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Everything posted by sifi2112

  1. Sounds great but obviously don't expect loads of bass. It stays clean at good volume certainly for bedroom level. I've used it with a tew different bass cabs to good effect. Manual states 8 or16ohms it just doesnt recommend 4" Can get quite loud tho maybe not quite up to gig level. I also use it for guitar but it's too polite for what I want. I have to run an OD / dist pedal. You're welcome to bring your cab & test drive of course. Si
  2. Lovey Traynor Darkhorse 15w/2w tube / valve amp (padded Traynor case incl) bought new last year & still have 2 years warranty (conditions apply) .. 2w mode with guitar cab for home practice & 15w mode used for bass practice (can include a nice 8" bass 40w Eden cab for extra). Amp has never left home or been gigged & is as new .... £220 posted (excluding cab) bank transfer or paypal (buyers cost) pickup / test welcome & will knock some off asking price .. pics to follow but here are some links .. [url="http://traynoramps.com/guitar/horses/product/dh15h/"]http://traynoramps.c.../product/dh15h/[/url] [url="http://www.vintageguitar.com/11067/traynors-darkhorse-dh15h/"]http://www.vintagegu...arkhorse-dh15h/[/url] [url="http://www.guitarworld.com/review-traynor-darkhorse-dh15h-amp"]http://www.guitarwor...horse-dh15h-amp[/url] Si Ps. cab info in post lower down (guitar cab £70 collected)
  3. FS Line6 POD HD bean in great condition (box/manual/psu) I've updated latest firmware/flash verions & put on loads of presets/patches from Line6 forum & this guy [url="http://foobazaar.com/podhd/toneDemo/"]http://foobazaar.com/podhd/toneDemo/[/url] Will post pics if anyone wants .... [url="http://line6.com/podhd/desktop/"]http://line6.com/podhd/desktop/[/url] These normally retail for £249. I'll sell for £190 bank transfer or paypal (buyers cost) pickup .... trades - Microtubes B7K. maybe a good compressor (Aguilar / EBS / MXR) Si
  4. Hi Andy .. I've looked at those Thunderverb heads as well .. I also play some guitar (& putting together a d-tuned baritone low F# 7 string) & was wondering if it might really do both (bass & guitar) well ? Obviously with dedicated cabs. I've read that it's sort of also designed for bass (I have 5 string) .. Have you also looked at Fender 100T or new Ashdom CTM-100 ? Si
  5. Thanks guys .. I've only had a few posts on here but have actually done loads of deals .. just never bothered about the feedback side really
  6. sifi2112

    MB1 Feedback

    Thanks Martin .. likewise trouble free & great communication ! Buy / sell with confidence .....
  7. I've considered the same idea but was advised that PA speakers (in this case just a single) would not have enough umph for bass only as the majority are designed for vocals. A lot of bands are using them for guitar when using Fractal FX and such .. Mackie HD / QSC / Yamaha / RCF / Line6 / FBT but some of these are pretty expensive. I was looking for one that could do both bass and/or guitar .. I have a Line6 for guitar but did fancy using an active cab with just a Darkglass B7K .. no idea if it would work well though lol ...
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. I'll trade for my Markbass Classic 300 head & 610 cab (see my FS thread) .. not that I need another Dingwall lol
  10. Hi all, Got myself a Line6 Pod HD (bean) & plan using it (via usb) with a Mac Mini (which I don't have yet) , however having recently got an Ipad mini (for the Mrs) I'm quite taken with it & am re-thinking how I can best record my bass / guitar. Line6 certainly sounds great thru amp / monitors but how good is the iRig ? I also noticed a new irig hd will soon be out & like the look of amplitude & the ease of ipad touch screen etc but will the cpu be able to handle the processing & will an extrnal hard drive also be a must ? Can anyone give their opinions / views on this please ? I just want to record bass / 2-3 guitar tracks & ezDrummer or similar (maybe bit of synth) probably in garageband but want a decent sound esp for heavy guitar riffs. I noticed GK do an app that might suffice for bass but no idea how good these sound. Don't really need lots of effects/amps etc. cheers Si
  11. PM sent before I saw (on previous page) that you're chasing Post Office ... let me know what they say ... cheers
  12. Good news .. We'll call back the search n rescue st bernard back lol
  13. Hi all .. not sure where to post this but I've been dealing with Wayne aka 'waynepunkdude' but since 14 jan have not heard back from him. I'm not too bothered about the money I transferred (small amount) but more concerned that he's acutally ok ... does anyone know him ? Is he ok ? According to his avatar he's from Faversham Kent .... last correspondence was 10 days ago .... cheers Simon
  14. I've a Traynor Darkhorse head & lovely hand built cab I'd consider trading and I'll be in Cardiff next month. Simon
  15. I just sold my GK700RB-II for perhaps the same reason & am looking at a GK400 paired with a single 8ohm cab now. Might still be too powerful to get it to growl for home practice tho ...
  16. Might be too high tension. Pls PM me your payment details & best price posted .. I might give em a go.
  17. [b]Sold[/b] pending - PJPS SS-4 Speaker Cable (4' Speakon/Speakon) 4 wire (used to bi-amp GK head / cab) but works also as normal 2-wire with most other amps / cabs ... £40 posted. Top quality heavy duty speaker cable .. Synergy were (are?) selling these for £79 ... [url="http://www.philjonesbass.com/pjbdirect/product_info.php?cPath=22_39&products_id=29"]http://www.philjones...&products_id=29[/url] [url="http://synergydistribution.co.uk/Price_Lists_files/PJB%202011:9-3.pdf"]http://synergydistri...%202011:9-3.pdf[/url]
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