to drop off the radar. It suggests that news spreads across the forum in a series of irregular bursts, rather than a smooth flow. Something to think about when it comes to forum comms, etc. And it's good to see that people are expressing similar concerns and views to those which emerged earlier in this thread. Practically a unanimity of opinion, one might say. At this juncture, it might be useful if the admins were to post a quick recapitulation of the revised proposals which were arrived at through robust debate earlier on in the thread. And - re: forum stats - fwiw, here's something[i] very [/i]basic I did a couple of years ago: The general interpretation might be that we are four times more likely to be talking bollocks than we are to be posting in 'Bass Guitar For Sale' threads. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color] [/quote] I would be interested to see Skank's table showing the number of hits rather than actual posts. I'm not sure how advertising revenue for the site is determined but I assume that it is connected with the amount of traffic the site gets rather than the number of members' fascinating posts on what side of the stage you should stand! I would guess that restricting access to the for sale sections would significantly reduce this traffic (but stand to be corrected)!
  13. First impressions are that the new classifieds are not as user friendly as the old I may want to buy and sell a couple of basses next year but there is no way I would pay a subscription! A reasonable charge for a successful sale or a small insertion fee may be acceptable (bearing in mind that the market is very slow at the moment) but certainly not a subcription. Sorry but I think that you would find that most of the traffic you get from people who don't post alot but are interested in buying or selling would take the same view.....
  14. I liked early oasis a lot - some great tunes but not exactly top players....
  15. This topic comes round quite a bit.... Generally stage right so that I can hear / feel the bass drum - a lot of claasic rock bands set up like this (I know that Billy Sheehan usually insists on it) However, these days I'm not as bothered as I used to be!
  16. peteb


    [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1355170749' post='1895024'] Yep me and a mate are going up for the weekend, it seemed good use of my remaining hols-am looking forward to it, see you there maybe. I haven't been to any of these before. [/quote] Nice one! I'm in a band called Rhythm Zoo - I won't be drinking much on Saturday as we're the last band of the night as I understand but hopefully I will be around for a beer on Friday night..........
  17. peteb


    [color=#222222]If anyone is at the Rock n Blues on the Saturday night, I'm playing in what I believe is the last slot of the night (and apparently the only place where you can get a drink after midnight)![/color]
  18. Depends on how you look at it - Beck purely as a guitar player but Page for producing the best music!
  19. About £150 each, going by how much I got when I sold two of them a couple of years ago! Great cabs and a classic of their time, even thru they can't match some modern 4x10s in terms of efficiency......
  20. Nice Ray! I might well be trawling ebay for a stingray soon and one like this (rosewood board, right era, nice colour) would certainly tick all the boxes!
  21. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1353174896' post='1872457'] [arse and gob off mode] IMO As entertainment, a chap with a guitar playing to whole bunch of stuff on tape is as valid as any other entertainment. As music, a chap with a guitar playing to a whole bunch of stuff on tape has questionable validity. Of course, if said chap with guitar is outstanding, then it has more validity. Basically, the more an act is reliant on tape, the less validity it has as music. While this may sound a little snobby - I do think it's our duty as musicians to be at least a little snobbish. [/arse and gob off mode] [/quote] I pretty much agree with this! Let us be honest, a lot of well known & respected touring bands (certainly on the metal scene) will use backing tapes live with additional BVs & keys.....
  22. How abour stocking Xotic basses and and a range of american Laklands? Mesa Boogie & Aguilar amps?
  23. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1352905459' post='1869190'] Hmm .. I hadn't thought of this. I think I'm so used to rehearsing drama and comedy with people of both sexes it didn't really occur to me that the dynamic in the band is somewhat different. I don't think [b]he [/b]thinks he has a problem with it, but maybe there's something subconscious going on? And/or maybe I'm being a bit too tentative ... you know acting too much like a beginner?. He's always telling me to turn the bass [b]up [/b]for example (opposite problem from what a lot of you get, lol). I might be acting like I'm scared to be heard (again subconsciouly). There's also a bit of tension between him and Vox, but I think that's down to the fact that 1) Guitar can be a bit slow on the uptake and 2) Vox can be a cantankerous bugger at times. Drums just watches it all unfold and smiles to himself!! He's probably got the right idea [size=2]Edited to remove erroneous smiley[/size] [/quote] Oh, so it's possible that he doesn't have a problem with you being a girlie, but he's afraid that singer might have a go at him so he gets on your case so he doesn't look like the weakest link?? Quite a common occurance in some bands! If I may offer a tip, never be defensive in a band situation - don't give someone who may be a bit defensive themselves the opportunity to not give you the respect you deserve.....
  24. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1352887364' post='1868743'] it's brilliant how a lesson lifts you and gives you more impetus to go on, isn't it? The other day our guitarist experessed suprise that I was still going fo lessons after more than 18 months. He said 'I would have thought you'd need to go out and do stuff on your own now'. To which I replied 'Well I am, I'm in this band aren't I? But that doesn't mean that there isn't more to learn'. He just didn't get it though. The fact is the more I more I learn, the more I realise I don't know! I intend to keep going for lessons for as long as I can still lift a bass. Or until my teacher takes out a restraining order - whichever is the soonest [/quote] My mate is a drummer who has been playing for well over 20 years, has been in bands with most of the better musicians around here and is generally well respected yet he still has a lesson every week (when he isn’t gigging). I’ve played in several bands with him, always with very experienced (i.e. knocking on a bit) players, and no one ever sees fit to comment on him still taking lessons! I could be wrong, but it occurs to me (from this and other posts) that your guitarist maybe has a bit of a problem playing in a band with a girl!
  25. It's generally a song that you can feel easy enough if the guy behind the kit knows it, but as you say, a drummer's nightmare!
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