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Everything posted by sifi2112

  1. Though heavy it balances just fine .. never had an issue of neck dive etc (do recommend a broad padded strap) ... not keen on shipping this really, for starters I only have a gig bag so not much protection. I could buy a hard case just for this purpose .. buyer would have to arrange/pay for shipping. Would prefer the potential buyer to come try out first to make sure they like the bass .. althought it's really lovely & sounds great the weight might be an issue ... so not a total 'no' on intl.shipping but like I said it would have to possibly be arranged & certainly covered (shipping & insurance) by buyer .... Simon
  2. back up for sale ... sad to see this go but can't be too sentimental ... this beauty needs using (and not as an ornament)
  3. Stained then shellac based sanding sealer then finished with about 4-5 thin coats of Tru-oil which hardens .. have a read of this, http://www.lmii.com/carttwo/truoil.htm
  4. Hi all ... here's an update / price change (4th Nov 12) - [s][b]REDUCED £300[/b][/s] (26/11/12) .. [b]reduced again £250[/b] (08/01/2013) [b]SOLD[/b] This bass has just had it's frets levelled & controls pots wired by Fraser Callum in Leeds .. great work again Fraser thanks ! The action is much better & the controls are as follows .. (knobs/pots taken off my Dingwall ABZ) - volume - selector switch (bridge / br+n series / br+n parallel / br+n series out-of-phase / neck) - tone Sounds great .. just love those Big Singles ! Plays really nice, action not too low or high. Lower horn incurred a slight dent (see pic) & neck also has a couple of very slight ones but hardly noticeable. I was gonna sand them out & then coat with tru-oil. The spalted maple is prone to marks/dents as it's quite soft. The tru-oil has hardened nicely but only offers so much protection. Just bear that in mind if you're the type that 'abuses' your basses. Was also asked whether it suffers from neck dive (being so light). I actually tested both my 4 string jazzes that I've up for sale & they both do suffer from neck dive whist seated, Paulman jazz has a very heavy dense body but also 'dives' seated but not at all with a strap on. Will put some strap locks on this frankenjazz and test it later .. will post what happens. Yes, the price has gone up but you still get a nice bass for your money imho ... still making a loss at this price but this is the sign of the times Any more info or pics just txt me or email ([email protected]) Hi all, Some of you might have seen some of my posts selling pups / neck etc ... well I decided to put all these parts on the original project as I've now finished the body. This was initially a jazz but I've shaped the horns more SG like. Actually had a bit of trouble with this as the body is made up of half mahogany / half spalted maple. The spalted maple was quite 'brittle' to work with & I just couldn't get a perfect curve on the horns but it's not that obvious & doesn't affect. I've stained the body then finished wth quite a few layers of tru-oil & am really pleased how it's turned out. Not sure the pics do it justice but the mahogany look almost 'bronze' really nice & the maple top has some lovely 'blotches'. I've gone for a 'worn' sort of look (including the neck which actually has a stained maple fretboard) see links below on Signature neck / bridge / pups [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/184228-fs-signature-jazz-neck-maple-4-string-withdrawn/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/184415-fs-hipshot-4x-individual-string-bridges-withdrawn/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183734-fs-nordstrand-big-singles-pair-withdrawn/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] I've removed all the pics coz I was exceeding my upload allowance but pics can be provided via email if needed. The bass is pretty light weight, guessing around 7lb mark at the mo but still needs it's 'innards' installing ! I was gonna put just a selector switch in as that's my normal preference but as I now no longer play 4 string I decided to leave it 'blank' so you can do whatever you like .. the cavity is pretty big so even preamps etc could be installed. I have 'earthed' the bridge & pup wires threaded thru (bridge pup marked so you know which is which) & switchcraft jack but that's it ..... action's a bit on the high side & some fret buzz but I'm sure someone who knows what they're doing could probable sort that. [s]Is £270 reasonable[/s] ? I don't know but II haven't even got my money back at that price. This could be made into something really nice, I was gonna upgrade the tuners & get some ferrules to string thru the body but will leave that ... I do have vol/tone 250k pots from my Dingwall if that helps at all & some schaller strap lock [b]type[/b] buttons (& strap lock bit incl.) as well ..... any questions or more pics just let me know ... 07508211932 cheers Simon
