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Everything posted by s_u_y_*

  1. I was saying to Andy via PM how I don't think there's anything in the market for portable poweramps. I mean, you have portable preamps in the form of your EBS MicroBass II's and Tech 21 Sanamps, etc. But no portable poweramps. Definately a clear gap in the market.
  2. [quote name='Alien' post='156533' date='Mar 13 2008, 10:01 AM']If you're serious then yes, I could do it. Let me get some definite prices and availability and I'll get back to you. Andy[/quote] Could you have the 4 ohms going into 8 ohms? Maybe two speakon outputs? Thanks dood. That solution sounds great. I would go for it, but the front panel looks like it would dig in my back while in my bag. Also Andy's solution seems more compact. Thanks anyways.
  3. [quote name='Alien' post='156447' date='Mar 13 2008, 01:18 AM']How about [url="http://www.cadaudio.dk/d500asw.htm"]one of these[/url] wrapped up in a metal box. Maybe something like [url="http://www.hammondmfg.com/pdf/1455Q2201.pdf"]this one[/url] in black anodised finish. Add a fused mains inlet and a speakon and you're there. [b] Should be do-able for around £300.[/b] 500Watts in a 9x5x2 inch box with an all-up weight of not much more than 2 pounds. Andy[/quote] Does that mean that you're offering? That sounds like an ideal solution.
  4. Something around 250-500W, something for a small-medium sized gig. Budget wise, anything up to a grand I guess. The overriding factor is the portability.
  5. [quote name='Matty' post='156429' date='Mar 13 2008, 12:19 AM']Im not sure, but if you ever want to sell the Littlemark, id probably buy it back from you...[/quote] Thanks for the offer Matty. I'm really liking the Little Mark, but I'll be sure to get in touch if the situation changes.
  6. I was just wondering if there are any compact lightweight poweramps in the market to go with my compact lightweight preamp?
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  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='156140' date='Mar 12 2008, 04:09 PM']In a word, no. The "lessons" were quite entertaining in a Beavis & Butthead-type way.[/quote] I couldn't put it better myself. I just left it on for entertainment value. Also because the guy doing the bass lessons was left handed, but was playing a right handed bass in standard tuning, and I thought that was pretty cool. Also, I love the adverts for the bass lessons with the teacher doing some very tasteful tapping.
  9. [quote]I made this regular guitar into a legend. This guitar will play anything that puts out a standard rca output signal such as a playstation, vcr, dvd player, and more.[/quote] Genius!
  10. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='154506' date='Mar 10 2008, 01:25 PM']If anyone plans on bringing a 70's Jazz and Precision, I wouldn't mind A/Bing them against the Celinders just for shits and giggles.[/quote] I'll be bringing my '74 Fender Precision unless another 50 or so turn up... lol I'll also be bringing my EBS MicroBass II if anyone is interested.
  11. Ah... the thread has into a reasonable debate. Glad to see that this thread has been rescued in such a way. I do see BBC's sentiments and see where he is coming from. I know musicians who had become so transfixed on technique, their musicality suffered. However, I do think it is important to push where you are in terms of technique. If we use language as a metaphor, raising one's technique could be liken to increasing one's vocabulary. Vocabulary is important in speech-making. But great communicators are made from much more than just the words they use. How the words are put together, how the words are delivered are just as important. At the end of the day, great musicality is what we all strive for. What we do and how we do it should only matter as a way to express that music.
  12. [quote name='BOD2' post='154223' date='Mar 9 2008, 09:58 PM']I hate it when US mags split an article that reaches the end of a page and then they direct you to the rest of the article that's 40 pages away at the end of tha mag.[/quote] Yes! That really grinds my gears too. Especially when there's pages and pages of adverts in the middle.
  13. [quote name='birdy' post='154054' date='Mar 9 2008, 06:00 PM']I have read some absolute bullshit on forums but this thread takes the biscuit.[/quote] +1.
  14. Anyone fancy giving me and a bass a lift from Battersea, South London? I can always travel to a tube or train station near you... and of course, will chuck in some petrol money for your troubles.
  15. s_u_y_* is the moniker of shut_up_you_*** (On Ultimate-Guitar and Warwick.de), has been playing for 6 years, and is the bassist for the Jamie West Band. In January 2007, s_u_y_* spiralled into a terrible and deep GASolism, one from which he did not recover until January 2008. With his year of madness behind him, s_u_y_* is looking forward to more success with the Jamie West Band (last year did a successful Austrian Tour and recently won the UCL Battle of the Bands), along with a few other side projects (with whom he is being paid in food).
  16. After being impressed with their tones when I first listened to Jaco, and digging the emulated tones from my Line 6 XT Live, I got all excited when I heard that Acoustic Control Corp was being ressurected in what seemed like a Trace Elliot manner. [url="http://www.acousticamplification.com/index.cfm"]http://www.acousticamplification.com/index.cfm[/url] Just checked out the website again, and all there seems to be are two practise amps. This better be laziness on the part of the webmaster not being bothered to upload all the amps, or it won't be worth even taking a look!
  17. Ooohhh... I think this is the only one I've ever seen on offer in this country. It is near impossible to get. It would be easier for someone to buy an Overwater bag and then trade for this, rather than fly to the States and get one. Have a free bump on me.
  18. I prefer to be stage left, that way the guitarist doesn't get in the way of my headstock. But I'm always on the side which is more favourable to the singer/guitarist in terms of lighting. After all... the audience need to see him!
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  22. That's why I don't like buying basses brand new. The anticipation of the first ding is a nightmare!
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