  5. Hi all, 10" sealed cab I made for mainly home practice. It's loaded with a Eminence Alpha 10A (rated 150w / 8 Ohm) I got off a fellow BC'er which was new & cost £30. Cab is made out of MDF except for baffle board & back which are 12mm ply. The amp is an Eden Nemesis I took out of my N8 combo & power states 43w on back but is actually pretty loud though don't think you'd get away gigging it. The only issue I have with both is my shoddy 'tolex' job .. hadn't attempted tolexing before & need more practice lol but doesn't affect other than cosmetic. I ran out of the lovely cream tolex I had so had to improvise a bit on the cab (but it's on the base) .. you don't really notice any of this from a few feet away. I know a lot of you like a really nice finish (I do too) hence the price .. £[s]80[/s] for both .. now £70 .. pickup (Bingley) I've exceeded my upload allowance so pics upon request ... thanks Simon [url="http://www.lean-business.co.uk/eshop/eminence-alpha-10-8ohm-10-150-watt-speaker-p-1333.html"]http://www.lean-busi...ker-p-1333.html[/url] [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/amplifiers-effects/nemesis-n8-40w-1x8-bass-combo-amp"]http://www.musicians...-bass-combo-amp[/url] [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/39198"]http://www.harmonyce.../products/39198[/url]
  6. I can certainly empathise ... How about this then .... earlier this year I got 'outsted' out of my band that I'd been in for 10 years. Me & guitar player did band's 1st ever gig together but different singers / drummers have come & gone. All the music was basically co-written between the two of us though some tracks were more his & others more mine (maybe even 90% my idea / arrangement). Some tracks even have 3 different lyrics for 3 different singers but music didn't changed much ,,, the band (not signed) is still going & selling cds but I don't get anything .... not even a mention on FB / twitter that 'I quit due to personal reasons' or some crap .. almost like in Back to the Future .. 'I've been erased from existence' lol ..... Haven't heard from them since march this year .. new bass player was there 4 days after my last rehearsal .. I wont bore you with all the details of perhaps why all this happened but you would be a bit shocked ..... but here's the punch line ... this guitar player I starting gigging / writing with 10 years ago .. well guess what ...he's my brother !
  7. thanks for the replys guys .. will certainly have a look at what you've said .. does anyone on here use the Line6 POD HD ? I;m assuming it can use that instead of buying an interface .. wanna record guitar & bass "
  8. Been looking at some pc's instead of mac ... just too many out there
  9. thanks for the offer but sort of decided on the Line6 pod hd .. wouldn't mind a decent boost pedal tho (for guitar)
  10. One part at a time ... budget prob up to a grand but nothing has to be new.
  11. Hi all, Looking to get a little home recording setup but don't have a large budget .. want to be able to really just put bass, (heavy) guitar (maybe 2 -3 tracks) & drums (prob using ez drummer or similar) .. I don't have a 'big' valve amp (do have a 2-15w head & 8" cab & Shure SM57) I was thinking about getting a Wampler or Amptweaker type pedal to get the heavy sound through this small rig but now I'm thinking of recording via the Line6 POD HD (desktop) to get the heavy guitar sound (plus clean & some nice effects) & also using it as an interface for bass as well. Correct me if I'm wrong but using the Line6 means I don't have to get a separate interface ? It does also gives me the option to 'mic' the cab (though if I do get one I wont be able get the pedal as well & without the pedal I can't get the distorted sound out of the cab so no need to 'mic' ..for now ... ) btw can't afford / justify either the Fractal or Kemper as much as I'd like. Will also need a pc coz mine died on me but do have a monitor etc. Apparently the POD handles some of the processing power but am guessing latency will be addressed by the computer's soundcard ? Will a mini mac suffice (even older model ?) .. I've seen these in home studios on youtube .. I fancy a change from usual pc (sick of them crashing / freezing etc). Will I need proper (lower end) studio monitors (like KRK's or something) or can I get away with a 'multimedia' set perhaps ? For example is this Samson Studio GT any good ? ... remember I just want to get some basic though reasonable quality recordings done ... I do have a decent if not small (headphone) amp (Temple Audio Bantam XC2) to power 'passive' monitors & would ideally like to use them for music playback/listening .. hence the 'multimedia' question. I realize this might be a compromise ... has anyone done similar ? I also have some sennheiser hd201 headphones ... I know they're not the best but would I be better getting some better ones for the recording/mixing process & not spend as much on the studio/multimedia monitors ? Before anyone suggests it ... I do have a Korg SOS to get basic recordings but want to upgrade Any advise / opinions are more than welcome .... thanks Simon ps. got a few item for sale or possible trade btw
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